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Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы



Typescript only, ND

see - OH MUMMY


Note: There are two Aleister Crowley poems in a letter from Gerald Yorke to the bookdealer Harold Mortlake. The first is very short and titled "Oh Mummy." The second poem is called "A Good Time Coming" and it begins "The Bishop is boiling the baby with hashish." Yorke notes that these were unknown to him, and they appear to be unpublished.



A division of Krishna Press Publishers,

P.O.Box 459, Bowling Green, New York, NY 10004


Note: All Gordon Press editions are the same size, six and a half inches by nine and a quarter, with two different binding materials, red or scarlet cloth and maroon leatherette (Rexine). All have gold letters on front as well as spines of all vols. Only MTP is found in both bindings. We have decided to list all of this publisher's books here as well as listing each independently throughout this Desk Reference. What is listed below is found in the 1977-78 Author Listing of Books in Print.


Ahab and Other Poems (1973), The Argonauts (1973), Book Four (1973), The Book of Lies (1973), Clouds Without Water (1973), The Collected Works of Aleister Crowley (1974), The Collected Writings of Aleister Crowley (1973), Cocaine (1992?), The Creed of the Thelemites (1973), Diary of a Drug Fiend (1973), The Dream of Scipio (1973), The Equinox, 10 volumes (1973), The Equinox of The Gods (1973), The High History of Sir Palamedes (1973), In Residence (1973), Jephthah and Other Mysteries (1973), Liber Aleph (1973), Magick in Theory & Practice (1973), Moonchild (1974), Olla (1973), One Star in Sight (1973), Orpheus (1973),

777 (1973), Song of the Spirit (1973), The Soul of Osiris (1973), The Star and the Garter (1973), The Stratagem and Other Stories (1973), Tale of Archais (1973), Tannhauser (1973) Works of Aleister Crowley (1986), The Whirlpool (1973), The Works of Aleister Crowley (1986), Cocaine (1992).


Although The Dream of Scipo is listed above as being a book by Aleister Crowley there is no such work by this name which AC has ever written. It is a mistake. Also, The Whirlpool is not written by Crowley. It's written by Ethel Archer. Crowley wrote only the Introduction to this book. Both of these books are listed as being written by AC in the 1977-78 Author Listing of Books in Print.


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