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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Pacioli and the Method of Venice

Next, we venture to 15th century Venice, Italy, where business is commonly conducted using currency rather than barter (goods). The Arabic number system is widely used, enabling addition and subtraction to be done easily, and illiteracy is greatly reduced, allowing more people to become involved in business. The double-entry accounting system – in which for every “debet dare” there is a “debet habere” − has evolved to the point where it is very much like the present-day system. Debet dare and debet habere are Latin terms meaning “should give” and “should have”, respectively.

The first published work on the double-entry accounting system occurs in 1494 when several chapters concerning accounting are included in a mathematics book written by Luca Pacioli who is commonly called the father of accounting. Pacioli is well respected in Italy and his book is one of the first printed works using movable type (подвижные литеры)

Pacioli does not invent double-entry accounting. Rather, he reports what merchants are commonly doing. This accounting method becomes known as the method of Venice. Because movable type allows easy reproduction, the availability of Pacioli’s work encourages the use of the double-entry system throughout Europe.

At this point, two other important accounting concepts emerge: (1 ) the monetary unit concept and (2) the periodicity concept. The monetary unit concept asserts that money is the common measurement unit of economic activity. The concept is crucial to accounting because it enables records to be kept based on a common denominator (мера, мерило, знаменатель). For example, rather than recording the number of cows and sheep available for trade, the accounting system reflects the monetary value of the livestock, whether it is lira, pesos, francs, yen, or another designated monetary unit. This makes determination of profit easier because monetary values unlike sheep and cattle or other bartered goods that differ, can be added and subtracted.

The periodicity concept requires that the profits of the business be determined at regular intervals throughout the life of the business. This means the business does not have to end before determining its profits. This concept makes admission of new business partners and departure of old partners easier because business profits are calculated at regular intervals. Thus, partners and potential partners can evaluate the success of the business while the business remains in operation.

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