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ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Minister Unsympathetic Towards Teachers 3 страница

4. Lorna isn’t keen on cycling, and ________________________________________________

5. Paul plays tennis, and _________________________________________________________

6. Marie is a chess player, and ____________________________________________________


Exercise 43. All of the following are grammatically wrong. How should they be rephrased?


1. Do you can help me? __________________________________________________________

2. Does she have completed the survey? _____________________________________________

3. Why she is angry? ____________________________________________________________

4. Did they sold the subsidiary? ___________________________________________________

5. What means ‘price / earnings ratio’? _____________________________________________

6. When it must be finished? ______________________________________________________


Exercise 44. Mr. Hardwick, a driving instructor, is giving a driving lesson to seventeen-year-old Gary. Complete the following dialogue with the correct question tags. The first one has been done for you.


Instructor: Now, you remember what you learned last lesson, (1) don't you?

Gary: Yes, of course. Start the engine, into first gear, and we're off. That was all right, (2) ____________?

Instructor: Not really. You didn't indicate, (3) _____________?

Gary: Oh, sorry, I forgot. Still, it doesn't really matter, (4) __________?

Instructor: That's where you're wrong, Gary. I'm afraid it does matter.

Gary: Well, I can't be expected to remember anything, (5) __________? It's only my third lesson after all.

Instructor: OK, Gary. Anyway, watch your speed. You're going too fast.

Gary: But I'm only going thirty-five m.p.h.

Instructor: I know, but this is a built-area, (6) __________? And there's a thirty m.p.h. speed limit.

Gary: But look at everyone else. They're all going faster then thirty m.p.h., (7) ____________?

Instructor: That doesn't make any difference. You haven't passed your test yet, (8) ___________? Now, turn right at the next corner and — Gary, be careful!

Gary: Oh! I shouldn't have done that, (9) ___________?

Instructor: No, you certainly shouldn't have! You just weren't concentrating, (10) _____________? Now, for goodness sake, pay attention!

Gary: You don't really like teaching me to drive, (11) ______________, Mr Hardwick?

Instructor: It's not a question of liking or disliking, Gary. It's my job. But if you want to pass the test, you'll just have to learn to concentrate, (12) ______________? Now, let's try again.


Exercise 45. Question-tags. Add the correct tag to each of these statements.

Example: You'll go, _________

You'll go, won't you? (Negative tag)

You won't talk about it, _________

You won't talk about it, will you? (Positive tag)


1. You'll have some more tea, ___________

2. We'd better wait for her, ___________

3. He has tea for breakfast, ___________

4. She might be there, _____________

5. He needn't do that, ____________

6. You had a swim yesterday, _____________

7. He used to live here, ______________

8. I shan't be long ____________

9. He hasn't meet you before, _____________

10. He made you do it again, _____________

11. You never used to smoke, ______________

12. He had his door painted, _____________

13. He'll fall down, ____________

14. He has a lot of money, _____________

15. I ought to help him, ____________

16. You don't see the point, ____________

17. He never lived there, ____________

18. We didn't ask you, _____________

19. She needn't stay, _____________

20. You have no money, _____________


Exercise 46. Translate into English.


1) Когда вы купили этот радиоприемник? 2) С кем вы ездили на юг? 3) О ком вы разговариваете? 4) Кому вы дали ваш словарь? 5) Сколько у вас английских книг? 6) Какие вы видели фильмы в Москве? 7) Кто говорил вам об этом? — А. 8) Кто преподает вам английский язык? 9) Сколько человек участвовало в этой экспедиции? — Около ста человек. 10) Кто директор вашего института? — А. 11) Кто ваш брат? — Он врач. 12) Кто этот молодой человек? — Это мой брат. 13) Каковы ваши планы на лето? 14) Каково ваше мнение по этому вопросу? 15) Каковы ваши условия платежа? 16) Что собой представляет этот город?


Exercise 47. Translate into English.


1. Он очень умный человек, не правда ли? — Да, умный.

2. Он не вернулся еще в Москву, не правда ли? — Нет, вернулся.

3. Он будет завтра в институте, не правда ли? — Да, будет.

4. Вы не говорили с директором по этому вопросу, не правда ли? — Да, не говорил.

5. Он не знает французского языка, не правда ли? — Да, не знает.

6. Она еще не окончила университет, не правда ли? — Нет, окончила.

7. Он не сможет сделать эту работу в такой короткий срок, не правда ли? — Нет, сможет.


Exercise 48. Translate into English.

1) Кто оставил словарь на столе? 2) Кто из вас оставил словарь на столе? 3) Кого из них вы спрашивали об этом? 4) Кого вы ждете здесь? 5) Кому вы дали свой словарь? 6) Какие книги вы купили? 7) На каком этаже вы живете? 8) На какой стороне улицы ваш дом? 9) Что мы будем писать сегодня: диктант или грамматические упражнения? 10) Что вы купили? 11) Что вам купить: масла или сыру? 12) Какой месяц самый холодный в Москве? 13) Кто знает адрес А.? 14) Кто из студентов нашей группы написал диктант без ошибок? 15) Кому из них вы хотите дать этот словарь? 16) Какой язык вы знаете лучше: английский или немецкий?
17) Что вы предпочитаете: чай или кофе? 18) О чем вы разговаривали, когда я вас встретил? 19) Кто эти молодые люди? 20) Какова цена на олово? 21) Каковы цены на каучук? 22) Какие товары готовы к отгрузке? 23) Что готово к отгрузке? 24) По какой цене вы предложили этот товар? 25) Каково население этого города?

Passive Voice


Exercise 49. Passive verb tenses. Complete the paragraph. Put in a passive verb in the correct tense.


Barford Hall

The building at the top of the High Street is Barford Hall. It was built (build) in 1827 and today it (1)______________ (regard) as the finest Georgian building in the county. A number of changes (2)____________ (make) since it was built, but the front of the building (3)_______________ (not change). Today the Hall (4)________________ (own) by Bardale Council, and for the last ten years it (5)______________ (use) as a home for Barford Arts Centre. At the moment a small art gallery (6)________________ (build) behind the Hall.


Exercise 50. The future and modal verbs in the passive. A press conference is being held. Put in the correct form of the verbs.


Example: Reporter: Can this new drug prolong human life?

Professor: Yes, we believe that human life can be prolonged by the drug.


1. Reporter: Are you going to do any more tests on the drug?

Professor: Yes, further tests _________________________

2. Reporter: What ____________ the drug _________________________?

Professor: It will be called Bio-Meg.

3. Reporter: Can people use the drug now?

Professor: No, the drug _________________________ yet.

4. Reporter: Who will produce the drug?

Professor: It _________________________ by the Bentrix drug company.

5. Reporter: Do you think they should sell it to anyone who wants it?

Professor: Yes, I think it _________________________ freely.

6. Reporter: And what quantity could Bentrix produce?

Professor: We believe the drug _________________________ in large quantities.


Exercise 51. The passive with get. Look at these newspaper headlines and tell your friend what’s in the news. Use the passive with get in the present perfect (e.g. has got) or the present continuous (e.g. are getting).


An important document has got lost.


More bicycles are getting stolen.


The motorways ______________________________________________________________


A wall _____________________________________________________________________


A roof _____________________________________________________________________


Industrial workers ____________________________________________________________


Exercise 52. Active or passive verb? Put the missing verb forms into this news report.


Millions of pound worth of damage has been caused (has caused / has been caused) by a storm which (1)_____________ (passed/was passed) across the north of England last night. The River Ribble (2)____________ (burst / was burst) its banks after heavy rain. People (3)________________ (rescued / were rescued) from the floods by firemen, who (4)_______________ (received / were received) numerous calls for help. Wind speeds (5)________________ (reached / were reached) ninety miles an hour in some places. Roads (6)_____________ (blocked / were blocked) by fallen trees and electricity lines (7)______________ (brought / were brought) down, leaving thousands of homes without electricity. Everything possible (8)______________ (is doing / is being done) to get the situation back to normal,” a spokesman (9)______________ (said / was said)


Exercise 53. Complete the following news items by putting the verb in brackets into the correct form. The first one has been done for you.


