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Functional Styles of the English Language

Functional stylistics

An Outline

Functional styles, general characteristics, different classifications of functional styles.

2. The group of bookish styles.

3. The group of colloquial styles.

4. The style of belles letters, the problem of its singling out and definition.

5. The Newspaper style;

6. The Publicist style (oratory);

7. The Scientific style;

8. The Style of official letters.

Functional Styles of the English Language

“Functional style is a system of linguistic means peculiar of certain sphere of communication”.

According to I.R.Galperin: Functional Style is a system of interrelated language means serving a definite aim in communication. It is the coordination of the language means and stylistic devices which shapes the distinctive features of each style and not the language means or stylistic devices themselves. Each style, however, can be recognized by one or more leading features which are especially conspicuous. For instance the use of special terminology is a lexical characteristics of the style of scientific prose, and one by which it can easily be recognized.

Stylistic functions:

1. Communicative – i.e. communicating some primary information

The former method allows direct interpretation.

2. Voluntative (conative) – expressing one’s intention, urging people to some kind of action. Ex.: “ Inform us of your intentions!”

3. Phatic – attracting smb’s attention to make the situation natural “ I say, you know that …”


4. Aesthetic – appealing to people’s heart, deriving the effect of beauty and emotional response. “ Tired with all these, for restful death I cry!”

Table 12

Functional Styles (Y.M.Screbnev)

Formal Informal


familiar colloquial
literary colloquial


low colloquial


Table 13

I.V. Arnold

Styles Functions Commu-nicative Volun- tative Emotive Phatic Aesthetic
1. Oratory 2. Colloquial 3. Poetic 4. Publicist and newspaper 5. Official 6. Scientific + + + +   + + + + - +   + - + + + +   - - + + - -   - - + - + -   - -

Stylistic functions:

5. Communicative – i.e. communicating some primary information

The former method allows direct interpretation.

6. Voluntative (conative) – expressing one’s intention, urging people to some kind of action. Ex.: “ Inform us of your intentions!”

7. Phatic – attracting smb’s attention to make the situation natural “ I say, you know that …”

8. Aesthetic – appealing to people’s heart, deriving the effect of beauty and emotional response. “ Tired with all these, for restful death I cry!”


Functional Styles (I.R.G.)
Table 14


Style of Official Documents
Belles Letters


Lg. of Emotive Prose  
Lg. of Poetry
Lg. of Drama

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