ТОР 5 статей: Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы КАТЕГОРИИ:
The initial motivation and precognitions.
I presume, that today, each of us, at least involuntarily, time by time thinks about the problems, growing on all the areas of the life of mankind. The so-called “worldwide financial crysis”, which began several years ago and and since then not declining, is only one of the most obvious manifestations, which affects the material welfare which is the first thing attracting attention to itself nowadays. Wars, local conflicts and terrorism, humanitarian disasters gain strenghth around the world, accompanied by personal degradation of most people – the disasters, summoned by, only in part: the fall education level; a lieful, primitive and polluted information space; the prevalence of the consumer psychology and cynicism, which has lead us to what is called “the decline of moral foundations” recession in economics and extensive way of technology development, based upon endless production and consumery of quickly weared products, made at the expense of non-renewable natural resources, such as oil, natural gas, wood, coal, ore of al kinds and other; the pollution of the planet's Biosphere, accumulation of industrial and consumer wastes; number and heaviness groth of technogenic catastrophes, accompanied by victims and emissions; the lowering of the physical health due to abundance of unhealthy lifestyle, preponderance of chemical nutritional supplements and doubtful medications, in prevalence of commercial medicine; increase in crime rate, mental problems, stresses and internal discomfort at most of people — all these, and many other factors, interacting and strengthening each other, lead the mankind to a degradation, and the human civilization as whole — to decline and subsequent collapse, if the available situation is not changed. All this is a system crisis of a human civilization. In order to analyse it, and to find the ways of its resolution, as a start, one need to cease involuntary register its partial aspects – the problems, which we face from time to time directly, and pass to a conscious thinking. And that is what the awakening of The Reason is required.
Let me dwell upon it. A reasonable being, to make any actions, needs conscious motivation. In it is one of the main differences of human from animals acting according to instincts and conditioned reflexes, applying reactive thinking. Nevertheless, a human most often too acts today in the same way. The cause of it — lack of conditions for awakening and support of The Reason which aren't provided, and even oppositely — suppressed by today's civilization, as has led it to the present system crisis and will lead to the future collapse.
Many philosophers in the history of mankind proclaimed that Human is a reasonable being, and it qualitatively distinguishes him from animals. But never earlier, anywhere, the author had met an objective and exact definition what is The Reason; nevertheless, the formulation can be met repeatedly: "Cogito, of Ergo Sum" — "I think, therefore I exist". It gives us a starting point for understanding the essence of The Reason. So, The Reason is ability for a contionuous realizing by someone of their own existence, as well as existence of an outer real (e.g. cognizable) World, as well as existence of similar individuals, as a part of this surrounding reality, оwn motivations, purposes, means, actions, possible options and results in succession of events. For continuous support of truly Reasonable thinking, an extensive knowledge base about the cognizable reality is required (that is, in part, why the education level is so important for a human being), also required is a trained ability of abstraction and association, primarily – the verbal one, (e.g. language knowledge and word definitions), then mathematical one. Often, the primary self-awareness of most of today's people meets obstacles in the form of insufficiency of knowledge for the abstract analysis of observable therefore formation of a true reasonable thinking doesn't happen.
Nowadays, more oftenly we can see some reasoning about conscioness, and attempts of analysis of this phenomenon. These attempts are usually very indistinct and lead us to a jungle of unsystematic reasonings that isn't surprising: the system analysis of something, in particular — relating to oneself, is impossible without objective perception which is provided only by The Reason. As rather distinct definition of consciousness, it's possible to remember Marx: "consciousness is a reflection of the world around". Reflection, however, is only the pale antisymmetric copy of reality what follows from the fact that the consciousness which is a reflection is passive relatively to the world around, or, in case of animals and people with a similar way of thinking — only reacts to information perceiving from outside, being guided by instincts and conditioned reflexes; it is a reactive way of thinking.
The Reason forms a self-sufficient, active, creative thinking, capable to form surrounding reality, acting at own will and decision. In the general definition, consciousness is a cogitative structure, providing interaction of a being with the reality surrounding him. Consciousness of a reasonable being differs, actually, by existence of The Reason, also.
So, The Reason is the greatest and the only primary treasure, obtainable by a Human being; it needs to be nitially awakened, once the Human being is supplied with the required knowledge and skills to operate their mind gift; and, once it is awaken, it must be supported and developed, never letting self to fail for a minute, to blackout into duskiness and instinctivness. There must be a kind of training: to control own thoughts, analyse and Reasonably lead your actions all the time; analyse the Perception, recall your own existence and your moves, which can, time by time, to go counter to the instinct; however, these shall be the actions of a full-fledged Reasonable being. It is also necesarry to refuel the Knowledge, to have available all exact and reasonable, but not instinctive answers to the questions arising in the course of reasonable thinking. Over time, the lack of urgent knowledge will cease to exist, the few unresolved questions will remain outside criterion of vital importance (whether there is life on Mars?), and the need of tracking and control of the consciousness clarity (The Reason leadership) will almost disappear as it will become habitual.
The One who Obtained The Reason, doesn't experience any wish of competition or fight to the similar beings; in case of necessity to fight for survival they should perform it trying not to harm the similar ones, but to help; at case when some of his similar kind haven't yet obtained The Reason, being capable for it, but existing on instincts and is trying to competite the Reasonable ones, they should also try not to harm such ones and not to support the animal style competition, but try to wake The Reason up for them, also. The exception can only make a situation, when advantage in the available conditions is necessary for the purpose of a strategic development of qualitatively new human civilization. The One who Obtained The Reason, seeks for Creativity, Knowledge and Enjoynment, which are the integral components of continuous self-realization, also called “happiness”, in the life of The Reasonable, and also seeks to help the similar ones as the word Human started with a capital letter not just glorifies the status of the human being, but also means all human race in general: a single being — is only a projection, reflection of this whole. Thus, instead of the dense mass of the biped insects who are pottering about and oppressing each other where as more their number, as stronger everyone is humiliated and constrained, glorification of each human separately that everyone has towered to the Human in the highest sense is necessary; perhaps, to what some call God, or other –- “Uber-mensch” (Fr.Nietzsche) Не нашли, что искали? Воспользуйтесь поиском: