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Aggravated Domestic Assault

SPEEDING TICKET ATTORNEY In HOUSTON - Monks Law - Houston Traffic Lawyer

Best criminal defense attorney Houston needed? Contact Monks Law Firm, P.C. for representation. The areas in which we have decades of experience and expertise include defense against charges of:


  • Driving while intoxicated (DWI)
  • Driving while license is suspended
  • Domestic violence
  • Assault
  • Drug possession and other drug charges
  • Traffic violations
  • Tickets issued by TxDOT against commercial drivers

We also handle wills and probate, non-disclosure expungement, warrants, suspended driver’s licenses, occupational license, and much more. We are also your best criminal defense attorney Houston if you are charged with aggravated domestic assault.

Aggravated Domestic Assault

Domestic offenses can be brought against a defendant in acts against such people as his or her current or former spouse, the child of a current or former spouse, a foster child, someone he or she lives with, and a person with whom the defendant has an ongoing romantic or dating relationship.

If the crime of aggravated domestic assault is committed with the use of a deadly weapon and causes serious bodily injury to the victim, it is a first degree felony. All other types of aggravated domestic assault are second degree felonies.

For More Information SPEEDING TICKET ATTORNEY In HOUSTON, Houston Traffic Lawyer

Contact Us:

Address: 4615 Southwest Freeway, Suite 520, Houston, TX 77027

Phone: 713-666-6657




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А).Органолептік әдіс | в соответствии с приказом №584-П от 29.05.2015.

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