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25. A heavy expenditure on atomic development for peaceful pur­
poses, if controlled by the people, would ultimately pay handsome dividends.

26. The chairman of a firm of timber importers, gently chided his fel­
low-industrialists. He reminded them that some of the presidents of the
larger Russian trade corporations had told him that orders which might
have been placed in Britain had not been because whether British export­
ers were unable to quote or were uncompetitive.

27. The Prime Minister's famous victory last week against the rebels
within his own party was surely cheaply won. His own performance may
have been — indeed, must have been — more effective to listen to than to
read later, for despite the fact that it was a speech for all seasons, it left
unanswered or inadequately answered, so many questions about Britain's
future role in the world and how it is to be fulfilled, that the great debate
is very far from conclusion. For all his political skill, the Prime Minister
has only written another chapter, he has not closed the book.

28. Some excuse for the behaviour of Tory chieftains might be pro­
vided if it could be shown that the leadership battle revolved round cen­
tral issues of public importance. But throughout the dispute it has been
concerned with personalities and patronage-gang warfare in all its sterility.

29. Many past air crashes, as subsequent investigation has shown,
could have been avoided. There are many points which need an answer.
Perhaps the answers to these questions will be satisfactory. In this case
every possible step may have been taken that could have been taken, and

it may be shown that only a human error that could not have been fore­seen caused the crash.

30. The Administration, which has been on its best behaviour
throughout the summer in not pressing Britain to reach an early decision,
is now making it plain that it would welcome an immediate answer. Seri­
ous discussions are to begin next month with Germany, Italy and others,
and if Britain is not to miss the boat she must be ready to take part.

31. A threat to developing countries that they must pursue policies
pleasing to the U.S. if they want financial aid was made in Washington
yesterday by the U.S. Undersecretary of State. «If a country is to be able
to achieve self-sustaining growth within a reasonable future,» he told the
annual meeting of the World Bank, «it will have to pursue realistic poli­
cies to acquire the capital it needs.»

32. An urgent public inquiry is now needed into the whole running of
the Metropolitan police.

Last night's World in Action exposed what has long been suspected and hinted at; the Countryman inquiry into corruption at Scotland Yard was frustrated by the very people under question — senior police officers at the Yard.

Yet again we have a stark example of the police adamantly refusing to accept that the public have a right to question the activities of the men and women who are employed to police Britain.

One reason the police put forward is that such inquiries damage public confidence in the police. But on the contrary, the exact opposite is true.

3. Ïðîàíàëèçèðóéòå è ïåðåâåäèòå ñëåäóþùèå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ, îáðàùàÿ âíèìàíèå íà ïåðåâîä àòðèáóòèâíûõ ñëîâîñî÷åòàíèé è äðóãèõ ëåêñè÷åñêèõ òðóäíîñòåé.

1. In November 1955, at the Messina conference that laid the founda­
tion for today's European Union, Britain's representative, a pipe-smoking
Oxford-don turned-civil-servant called Russel Bremerton, made a brief
comment: «The future treaty which you are discussing has no chance of
being agreed; if it was agreed, it would have no chance of being applied.
And if it was applied, it would be totally unacceptable to Britain.

2. As a look at European households by the Family Policy Studies
centre found, «the pace of change can only be described as leisurely».
Similar research from America produces the identical conclusion. Even in
Sweden, where it has been national policy for decades to make both the
public and private spheres strictly gender neutral, the reality is that this is
far from the case. Very few men take paternity leave and the jobs women
go to are overwhelmingly «female» ones like day-care and nursing.

6-553 169

3. In Mr.Aznar's book the socialists who ruled post Franco Spain for
13 years, over-reacted by idolising all things foreign and despising the
home-grown. That, says Mr. Aznar, meant being too obsequious to —
among others — the European Union.

But it is proving hard to legislate Spaniards into being prouder of their history.

