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ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Упражнение 3. Предлагается вставить отсутствующие детали. Для начала это будут предлоги, являющиеся элементами фразовых глаголов.

1. Paul is getting …on very well at school.

2. Where are you making …for with this ladder?

3. Excuse me, could you put me …through to the Sales department?

4. What are you looking …for? Have you lost anything?

5. Sam doesn’t get …on well with his sister. They are always falling …out.

6. I couldn’t make …out a word. His handwriting was really illegible.

7. The thieves made …off with the stolen fur coats.

8. They were arguing so hotly that I couldn’t put …in a word.

9. Mike was ill for a fortnight and fell …behind his class. He needs help to catch …up with the other pupils.

10. – Guess, who I ran …into today! It was Mr Pitt who taught us Maths at school!

11. The car broke …down and we had to walk 12 kilometres.

12. I came …across a most original necklace at the jeweler’s.

13. Ann has been going …out with Sam for a year. I think, they are going to get married.

14. I can no longer bear it! I’m completely worn …out!

15. Ted is coming on Saturday. I’m looking …forward to seeing him.

16. The poor lad took …to drugs and had to be taken to hospital.

17. When they say ‘Never give …in’ they mean that you should never lose hope.

18. Sam was too tired to do anything else, so he put …off writing the essay till tomorrow.

19. Just imagine! John has been nearly run …down by a lorry! God saved him!

20. I was taken …aback by her sudden decision but didn’t show my astonishment.


Упражнение 4. На этот раз недостающими деталями будут глаголы. Поскольку глаголами мы еще вплотную не занимались, в трудных местах (где требуется герундий или причастие) есть подсказки. В остальных предложениях все просто. Выбор между простым настоящим, голым инфинитивом и простым прошедшим за вами.

1. When you've been away, it takes a long time to …catch up on the local news.

2. The boy is so naughty! What on earth will he …get up to next?

3. I am not the person you …take me for.

4. Our plan …fell through because of lack of money.

5. I tried calling you several times but I couldn’t …get through.

6. Sorry for interrupting you, but could I …put in a word?

7. The princess speaks English fluently but her pronunciation …lets her down.

8. The plane …took off with a jerk and rose into the air.

9. Where are you …making for with this ladder?

10. She always …looks through her notes before the exam.

11. The director is going to …take on a new History teacher.

12. There came a knock on the door and the old lady rose to …let in the visitor.

13. The guys aren’t brave enough to face us. They will …give up without a fight.

14. I’m …putting by part of my wages every week to buy a bike.

15. He’s very disappointed about not getting the job but he’ll …get over it.

16. Why don’t you two kiss and …make up?

17. How long have Tom and Lucy been …going out together?

18. It’s too late to …put off the party now. What shall we tell the guests?

19. I’m not going to …put up with their smoking any longer.

20. I told the kids a story …making it up as I went along.

21. Things will get easier as time …goes by.

22. Firefighters soon …put the fire out.

23. I’m not interested in u-shu any longer. I’m going to …take up yoga instead.

24. I’m …looking forward to seeing our new English teacher. They say he is a whiz. Everyone …looks up to him.

25. The authorities have shown no signs of …giving in to the kidnappers’ demands.

26. How does he …get by on such a small salary?

27. Ann is really very sociable. She …gets on just fine with her classmates.

28. The operation …gave the little hare back the use of his legs.

29. After changing fierce looks the rivals …went at each other.

30. Don’t be …taken in by the witch’s charm. She is ruthless.


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