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Painless And Risk-Free Hair Loss Treatment Abudhabi

Once hair starts falling from your head, the first thing that everyone thinks about is hair transplantation, but not everyone is ready to undergo such invasive procedures. So if you do not want any surgical procedure, then it is best to opt for various non-surgical methods that are offered by various clinics in the country. All these procedures are performed by the professionals and are medically approved, so there is no need to worry about your safety. As these are non-surgical techniques none of themhave any associated risks with them. The most commonly used techniques for hair growth are PRP treatment, mesotherapyabudhabi and Low Level laser Therapy.

Mesotherapyis capable of correcting all problems that are related to hair fall resulting in fast hair growth. It is designed specifically to stimulate the patient’s body, so that it can naturally grow the lost hair. Medically approved drugs are injected in the area that is affected directly, so there is no pain or irritation during or after the procedure. The best thing about this hair loss treatment in abudhabi is that it can be used in both men and women for fast hair growth. Superficial micro injections are injected targeting the tissues that are below the epidermis. These injections mainly include minerals,amino acids, vitamins, co-enzymes and nucleic acids.

The solution in such injections is tailored for each and every patient, so that the mesoderm is stimulated and allailmentsthat were causinghair fall is cured. Another revolutionary hair loss treatment is the Platelet Rich Plasma treatment which is also done through injections. PRP is the concentrated form of the blood plasma that contains more platelets than it is normally found in the human body. The platelets mainly promote the healing process and helps in blood clotting at wound sites. The growth factors of the platelets promote the regeneration of cells in the human body. This is why it is believed that the platelets would help in the growth of transplanted or thinning hair.

As the platelets help in regeneration of tissues and stimulate the body’s healing process, it is widely used in hair restoration and re-growth treatments. In case of all people who have healthy hair roots, there is no problem with hair growth as their hair follicles are getting enough nutrition from the blood supply. This is why to provide the nutrition and activate the body’s healing process PRP is administered in all the areas where there are damaged hair follicles.

Once the body’s natural healing mechanism is amplified, it would prevent hair loss and stimulate hair growth. But the most common treatment process is the LLLT where laser helmet is used to stimulate the scalp and hair follicles of the patient. The helmet is made of lasers that are tightly embedded with a vibration motor. The laser terminals will come in direct contact with the scalp so that they are absorbed effectively. The blood and lymphatic flow of capillary is improved through this technique as the laser penetrates deep into the dermis. The lack of pain and side-effects make these non-surgical proceduresthe best choice for anyone who wants the results without surgeries.

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