4. Tired of corruption and crime in the state [Maharashtra, India], vot­
ers, with some help from a few honest bureaucrats, are starting to disown
bad government. Some citizens are challenging the abrupt transfer of their
municipal commissioner, who had upset the rich and influential by or­
dering the demolition of some of their illegal buildings.

5. Elaborate international networks have developed among organized
criminals, drug traffickers, arms dealers, and money launderers, creating
an infrastructure for catastrophic terrorism around the world.

6. Aspects of the welfare reform program have infuriated legislators
on Labour's left wing and interest groups representing the sick and dis­
abled, who say that the proposed cuts will take benefits away from some
of the neediest people.

7. During the Thatcher years, when whole industries collapsed, many
people who lost their jobs found that their doctors were willing to declare
them incapable of working. This enabled them to sign up for incapacity
benefits, which pay more than unemployment benefits, and allowed the
government to claim that fewer people were actually unemployed.

8. What to make of her [Albright's] humiliation? Some say it shows
that charm and sound-bites are no substitute for geopolitical grasp or for
attention to detail.

9. A law of 20th century communication has become evident: The
length of a sound bite is inversely proportional to the complexity of the
world and the overload of information to which we are exposed. Colum­
nist G.W. summarized it best when he noted that if Lincoln were alive to­
day «he would be forced to say, «Read my lips: No more slavery!»


10. The Liberal Party has pushed for a reinterpretation of Japan's
pacifist constitution to allow greater freedom for the military overseas,
but the Liberal Democrats opposed that. The two sides finally agreed to
allow Japan's Self-Defense Forces to «actively participate and co-operate
in UN peacekeeping missions if asked to do so by the organization.»

11. So, it's back to the drawing board for the U.S. Treasury and the
IMF. Will they really come up with some new «architecture» this time,
something like going out of the global management business? Don't
count on it.

12. Assuming that Vodafone completes its takeover of Air Touch, the

resulting mobile-phone behemoth will become the world's largest cellular group.

13. A fashion designer sued the government of Kuala Lumpur for as­
sault and battery Friday, saying he had been coerced into making a false
confession. He and two others confessed but then retracted the allega­
tions, saying police had forced them into making false declarations
through the use of threats and physical abuse in order to build a case
against the ex-finance minister.

14. «Regional Independent» offer (for takeover of Mirro Group PLC)
is subject to financing, which some observers said could be tricky given
the company's already leveraged condition.

15. Both Chancellor of Germany and President of France played down
reports of a monumental row between their countries over how to bring
the EU budget and agricultural programs under control.

16. Elections for the European Parliament are due in June, and almost
all publicity is good publicity, from the parliament's viewpoint.

17. In determining the choice of candidates, was it a case of the more
tele'genic they were, the more chance they had of success?

18. The show [exhibition on Arab Spain in Grenada] was an eloquent
statement about the need for an introverted country [Spain] to acknowl­
edge its Moorish past and build bridges — to Maghreb as well as the
New World and Europe.

19. Instead of tackling the problems of racism, jobs, inflation, social
services and the like, which would make life more fruitful for the masses
of people, the «revitalization» plan is organized to fill the formula de­
manded by big business.

In brief, «revitalization» is a raid on the Treasury for the benefit of big business. But it is also more; it includes the factor of an increase in monopolization of the economy, as The New York Times' editorial indicated.

More, it tightens the grip of monopoly on government; it is a step in the direction of something like a «corporate state». It means less popular influence on government. It will only increase the problems and troubles confronting the people.

20. The transport union executive yesterday announced a stepping up
of the campaign to defend fair fares — after London Transport confirmed
redundancy proposals and the Transport Minister held out no hope for
their cause.

The union decided to allocate £10,000 for a campaign to defend sub­sidised transport in London and places such as South Yorkshire.

It also announced that its members would not obstruct members of the public who refused to pay the increased fares, due in two weeks' time.

