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ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Выберете из трех данных предложений, соответствующее смыслу предложенной ситуации.


1. Someone asks me to give John a message. I hadn't intended to see him, but I promise to do so. I say:


a.. I'll be seeing him later; I'll tell him then.

b.. I'll see him later and tell him.

c.. I'm going to see him later; I'll tell him then.


2. Someone asks me to give John a letter. By chance I've already made a firm arrangement to see John. I say:


a. I'll see him later and give it to him.

b.. I'm seeing him later; I'll give it to him then.

c.. I am to see him later; I'll give it to him then.


3. Someone asks me to give Mike a message. Mike is someone I assume that I will see later, because I normally do. I say:


a. I'm seeing him later;

b.. I'll be seeing him later; } I'll tell him then.

c.. I'm going to see him later;


4. Someone asks me to give Mike a letter. There is no previous arrangement to see Mike, nor do I normally see him today. However, I have already decided to drop in on him later. I say:


a.. I'm dropping in on him later,

b.. I'm going to drop in on him later, } so I`ll give it to him then

c.. I'll drop in later and give it to him.


5. Late at night, you decide to go to bed. You stand up, then say:


a.. I'll get some sleep.

b.. I'm getting some sleep. } See you tomorrow.

c.. I'm going to get some sleep,


6. A friend wants to meet you after work on Friday.

You always have a drink in The Crown after work on Friday. You say:


a. I'll be having a drink in The Crown.

b. I'm having a drink in The Crown. } How about meeting there?

c. I'll have a drink in The Crown.


7. A Buckingham Palace announcement:


a. The Queen is visiting.

b. The Queen is going to visit } Japan in early October.

c. The Queen is to visit


8. A courteous clerk at a hotel reception desk:


a. How long are you staying?

b. How long are you going to stay?

c. How long will you be staying?


9. Italy are going to play Malta at football. You are sure about the result. You say:


a. Italy will win that one.

b. Italy are going to win that one.

c. Italy will be winning that one.


10. The teams are playing. It's 0-0 in the second hall, and Malta are playing better. You say:


a. Malta are going to win.

b. I think } Malta will win.

c. Malta are winning.


11. You look up and see thick black clouds. You say.

a.It's going to poui with rain.

b. Look at that! } It'll pout with rain.

c. It'll be pouring with rain

12. Someone asks about your plans tor Saturday night. You have no special plans. You say:



a.. Oh, I don't know } I suppose we'll eat out or something

b.. I suppose we're eating out or something

c. I suppose we're to еаt out or something.




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