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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


VI. Choose the proper forms of the adjectives in brackets.

1. Sherlock Holmes is one of the _ fictional detectives of Victorian times I have ever known. (famous) 2. The evening is not so _ as the day. (warm) 3. His welcome is as _ as his wife’s. (hearty) 4. The _ you are, the _ it is to learn. (young, easy) 5. As I waited for my interview, I became _ and _. (nervous) 6. I enjoyed our visit to the museum. It was far _ than I expected. (interesting) 7. The judge looks _ than he really is. (old) 8. It was _ mistake I’ve ever made. (bad) 9. It is the _ story by this author. (exciting) 10. A wise enemy is _ than a foolish friend. (good)


VII. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:

1. Ранние правовые кодексы были не такими детальными, как кодекс Хаммурапи. 2. Эта проблема такая же разрешимая, как та. 3. С каждым годом становится все труднее и труднее найти работу в сфере права. 4. Она полагала, что одна из самых серьезных проблем общества является проблема преступности среди молодежи. 5. Чем внимательнее вы будете при расследовании этого дела, тем больше улик вы соберете. 6. Уголовное Право для нас было самым трудным предметом в институте.

VIII. Read the text and translate it into Russian in written form.

Roman Law

Roman Law is the legal system developed by the Romans from the time of their first codification of law, known as the Law of the Twelve Tables in 450 BC to the death of Justinian I, ruler of the Byzantine Empire, in AD 565.

Before the Twelve Tables, the law of Rome was religious in character, and only the members of the patrician class, priests, had the right to interpret it. The common people, the plebs, claimed that their liberties were not adequately protected by the unwritten law. Complaints and agitation by the plebs led to writing of the existing legal customs and the addition of new principles unknown in the customary law.

The Law of the Twelve Tables was thus drafted in 451-450 BC by ten magistrates. It was inscribed on tablets of bronze or wood, which were posted in the principal Roman Forum. This code set simple rules for an agricultural community; it established equal law for patricians and plebs and was prized by the Romans as the source of all public and private law. The legal system established under this code, and the body of rules that developed around it, applied only to Roman citizens.

Originally Ten Tablets of laws were inscribed; two more tablets were added the following year. The tablets were destroyed in the sack of Rome by the Gauls in 390 BC, but a number of the laws are known through references in later Latin literature. The Twelve Tables covered all categories of the law and also included specific penalties for violation of the law. The code underwent frequent changes but remained in effect for almost 1000 years.

Corpus Juris Civilis was the most detailed code of Roman Law and the basic document of all modern civil law. Byzantine Emperor Justinian I ordered to compile the code. The first three articles appeared between 529 and 535 and were the work of a commission of 17 jurists.

The Corpus Juris was an attempt to systematize Roman Law after over 1,000 years of development. Because it was published in numerous editions, copies of this written body of Roman Law survived the fall of the Roman Empire and avoided the fate of earlier legal texts.

With the revival of interest in Roman Law in the 11th century, a lot of famous scientists began to study and comment on the Corpus Juris. The influence of the Justinian Code was great. Jurists and scholars trained in this Roman Law played a leading role in the creation of national legal systems throughout Europe. Roman Law became the basis of legal practice in continental Europe.


IX. Find the synonyms to the following words in the text:

Judicial, scientist, punishment, major, origin, uncodified, to explain, to experience, criticism, to demolish, full, decline, unfamiliar, easy, to make up.

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