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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Experiment with different types of graphs and select the most appropriate.

A good graph

accurately shows the facts

grabs the reader's attention

complements or demonstrates arguments presented in the text

has a title and labels

is simple and uncluttered

shows data without altering the message of the data

clearly shows any trends or differences in the data

is visually accurate (i.e., if one chart value is 15 and another 30, then 30 should appear to be twice the size of 15).

Why use graphs when presenting data?


are quick and direct

highlight the most important facts

facilitate understanding of the data

can convince readers

can be easily remembered


Is it always appropriate to use a graph?

You might want to reconsider the use of a graph when

the data are very dispersed

there are too few data (one, two or three data points)

the data are very numerous

the data show little or no variations


Consider the following instructions and their appropriate terms when labelling the graph or describing features of it in an accompanying text:


Determine the nature of the message  
If your graph will... Use the following terms...
describe components share of, percent of the, smallest, the majority of
compare items ranking, larger than, smaller than, equal to
establish a time series change, rise, growth, increase, decrease, decline, fluctuation
determine a frequency range, concentration, most of, distribution of x and y by age
analyse relationships in data increase with, decrease with, vary with, despite, correspond to, relate to
do any combination of the above actions e.g., 'percentage of dropouts among the 15 to 24 age group has increased because of....'


Experiment with different types of graphs and select the most appropriate.

1. pie chart (description of components)

2. horizontal bar graph (comparison of items and relationships, time series)

3. vertical bar graph (comparison of items and relationships, time series, frequency distribution)

4. line graph (time series and frequency distribution)

5. scatterplot (analysis of relationships)


Useful Expressions for Describing Graphs

Going up

· A little

nouns verbs
An increase увеличение A rise подъем A growth рост An improvement улучшение   An upturn An upward trend тенденция к повышению To increase To rise To grow To improve To go up  

· A lot

A surge подъем, рост, волна An upsurge A jump A leap скачок To surge   To jump To leap To take off взлетать To shoot up To soar воспарить To rocket взлетать


Going down

· A little

A decrease A fall A drop A decline A downturn спад     A downward trend тенденция к понижению To decrease To fall (off) To drop To decline   To go down To slip соскальзывать

· A lot

  A plunge крутой спуск, погружение A slump резкое и внезапное падение A crash обвал A tumble падение   To plummet быстро и отвесно падать To plunge To slump To crash To tumble To sink тонуть



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