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ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Упражнение 2. Поставьте в пропуски неопределенный артикль в значении единицы или определенный артикль в присущем ему маркирующем значении.

1. Henry is paid _a_ hundred _a_ week. – _the_ hundred I was paid last week is coming to an end.

2. We write dictations twice _a_ month. – I swear, this was _the_ hardest month in my life.

3. She left without saying _a_ word. – What does _the_ word mean? I’ve never met it before.

4. _the_ cloud drew nearer and nearer. – There wasn’t _a_ single cloud in the sky.

5. Patients are not allowed to walk around during _the_ silent hour. – I’ll come back in _an_ hour.

6. I came across fresh strawberries at the market and bought _a_ pound. – You will find _the_ pound of apples I bought yesterday in the fridge.

7. _an_ hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. – _the_ reception hour is from 12.00 till 13.00.

8. I ordered only _a_ salad. – _the_ salad consisted of tomatoes and cucumbers with sour cream.

9. Money is _the_ soul of business. – There was not _a_ soul in the office.

10. There isn’t _a_ single mistake in the sentence. – _the_ mistake was silly and this only made me more upset.

Упражнение 3. Поставим все точки над i в конструкции ‘b of a’. Вспомните правила расстановки артиклей в этой конструкции и заполните пропуски артиклями.

1. We didn’t know that _the_ inhabitants of _the_ cave were pirates.

2. What about _a_ nice cup of __ tea?

3. Cement is _a_ mixture of clay and __ chemicals.

4. _the_ front of _the_ house was faced with granite.

5. I need a secretary with _a_ knowledge of __ English.

6. He turned down _the_ idea of __ opening a London office.

7. The dwarf always swims for _a_ quarter of _an_ hour in the morning.

8. The ogre’s bedroom was at _the_ back of _the_ house.

9. All I needed was _a_ word of __ truth.

10. I’ve brought a saw to shorten _the_ legs of _the_ table.

11. The boy certainly has _a_ sense of __ humour.

12. Where are you going with _a_ bucket of __ water?

13. I forgot _the_ name of _the_ street my friend lives on.

14. Sam had _a_ nice feeling of __ relaxation.

15. _the_ end of _the_ story was sad.

16. _the_ beginning of _a_ new school year is always an exciting event.

17. I want _a_ pound of __ cherries and _a_ kilo of __ apples.

18. _the_ bottom of _the_ ocean is inhabited by lots of sea species.

19. _the_ top of _the_ mountain was covered with snow.

20. _the_ foot of _a_ mountain is usually a dangerous place to camp at.

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