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ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


YES/NO - Questions à IF/WHETHER

He asked me, “ Do you love me?”

He asked me if I loved him. He asked me whether I loved him.



1) Write what Sarah said, making the necessary changes:


a) “I’m living in New York.”


b) “My mother isn’t very well.”


c) “Jane and Paul are going to visit Italy next month.”


d) “My brother had an accident.”


e) “I haven’t seen Diana last night.”


f) “Jack and Jill were waiting for the bus.”


g) “I don’t drink coffee anymore.”


h) “Tom can speak Japanese.”


i) “I will go to Anna’s birthday party.”


j) “My purse was stolen this morning.”


k) “Kate took my keys.”


l) “My husband has just finished reading this interesting book.”


m) “Daniel didn’t buy the tickets for the theatre yesterday.”


2) Choose the correct word:

a) She said / told us to stand up.

b) Mr Jones said / told the manager he was leaving.

c) Everybody said / told the concert had been terrible.

d) I didn’t say / tell Meg that I was coming today.

e) The Prime Minister said / told that things would get better soon.

f) Alice said / told she was sick.

g) Nancy didn’t say / tell us anything.

h) You said / told me you were working tonight.

3) Transform into DIRECT Speech:


a) He said that she would leave at six.


b) He said that Peter often went fishing.


c) Mary asked if she could come back later.


d) I said that I had just seen Mark.


e) Alan told me that Angela was watching TV.


f) They said that the cat had been sleeping on the sofa.


g) I said that we were late.


h) She asked what the boys were doing.


4) Questions: Put them into Reported Speech:


a) “How old are you?”


b) “Are you married?”


c) “Do you live nearby?”


d) “Where have you worked before?”


e) “Can you speak German or French?”


f) “Do you have a driving license?”


g) “How much money do you want?”


h) “When can you start?”



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