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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Etiology of pneumonia


In recent years etiological pneumonia caused by virus-bacterial associations have studied much more in detail. During this establishment of cause (reason) factor remains very difficult problem first of all due to absence of single methodical approaches in relation to choice of material for investigation (bronchial mucous, aspirate, sputum, blood) and the methodics itself, part of which (immunological, serological, virusological) may not be widely used.

In the 60-70s of our century on the background of partial oppression of most virulent types of pneumococcus the role of pathogenic, penicillin resistant staphylococcus in the occurrence of several pneumonias has significantly raised.

Staphylococcus pneumonia until 1950 was known as severe complication in the period of epidemy of influenza, proceeded with mortality above 60%. At present, met even in absence of epidemy of influenza.

Agent of Fridlender’s pneumonia is Klebsiella pneumonia (Gram-negative flora). Morbidity of these pneumonias composes not so much, but at present they form 40-50% of all lethal consequences (in pulmonological wards, where patients with most severe forms are concentrated, frequently of this form increases up to 8%).

In 1976 in USA, there was a break out of fever diseases with high mortality amongst the participants of congress Legionaries-veterans. During this, inflammatory changes were observed in lungs.

Conducted researches enabled to yield, not described earlier Gram-negative bacterium, receiving name Legionella pneumophilia (Legionaries disease).

Agent is present in soil, subterranean waters, spreads through system of conditioners. Frequency of infection amongst acute pneumonia composes according to the information of foreign authors from 2 to 5%.

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