1. Two men are being questioned (question) at Marylebone Police Station tonight in connection with last week’s armed robbery in Luton, in which Ј25,000 (1)_____________ (steal) from a Securicor van. Another man (2)______________ already ___________ (arrest) for the crime.

2. Four people (1)___________ (take) to hospital after a fire at their home in Tottenham early this morning. They (2)__________ (send) home after treatment for minor burns. Police believe the fire (3)_____________ (start) deliberately.

3. Disc jockey Paul Asherton (1)____________ (ban) from driving for two years. The court (2)______________ (tell) that it was the third time Asherton (3)___________ (stop) for speeding in six months. Asherton admitted driving at more than 125 m.p.h.

4. Missing schoolgirl Sheila Patterson, aged eleven, (1)______________ (find) alive and well in Leicester. Sheila, who disappeared two days ago, said she had left home to join a circus. Her parents are travelling to Leicester tonight. Meanwhile, Sheila (2)_____________ (look) after at Leicester Police Station.

5. Lorry-driver Albert Whittaker had a lucky escape this afternoon when a concrete block, which (1)_____________ (load) on his lorry, fell off and landed inches from his feet. Mr Whittaker (2)___________ (treat) for shock.


Exercise 54. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first, using by or with only where necessary.

Example: The police believe that someone used a master key to open the door.

The police believe that the door was opened with a master key.


1. Adrian Holt, the well-known composer, is writing the music.

The music __________________________________________________________________

2. Apparently, someone used a knife to kill her.

Apparently, she ______________________________________________________________

3. The police have arrested a 39-year-old mother of three for shop-lifting.

A 39-year-old _______________________________________________________________

4. Ice on the road almost certainly caused the accident.

The _______________________________________________________________________

5. I haven’t got my car at the moment. The garage is repairing it.

I haven’t got my car at the moment. It ____________________________________________

6. The supermarket manager was afraid that someone had injected poison into some of the food.

The supermarket manager was afraid that some of __________________________________


Exercise 55. Active or passive sentence? Use the notes to write sentences about American history. Put the important underlined information at the end of the sentence.

Example: Britain — rule — the American colonies

The American colonies were ruled by Britain.

The colonies — win — their independence — 1783

The colonies won their independence in 1783.

1. Washington — become — President — 1789

Washington __________________________________________________________________

2. buy — Louisiana — from France

Louisiana ____________________________________________________________________

3. discover — gold — California


4. the North — win — the Civil War


5. black people — want — equal rights


6. shoot — Kennedy — 1963




Exercise 56. Read the following extract from an adventure story. Then complete the extract by putting the verb in brackets into the correct form. There may sometimes be more than one possible answer. The first one has been done for you.


Jake felt sure that the secret plans were hidden (hide) somewhere in the room. He began searching carefully. Behind a picture on the wall he found a small metal safe. ‘They (1) __________ (keep) in here,’ he thought. Suddenly, he (2) __________ (push) violently from behind. He felt, hitting his head on the stone floor, and everything went back.

When he came round, he found that he (3) __________ (take) to a small room. His hands and feet (4) __________ (tie) with rope and he felt as if he (5) __________ (drug). He also had the strange feeling that he (6) __________ (watch). A few minutes later the door (7) __________ (unlock), and two men walked into the room. Jake immediately recognized one of them. It was Boris Mariovitch, the mad scientist!

‘So, my friend,’ said Boris, smiling coldly, ‘what made you think the plans (8) __________ (keep) in the safe? You fool! They (9) __________ (hide) where no one will ever find them!’

‘What are you going to do with him?’ asked the second man, pointing at Jake.

‘Him? Nothing for the moment. No doubt he (10) __________ (kill) in the morning!’

