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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Text 7. Business talks

Our company is one of the leading manufacturers of engines in Minsk. We produce a wide range of engines for automobile industry. We produce 80 % of engines for home industry and 20 % of our products go to different countries of the world.

Our manufacturing plant has modern facilities to produce engines of different models. The engines of our company are reliable in operation and our customers are satisfied with their modern design and capacity. The company delivers engines to markets of Europe, to the North and the South of America. We are also interested in selling our goods to the countries of the East. The company can guarantee shipment of the goods within 10 days.

We do business with many foreign companies interested in buying our engines. Our goods are in great demand because they are of high quality. When a representative of a foreign company gets instructions to buy engines from our company he arrives in Minsk and contacts our manager to make an appointment. Usually our customers get in touch with our secretary on the phone and the manager invites them to come to his office.

Our manager and the representative of a foreign company who got instructions to sign a contract for buying the latest model of engines from our company have business talks in friendly atmosphere. As it`s not polite to go straight to business the manager starts with some remarks about the weather and asks his partner about his trip, the hotel he stays in, the impressions our city makes on the foreigner. The manager may also ask him about his family or his health and after that they get down to business. The negotiating parties discuss prices and terms of payment and delivery, packing and guarantee period. When they reached the agreement on the business matter, they discussed the date of signing the contract. We are punctual in business and never break the appointment. When the contract is signed we do our best not to make infringements in any of its clauses during the fulfillment of the contract. That`s why our company enjoys high reputation and we have no claims on the part of our customers. We are always heavy with orders as many firms want to place orders with our company.

1. What does a company produce?

2. Where does a company deliver its goods?

3. Why are the goods of this company in great demand?

4. What do businessmen usually discuss before signing a contract?

5. Why is this company always heavy with orders?

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