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ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Lexico-grammatical test

Кафедра английского языка


Контрольные работы

Для студентов 2 курса

Факультета иностранных языков

(отделение “ Перевод и переводоведение”)

(спеллинговые листы, диктанты,

Лексико-грамматические контрольные работы)

Составитель: ст. пр. Шаблицкая Н.М.






Семестр 1


Unit 1.

I. Spelling list.

Lunch break

Look ahead

Stare blankly

Different views

Conveniences make no difference to him

She ran across the headmistress

He bears strong resemblance to his falter

To abandon hope

Stimulating work

A sense of responsibility

Genuinely devoted to smth

A vital job

To learn and enjoy gratitude and respect

To consider interpreting (teaching) as a career

A challenge to a person’s character

To look forward to joining a club

To send a message

To appreciate the choice

Vocation and calling



Units 1,5

Spelling list

To feel helpless

To bear a strong resemblance to

To give out leaflets, workcards and other sets of material

To call the roll

Let’s agree to differ

School leaver

To be in medicine

To earn gratitude and respect

Compulsory education

Comprehensive schools


Full-time under-graduates

Part-time post-graduates

Scientific subjects

The three core components of the programme for intending teachers are: school based experience, subject studies, education studies

The age range of children

To watch experienced teachers at work

Supervisors or tutors

Audio-visual facilities and visual aids

Non-residential institutions of further education

Teaching staff

Gymnasiums with changing rooms

Students’ societies and councils



The bald Knight

Once upon a time, a long time ago, there was a knight who, as he grew older, lost all his hair. He became as bald (b/b) as an egg. He didn’t want anyone to see his bald head so he bought a beautiful, black, curly wig.

One day some lords and ladies from the castle invited him to go hunting with them, so, of course, he put on his beautiful wig. “How handsome I look”, - he thought to himself as he was dressing in front of his mirror. Then he set off happily for the forest.

However a terrible thing happened. He was riding along, singing merrily to himself, when he passed under an oak tree and his wig caught on a branch and fell off in full view of everyone. How they all laughed at him! At first the poor knight felt very foolish but then he saw the funny side of the situation, and he started laughing, too.

They were all still laughing when they arrived back at the castle. The knight never wore his wig again.


Task: What is the story about? (the subject Matter)

What is the moral of the story? (the Main Idea)


Lexico-grammatical test

1. Give English equivalents:

иметь способности к языку;

хорошо успевать по английскому языку;

выбрать профессию учителя/переводчика /все возможные варианты/;

быть преданным детям;

быть ответственным за успех своих учеников;

проверить учащихся по журналу;

справиться с трудностями;

обязательное среднее образование;

подготовка учителей;

о вкусах не спорят


2. Translate into English:

У студентов иностранных языков есть твердое правило /an unbreakable rule/: регулярно посещать семинары по профилирующим дисциплинам /предметам/. Комплекс предметов педагогического цикла состоит из курсов лекций по теории педагогики, истории педагогики и методики. Каждый студент проводит много времени, занимаясь индивидуально и читая книги в оригинале. Магнитные записи помогают подготовиться к практическим занятиям. Такие занятия помогают расширить запас слов и развить навыки устной речи. Студенты изучают не только основные предметы, на которых данный университет специализируется. Они имеют возможность изучать дополнительные предметы на свой выбор, пользоваться аудио-визуальным оборудованием, визуальными вспомогательными средствами, обсуждать свои проблемы с преподавателем.

По окончании университета они могут получить степень бакалавра или магистра. У студентов младших курсов /первого и второго/ обычно более напряженное расписание. Лекции сопровождаются семинарами. У студентов старших курсов, будущих учителей, больше самостоятельной работы и творческих заданий. Ну, а для студентов, не привыкших к скучной жизни, есть спортивные секции, дискотеки и клубы.


3.Write about the word “profession” and its synonyms. Give examples.


4. Answer the questions, using your active vocabulary (3-5 sentences):

What are you interested in?

Can you ever abandon hope?

What are you looking forward to now?

What makes a difference to you?

What was necessary for you to enter the University?


5. Dwell on (no less that a page), you may choose one topic:

What would you do if you had a problem child at school?(для пед.отд.)

or Once I found a lesson boring…

or What in ideal upbringing to you?


Unit 2.

Spelling list.

To have a sore throat

It was a painful operation


To live under bad conditions

To make up a prescription for a new medicine

Flushed by excitement

To take one’s temperature and bring down the fever

To recover from a catching disease

To be short of breath

To have a nervous break down

To take a spoonful of some mixture

To be X-rayed

To be on sick leave

To make an appointment with a doctor

To be taken to hospital and operated on

To have some injection of tonic

A good treatment for cough

To have a tooth filled or pulled out

To have one’s blood pressure tested

To examine a patient

To go to a chemist’s

To be in no condition to do smth

Bad earache

A sore finger

To keep to a diet, regular meals

To get into an accident

His swollen eyes itch




The Farmer and His Sons

There was once an old, dying farmer who had worked hard in his vineyard (b/b) all his life. Before he died he wanted to teach his three sons how to be good farmers. So he called them to him and said: “My boys, before I die I want you to know that there is a great treasure buried in the vineyard. Promise me that you will look for it when I am dead”.

The sons promised and as soon as their father had died they began looking for the treasure. They worked very hard in the hot sun and all the time as they were working they wondered what their father had left for them. In their minds they pictured boxes of gold coins, diamond necklaces and other such things. Soon they had dug up every inch of the vineyard. But they found not a single penny. They were very upset. They felt that all their hard work had been for nothing.

But then the grapes started to appear on the vines and their grapes were the biggest and best in the neighborhood and they sold them for a lot of money.

Now they understood what their father had meant by the great treasure and they lived happily and wealthily ever after.


Task: What is the story about? (the Subject Matter)

What is the moral of the story? (the Main Idea)


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