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Criticisms of human rights coverage in the media

Many observers note that although there is more human rights coverage in the media now than in the past, it is not all good. Some common criticisms are:

  • Media confuse issues because journalists have an inadequate understanding of human rights: what they are, how they are created, governments’ responsibilities and how they are promoted and enforced.
  • By not taking account of human rights, journalists miss stories or ways of reporting issues. This affects the quality of journalism and the public’s right to information.
  • When journalists cover human rights issues, they present them as crime or politics stories rather than rights issues. They ignore the existence of international human rights standards for domestic violence, racial discrimination, treatment of migrants, child abuse, education, health, cultural freedoms and many other issues. This weakens media’s “watchdog” role, because journalists do not hold their governments and other powerful institutions to account on these issues.
  • Journalists present information without context or analysis. As a result, human rights violations seem to be isolated instances or new events even when they are only the latest in a history of similar violations.
  • Media themselves sometimes perpetrate human rights abuses by invading privacy, perpetuating bias and stereotypes, not calling governments to account, or deepening conflict.

(based on: http://www.speakupspeakout.internews.org/?q=section-2-concepts-skills-and-tools/media-journalism-and-human-rights)

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