The two men left. The door slammed shut and (11) __________ (lock) from the outside. Jake looked desperately round the room. The door (12) __________ (make) of metal and (13) __________ (not break). The windows (14) __________ (not open) from the inside. What was he going to do? There was no escape! Jake (15) __________ (trap)!


Exercise 57. to be done and being done. An immigrant has arrived in Britain. This is what he is saying.


‘I’m asking the government to allow me into Britain. I am worried about them refusing me entry. I am afraid of your officials sending me away. I don’t want you to misunderstand me. I hope someone in Britain will offer me a job. I don’t mind them paying me low wages. I am willing for my employer to re-train me. I would like Britain to give me a chance.’


Report what the man says. Use the passive to-infinitive or ing-form.

Example: He is asking to be allowed into Britain.

He is worried about being refused entry.


1. He is afraid of _______________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________________________________

6. ___________________________________________________________________________


Exercise 58. Active and passive forms. Some workers are protesting about not being paid enough. Put in a to-infinitive or ing-form. Some forms are active and some are passive.

Example: We want to be paid (pay) better wages.


1. We don’t enjoy ________________________ (use) as cheap labour.

2. We’re tired of ________________________ (work) for low wages.

3. We expect ________________________ (treat) like human beings.

4. We won’t agree ________________________ (do) what the bosses want.

5. We hope _______________________ (invite) to discussions with the company.

6. We insist on ________________________ (hear).


Exercise 59. Active forms with a passive meaning. Put in an active or passive to-infinitive or an ing-form.


Rory: Are you going to be busy this evening?

Claire: Well, I’ve got a few things to do (do). This room ought (1) ________________ (clean) up a bit. And we’ve got some clothes (2) _________________ (take) to the launderette.

Rory: Yes, my trousers need (3) ______________ (wash). I’ll put them in the bag.

Claire: Those trousers have (4) _____________ (dry-clean), don’t they?

Rory: Oh yes, of course.

Claire: I’ve got too much (5) ________________ (carry). I’ll take it in the car.

Rory: Well, if this mess in here needs (6) ____________ (clear) up, I can do that when you’ve gone.


Exercise 60. Have and get as ordinary verbs. Complete the conversation. Use have something done with each verb.


A: Oh, what’s happening in here?

B: We’re having this room decorated (decorate). We got tired of the old wallpaper, so we’re (1) ______________ the walls ______________ (re-paper). And when we’ve (2) _____________ that ____________ (do), we’re going to (3) ________________ a new carpet ________________ (lay).

A: When did you (4) ______________ these shelves ________________ (fit)? Are they new?

B: Oh no. Those have been there for a long time.


Exercise 61. Make these active sentences passive, if possible in two different ways.

Example: The secretary gave me a message.

I was given a message (by the secretary).

A message was given to me (by the secretary).


1. The head office sent us a telegram.


2. My colleague recommended me the hotel.


3. Why did not they listen to him?


4. We will remit the money to you tomorrow.


5. The wholesaler offered us a discount.


6. The manufacturer has shown us a few samples.


7. They informed us that they approved of the quality.


8. We shall look into the matter carefully.


9. My father lent me a large sum of money.


10. They paid him a good salary.


11. When did they promise you a raise?


12. They told her the news yesterday.


13. He took no notice of my argument.


14. My secretary will deal with your questions.



Exercise 62. Choose the correct tense (Passive).


1. The student _____________ (expel) for disorderly behaviour some time ago.

2. These management consultants _____________ (consult) on this matter more than once in the past few years.

3. A new bill _____________ (bring) in to regulate strike measures.

4. While the enemy _____________ (advance), he _____________ (kill) in a counterattack.

5. He _____________ (acquit) of the crime long ago.

6. His book _____________ (turn down) by the publishers.

7. I asked to see him, but they said that the witness _____________ (interrogate) at that moment.

8. The team _____________ (beat) in last week's match.

9. The job _____________ (complete), so you can all go home now.

10. The men got into the building, while the interview _____________ (record).

11. Such things __________ (do) when money is getting tight.

12. Since the late 70s the questions __________ (raise) how companies must proceed in case they wish to control productivity.