6* 171

21. While a few MPs are believed to favour this revolutionary pro­
posal certain party leaders and older MPs are opposed to it.

22. Another early confrontation could occur in Nottinghamshire over
the proposed closure of New Hucknall colliery near Mansfield.

The Board announced yesterday that «redundancies are inevitable» in Kent, as it plans to shut Snowdown Pit within three months, putting 960 jobs in jeopardy.

23. Senior staff at Granada TV's London offices staged a one-day
strike yesterday in protest at the company withdrawing creche facilities
for staff children.

All 50 members of the TV technicians' union, at Granada's Soho of­fices stopped work for the day, both men and women. Most of them were producers, directors and researchers.

The strike was called because of the company's decision to end the creche facility for staff children at a local nursery centre.

24. Leaders of the Federation of Labour met representation of the
Government and employers on Nov. 17 to discuss how to further imple­
ment the suggestions regarding a longer term wages policy which had al­
ready been discussed.

The major element in the discussion was the implementation of a Court ruling to hear the case for wages rates «catching up» in relation to past inflation.

25. At present, even the existence of the office is officially classified.
In the intelligence community, it is known as a «black» operation,
meaning that nothing about its work or the identity of its officials is sub­
ject to public scrutiny.

26. The vision one gets of a so-called constitutional reform is one of
cheap nagging and bargaining, all at the expense of the Canadian people,
who have been completely excluded from the debate.

As for the New Democratic Party, «Rather than coming forward with a truly democratic alternative to the constitutional crisis, the NDP too has become part of this 'wheeling and dealing' at the expense of the national rights of the French Canadian people, the rights of the native peoples, the economic and social rights of the Canadian people,» the statement charges. From being among the advocates of Canadianization of re­sources, the NDP has now become the champion of provincial ownership of resources, even though these resources are in fact in the hands of the multinational corporations.

27. In the case of the Union of Post Office workers a member could be
excluded from membership for up to twelve months since there was no
provision for any stay pending appeal to annual conference.

28. The company is reluctant to consider the workers' demand for
wage increase. What seems to be the case is that it wants to prevent any
drastic steps being taken to interfere with their profit making activity.

29. The fact is that local industrialists were invited to become mem­
bers of the board when it was set up, and it must have been obvious that
they would not only be concerned with local development, but in some
cases be personally involved.

30. Complicated legal issues which have arisen are being studied by
the Attorney General's department which believes there is a case for dam­
ages against the tanker's owners.

31. Yet for large and small nations, their record in the General As­
sembly does provide a yardstick with which to measure the application of
their publicly announced foreign policy.

32. Mr H. is the only serious rival at present, and if politics was a sci­
ence, he would be a formidable rival. He has a splendid record as a re­
form mayor and a courageous Senator.

33. Mr N. had been under fire from many sections of the student
community for allegedly being out of touch with the problems of ordinary
students, and his speech tonight was being regarded as a make-or-break
bid to win back popular support for executive policy.

34. The biggest problem, however, is likely to be on the wage front.
How cooperative will the unions be this summer as their demands culmi­
nate? A strong point is that the Chancellor of the Exchequer can now
have as fullscale and thorough a Budget as he thinks necessary.

35. The tourist potential is as yet largely untapped. But every effort is
being made to develop the industry into a major foreign exchange earner.
Apart from the existing facilities, the National Development Corporation
is embarking upon a major programme for tourist accommodation facilities.

36. There has been a vast deterioration of public facilities throughout
the nation over recent decades, according to the study just made public by
the Council of State Planning Agencies.

The council's 97-page study declares that the nation's streets, roads, including the Interstate Highway System, publicly operated solid waste and toxic waste sites, treatment plants, port facilities and dams have been permitted to deteriorate drastically. Hundreds of billions of dollars are necessary to halt the ongoing deterioration and to restore the facilities to their former level, let alone expand them to fill growing needs.

