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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы



An effective literary analysis…

· is written in the present tense;

· has a well-defined purpose;

· provides precise definitions of the terms used;

· identifies clearly the title and author of the literary text;

· uses author’s background to substantiate interpretation;

· provides a short summary of the important plot events (the whole story should not be told or irrelevant details repeated);

· gives a clear presentation of the theses (states the central problem of the text and establishes the author’s approach), consisted and coherent argumentation;

· ties the background information to the problem;

· clarifies the meaning of the text and reveals how the text operates;

· provides textual evidence for interpretation in advances and shows how the evidence supports the interpretation;

· cites supporting quotations;

· provides symbolic interpretation;

· concludes by tying the ideas in the essay together;

· takes into account any plausible alternative interpretations and any contradictory evidence;

· gives the precise bibliography.



Modern literary theory has taken up many ideas from philosophy, psychology, sociology, linguistics, and cultural theory. It uses a number of general methods as well as special ones characteristic of a particular school / trend (neocritical method of close reading) or suggested by one school and then incorporated by the others (method of intertextual analysis).

The approaches to studying literature can be grouped in the following way:

· author-oriented (biographical, psychoanalytic, hermeneutic, cognitive) that consider the history of the literary work creation, the author’s biography, his/her conscious intention, and the unconscious;

· context-oriented (typological, cultural and historical approach, sociological approach, mythological criticism, Marxism, cultural materialism, New Historicism, Reconstructing Historicism, feminism, post-colonial studies, ecocriticism) that consider the interrelation of the text and the context(the system of cultural practices);

· text-oriented (New Criticism, formalism, structuralism, semiotics) that ignore extra-textual influences and focus on inter-textual processes;

· reader-oriented (reader response theory) that consider a work of literature as the result of the text-reader contact.

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