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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Now read the second part of the interview and answer the questions.

1. What four questions do interviewers usually ask candidates?

2. What examples does the HR-manager give of candidate's likes and dislikes?


Are there any questions that you regularly use when interviewing candidates?

Yes, there are and it's almost a ritual with me. Following the CV tells you about the person and their qualifications. What you also want to know is their personality. So the key question I ask – what do they like most and what do they like least about their present job? They might say that they like travelling and they like meeting new people. These are standard answers. I think more interestingly perhaps are what they don't like about the company. They might not like working weekends at their current company. You might have the same problems with yours, working weekends might be something essential for the job. Also, ask them what their weaknesses are. They're usually, generally I would say, quite honest when they're giving their weaknesses. And ask them what their strengths are. It gives you an in-depth, if you like, feeling about their personality rather than just the straightforward qualifications that they have on their CV. Do they fit in? That's what you're really looking for.


6. At an interview it is important to 'sell' yourself to the company. Read what each candidate says to 'sell' him / herself.

1. Well, I enjoy working with people as part of a team. I think the beast results come from working together. I've found that's true in all the projects I've worked on.

2. I applied for the job because I think I've got a lot to offer. I'm competitive and I like to win. I know a few people think I'm difficult to work with. Maybe that's true, but I get results, that's the main thing.

3. I've got a lot of experience, and I've always been successful wherever I've worked, especially during the past year. I think I could lead a team well, I'm the head of our local business club, and I like organising people and telling them what to do. I'm a very fast learner. I'd enjoy going on a training course to help me do the job better.

4. I think I have the ability and experience to do this job. I'm a 'safe pair of hands', as they say. People respect me because I have good judgement.

5. I like doing lots of different things and I find time for them all because I am just very active. I try to organise my studies and my other interests so I can do as many things as possible. I think it's good to meet lots of different people and have lots of different experience.

6. I want to work in this area because I think marketing's a really interesting area. I've enjoyed doing my marketing course and it's convinced me that this is the right area.


7. Use the ideas below to describe yourself during the interview. What else can you add to the list?

I’d like to apply for the position of …

I’ve got a degree in ….

I have … years experience working as….

I know how to operate the computer…./ I am computer literate…

I am cooperative and dependable…/ I have some leadership skills……

I think I am punctual, accurate…….

I think I have enough experience to do the job.

They gave me very good references when I left my last job.

I’ve got very good references.

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