The most important factors in the deterioration are not included in the study: the diversion of hundreds of billions of dollars from maintenance of the nation's public works into the pockets of the rich, through tax giveaways and the huge war budget. The cancer is bipartisan.

37. Americans are accustomed to a confrontational, adversarial rela­
tionship between the government and business. Japan's regulatory style is
based on intensive dialogue and extensive interaction that leads to com­

38. Americans may have been disturbed by Lockheed's conduct but
few of them had any sense of wounded national pride or much concern
over loss of face in the international community.

39. The problem now is how to de-escalate this international crisis.

40. America should weigh the president's program on its merits and
ignore the pretence that all the changes he has proposed are either neces­
sary or sufficient to conquer stagflation.

41. Coming mainly from academia and think tanks, where they had
been on the outside for years, they (Russian emigrants) found that being
on the inside was both exhilarating and excruciating.

42. Big business relies on its massive public relations rumor mill to
twist truth into lies. There is no question that this campaign has been a

4. Ñäåëàéòå ñèíòàêñè÷åñêèé è ãðàììàòè÷åñêèé àíàëèç ïðåä­ëîæåíèé è ïåðåâåäèòå èõ, îáðàùàÿ âíèìàíèå íà ïåðåäà÷ó çíà÷å­íèé àðòèêëÿ.

1. The role of the Japanese military is a touchy subject, one that rattles
China and other neighbors as well as Japanese citizens, all parties that
still have bitter feelings about Japan's role in World War II.

2. With economic confidence across Europe already fragile and
economists cutting back growth forecasts, rising jobless totals in Europe's
biggest economy threaten to further sour the mood, economists said.

3. «It is not an easy problem. But if we don't stop the conflict now, it
clearly will spread. And then, we will not be able to stop it except at far
greater cost and risk».

4. The wealth of Britain's architectural heritage rests upon strata of
changing taste.

5. There were no reports of violence during the protest. But scattered
Christian-Muslim skirmishes on the island injured a handful of people
Friday, witnesses said.

6. Many economists are predicting the labor market will weaken
somewhat this year, although it will remain healthy by historical stan­

7. The state's troubles sent the Brazilian stock market plummeting as
investors speculated the political battle over the debt would weaken the

central government resolve to slash a budget deficit and ease interest rates.

8. The claim that congressional approval strengthens a president's
policy is not one that presidents leap to test.

9. Whereas everybody wants a new president of the European Com­
mission in place as soon as possible, Parliament — always keen on
adding to its power — wants the procedure to go ahead under the new
Amsterdam terms.


10. Iran and the Soviet Union once had the Caspian Sea to themselves,
amicably dividing its precious caviar. The two knew the sea contained
mineral wealth but neither did much about it.

11. «The larger a company gets, the more difficult it can be for the left
hand to know what the right is doing».

12. Hurt by the economic slump in Asia and a litany of production and
delivery problems, Boeing sought to put the best face on its annual pro­
duction and delivery data.

13. Reflecting Japan's spectacular economic growth, Tokyo's rapid
development and, above all, Maki's [architect] evolving architectural
philosophy, the changes helped create a dynamic complex that today an­
chors one of Tokyo's most popular neighborhoods.

14. Many critics of the government's program argue that it reflects
what they say is Mr Blair's Achilles' heel: the desire to be all things to all
people, to appeal to the conservative-leaning middle class that helped
propel him into office in 1997 while not abandoning the poor and work­
ing classes, labour's traditional base. The tough talk, they say, is one
thing; the reality may fall short of the promise.

15. Human rights are a basic American interest, and the administration
should not flinch from promoting them.

16. The civil service is a black abyss of underpaid, underemployed,
unsackable people. There are calls for cutting the numbers radically, but
if you do, you end up with an indigent army of unemployable people.

17. The once empty, and beautiful, Mediterranean shoreline has be­
come a solid block of wall-to-wall holiday homes with their private
beaches and marinas for middle-class Egyptians.

