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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

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Complete diving facilities

The diving end of the pool is 25 meters wide by 20 meters long, with diving platforms cantilevered off a pylon. Similar in appearance to the buttresses supporting the roof trusses, the pylon was constructed of poured-in-place concrete in a single pour. The platforms, located at the standard heights of three, five. 71/2 and 10 meters above the water, are covered with a resilient, nonslip surface. Coaches prefer to have all of the platform heights available, so that divers in training can gradually work their way up.


During training, devices called spargers are turned on under the diving platform to add highly pressurized air to the water entering the pool, The effect is to disturb the water's surface, making it easier for divers to judge their distance from the pool. In addition, the air helps create a cushion at the pool's surface, lessening the possibility of injuries from missed maneuvers. Although spargers are not used during competition, divers still need to gauge the distance from the platform to the surface of the pool. To accomplish this effect, tiny jets located at the pool's edge disrupt the water just enough to keep it from taking on a mirror like appearance.


The success of the Goodwill Games Swimming and Diving Complex should be measured by not only its popularity with competing swimmers but also its acceptance by the general public. According to Nassau County' Recreation and Parks Commissioner John B. Reman, three times as many annual memberships as originally expected have been purchased since the pool opened to the public.


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