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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Bunny on her finger - the traditional Russian folk doll

Зайчик на пальчик – традиционная русская народная кукла


У русского народа были куклы, в которых люди видели своих помощников и считали оберегом.

Зайчика на пальчик делала мама или старшая сестра ребёнку. Игрушка скручивалась из старой одежды, ношенной отцом или матерью. Зайчик делается очень просто из прямоугольника ткани путем связывания ткани в нужных местах.

Зайчик одевается на пальчик и всегда рядом с тобой.

Эту игрушку раньше родители давали детям, когда уходили из дома, и если становиться скучно или страшно к нему можно обратиться как к другу, поговорить с ним, пожаловаться или просто поиграть. Это и друг и оберег. Дети очень отзывчивы и в любимой игрушке видят родственную душу, открываются и разговаривают как с живым.

И куклы-обереги жили в домах, становясь не просто игрушкой, а частью мира и членом семьи.


Bunny on her finger - the traditional Russian folk doll


The Russian people were dolls, in which people saw their assistants and considered a talisman.

Bunny on her finger did mom or older sister to the child. Toy twist of old clothes worn by the father or mother. Bunny is very simple rectangle of fabric by binding to tissue in the right places.

Bunny dresses on her finger, and always with you.

This toy before parents give their children when leaving the house, and if it becomes boring or scary it can be accessed as a friend to talk to him, complain or just to play. This friend and guardian. Children are very responsive and a favorite toy they see a kindred spirit, open and talk as a living.

And the dolls, amulets have lived in their homes, becoming not just a toy, but a part of the world and a family member.


Здравствуйте, Ирина Ивановна! Извините, пожалуйста, за задержку.


> Bunny on her finger - the traditional Russian folk doll


Почему her finger (её палец)? В интернете нашёл, что такое называется

просто finger doll.


Bunny finger doll — the traditional Russian folk doll


> The Russian people were dolls, in which people saw their assistants and

> considered a talisman.


Здесь написано, что русские люди были куклами.


Russians used to have dolls which they saw as their familiars.


Слово familiar именно это и обозначает — этакий помощник-талисман.


> Bunny on her finger did mom or older sister to the child. Toy twist of

> old clothes worn by the father or mother. Bunny is very simple rectangle

> of fabric by binding to tissue in the right places.


The mother or an older sister would make a bunny finger doll for a child.

The toy would be rolled from old clothes worn by the father or mother. A

bunny is easily made from a rectangle of fabric by binding it in the right



> Bunny dresses on her finger, and always with you.


The bunny is worn on the finger, and is always with you.


> This toy before parents give their children when leaving the house, and

> if it becomes boring or scary it can be accessed as a friend to talk to

> him, complain or just to play. This friend and guardian. Children are

> very responsive and a favorite toy they see a kindred spirit, open and

> talk as a living.


Parents would give the toy to their children when leaving home. When it

was boring or scary, children could talk to the bunny like to a friend,

tell their troubles or just play together. It's both a friend and a

talisman. Children are very responsive; they see a kindred spirit in the

toy, open up and talk to it like to a living being.


> And the dolls, amulets have lived in their homes, becoming not just a

> toy, but a part of the world and a family member.


These talisman dolls lived in people's homes, becoming not just toys but

parts of their worlds and family members.

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