18. Genre painting existed in the ancient world but was generally
deemed an inferior pursuit suitable for less talented artists, an assumption
that was inherited by the Renaissance establishment.

19. The native Melanesian Ambonese are mainly Christians but many
Asian Muslims from elsewhere in the vast Indonesian archipelago have
come to the island for business and as civil servants.

20. The democratic peoples [of NATO members] admittedly do not
relish sending their soldiers into foreign fields, but the evidence of the
20th century — two world wars, the cold war and, in the 1990s, the Gulf
and Bosnia — suggests that they will generally act when they conclude
that a principle or a major interest is under attack.

21. The public outrage gave Beijing «a chance to redirect some of the
political energy in a population that might otherwise be antigovernment,»
says a China scholar of Wellesley College.

22. French, long dominant at the commission of EU, has been rapidly
losing ground to English, which, the French note acidly, is not even a
language of continental Europe.

23. Some economists warn that a further slowdown in Europe's econ­
omy could encourage opponents of the common currency, the euro, to
blame Monetary Union for the hard times.

24....the description of a solution to a problem as a «political» solu­
tion implies peaceful debate and arbitration as opposed to what is often
called a «military» solution.

25. The record number of mergers of large companies into even larger
ones last year has raised fears at many arts organizations and other non­
profit groups that a decline in corporate donations may be an unfortunate

5. Ïðîàíàëèçèðóéòå è ïåðåâåäèòå ñëåäóþùèå ïðåäëîæåíèÿ.

1. The euro is expected to accelerate European crossborder deals. By
creating the foundations of pan-European market for capital, it exposes
markets to stiffer competition.

So it seems few taboos are left in Europe's once sleepy banking busi­ness: banks are merging with each other, with insurers, fund managers and others as never before.

But are Europe's banks really set for a merger wave to rival that seen in America? In theory, Europe already has a single banking system. The reality is rather different. For some years to come, further consolidation will be stymied by resistance from politicians, workers and even bank bosses and by the way that banking system has been structured.

2. EU presidency is enough to test any country's skills to the limit. It
means arranging dozens of ministerial meetings and managing the paper­
work for hundreds of specialist committees. Rare is the government that
does not come to the end of its six months both relieved and exhausted.

The Finns have a big reputation to live up to. Since joining the EU, and despite coming from its most distant edge, they have displayed an

almost uncanny mastery of its workings. Many point to them as the very model how a «small country should operate within the EU's institutions: merely modest and purposeful matching a sense of principle with a sense of proportion.

3. Once the state has rooted out absolute poverty, how much wealth, if
any, should it confiscate to reduce inequality for its own sake? How much
should it curtail individual freedoms — to purchase extra education, to
pass on an inheritance — so that people have an equal chance in life? Is
there some level beyond which inequality cannot be stretched without
snapping the bonds that hold people together? Whatever the answer,
these are questions a government should frame clearly, not bury in the ob-
fuscation of «fairness». Still less should a budget be so subtle that no­
body can divine, whether, why or how much a government believes in re­

4. Devolution is a healthy and abiding tendency. To de-emphasize the
federal government is to resurrect one of the original principles of Ameri­
can politics. The nation was conceived as a union of 13 pre-existing
states. The concept of national citizenship, as distinct from state citizen­
ship, did not even exist until 1787, 11 years after independence. In the
early days, the states showed their distinctive personalities by what they
did about slavery or the enfranchisement of non-citizens, rather than wel­
fare policy or the length of prison terms. But whatever the issues the taste
for autonomy has endured and now seems, once again, to be growing.

5. So long as the democracies remember what experience has taught
them, they are probably unbeatable. Take Europe and America apart, and
that comforting prospect vanishes. The Americans by themselves will still
have the means to act, as well as their keener sense of ideological com­
mitment; but they will have fewer material interests in the outside world
to feel concerned about, and the shock of the break with Europe could
push them back to their old dream of hemispheric self-sufficiency.

6. The goal of the EU constitutional conference will be to streamline
the European Commission and to fine-tune the voting powers of national
governments in the Council of Ministers, so that both institutions can ac­
commodate an influx of new members, mainly from Central and Eastern
Europe, in the decade ahead.

7. In contrast to Plato's claim for the social value of education, a quite
different idea of intellectual purposes was propounded by the Renais­
sance humanists. Intoxicated with their rediscovery of the classical
learning that was thought to have disappeared during the Dark Ages, they
argued that the imparting of knowledge needs no justification — relig-

ious, social, economic or political. Its purpose, to the extent that it has one, is to pass on from generation to generation the corpus of knowledge that constitutes civilization.

8. The study [of two University of Chicago researchers] is not good
news for minorities. First, Latinos are significantly more likely to live
near a hazardous-waste site than blacks or whites with comparable in­
comes. Second, the authors suggest that blacks are less likely than whites
to live near Chicago waste sites in part because they have been excluded
from areas near high-paying industrial jobs by decades of residential seg­
regation. The Chicago study will stimulate the debate. Some earlier stud­
ies in other cities have found a significant correlation between race and
hazardous waste; others have no. But even in cases where hazardous-
waste sites appear to be disproportionately located in minority neighbor­
hoods, they may not have been put there deliberately.

9. It is currently fashionable to argue that nobody can hope to foresee
what is going to happen to big-power politics in the next 30 or 40 years.
Some of those who say this then add, contradicting themselves, that there
is unlikely to be any great challenge to the security of Europe and Amer­
ica in the next generation or so: the world is for the time being, safe for
democracy. Neither of these things is necessarily true. It is possible to
make a reasonable guess at how power will redistribute itself round the
world in the opening decades of the new century and how this redistribu­
tion of power will show itself in what counties do to each other. This rea­
sonable guess holds little comfort for the democracies of the West.

10. Though they seldom admit it, many Hungarians continue to har­
bour prejudice against gypsies, which is one reason that campaigners pre­
fer to use the term «Roma», arguing that from the lips of most Hungari­
ans, «cigany» is itself derogatory and that the word's most usual (and
value-free) English variant, gypsy, should also therefore be dropped.

What is less arguable is that it has been almost taboo, in Hungarian politics, to acknowledge that gypsies do have a real grievance. So for the foreign minister even to be discussing the subject is progress of a sort.

11. An inexperienced crew is working late shift, packing apples at the
Northwestern fruit produce plant here. The new hires barely keep pace
with roaring conveyor belts. But things are hard here. Last month, half the
packing plant's 180 employees were laid off. In what turned out to be one
of the biggest employment sweeps ever by the Immigration and Naturali­
zation Service, agents sifted through the records of 5,000 workers in 13
local packing plants here — and forced the companies to sack 562 de­
termined to be illegal immigrants.

12. In a move that clears the way for a wave of high-tech interactive
gadgets in cars and trucks, five of the world's biggest auto makers said
they are pursuing a common wiring standard for new vehicles. The stan­
dard should enable automotive suppliers to design their products to plug
into millions of cars and trucks, regardless of the vehicles' maker. It could
reduce the cost of such devices by allowing suppliers to standardize
manufacturing processes.

13. Germany wants a European Employment Pact to be adopted at a
June summit of EU leaders in Cologne, Germany but some EU diplomats
question whether this will be possible. At a meeting Monday, France and
Italy meet opposition with their call for specific growth targets. Mean­
while, proposals by Spain and Britain for a more decentralized approach
also find little favor.

Íå íàøëè, ÷òî èñêàëè? Âîñïîëüçóéòåñü ïîèñêîì:

vikidalka.ru - 2015-2024 ãîä. Âñå ïðàâà ïðèíàäëåæàò èõ àâòîðàì! Íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêèõ ïðàâ | Íàðóøåíèå ïåðñîíàëüíûõ äàííûõ