Exercise 63. Choose the correct tense (Passive).


1. So far this particular problem _____________ (not - deal) with adequately.

2. Permits _____________ (grant) ever since Mr Lipton's case in court.

3. It _____________ (report) in several newspapers, that he had been in the plot.

4. New measures _____________ (introduce) by the government last week.

5. The plan _____________ (regard) carefully, when in the adjacent room a bomb exploded.

6. The personnel manager informed me that six applicants for the job _____________ (write off).

7. At yesterday's meeting it _____________ (resolve) to drop the matter.

8. While the investigation _____________ (hold), it _____________ (prove) that he was innocent.

9. The project _____________ (still - discuss). I hope it will end soon.

10. After the man _____________ (find) guilty of the crime, he _____________ (sentence) to 5 years imprisonment.

11. New methods __________ (develop) in the years to come.

12. We __________ (fascinate) by the tennis match in which he beat Lendl.

13. She __________ (drive) to drink by the cruel treatment of her late husband.

14. His speech __________ (prepare) carefully, but it didn’t come across very well.

15. The car __________ (polish), after the mechanic has finished repairing it.

16. The shed __________ (erode) by constant rain and wind, before it collapsed altogether.

17. This famous painting __________ (track) down with a lot of trouble.


Exercise 64. Choose the correct tense (Active or Passive).


1. The city _____________ (destroy) by Japanese invaders. Nowadays it is a prosperous business town again.

2. Jack _____________ (constantly – change) his mind when we need an urgent decision.

3. Such methods _____________ (choose) because of their obvious merits.

4. Latin America's once modern industrial structures _____________ (gradually - become) out of date with the decline in investments.

5. The ship _____________ (explode) when the tanks _____________ (clean).

6. _____________ (you - ever - bite) by a dog?

7. You cannot go in now. Your case _____________ (discuss) at the moment.

8. Let's call it a day when this problem _____________ (deal) with.

9. Finally the strike _____________ (break) when the workers were forced to give in.

10. The factory _____________ (close) the production lines because of a lack of orders.

11. Rumours have it that the town _____________ (strike) by another disaster soon.

12. The case _____________ (examine) closely at the moment.

13. I _____________ (study) these proposals for no less than three days now.

14. Before they ____________ (take) up the challenge they _____________ (provoke) for some time.

15. While he _____________ (talk) to a lady, his TV set _____________ (steal).

16. The victim who _____________ (have) a severe accident the other day _____________ (take) to hospital at once.

17. Unfortunately this film _____________ (expose) to daylight.

18. Your money _____________ (‘ability’ + put) to good use instead of being left idle in the bank.

19. The owners _____________ (go) away last March and since then their house _____________ (use) by squatters.

20. He _____________ (make) to surrender his passport when he _____________ (arrive) at the airport last night.

21. Lifeguards __________ (‘moral obligation’ + pay) more money, but the government __________ (‘ability’ + afford) to raise their wages at the moment.

22. The new speed limit __________ (‘formal announcement’ + introduce) next year.

23. The referee __________ (‘necessity’ + escort) from the field by a strong police guard after Groningen’s last home match.

24. They __________ (carry out) extensive survey work long before any of the company’s finances __________ (invest) in the project.

25. The instructions for operating this machine __________ (‘ability’ + find) in the office, if they __________ (not lose).


Exercise 65. Translate into English using the passive voice.


1) Улицу перед нашим домом всю разрыли: чинят газопровод. 2) Трое студентов в нашей группе освобождены от занятий по физкультуре, так как они занимаются в спортивных секциях. 3) Покажите мне, где в вашем городе строится новый театр. 4) Во время экскурсии по городу нам показали завод, где производится синтетический каучук. 5) Со мной так никогда еще не разговаривали. 6) Нам в лагерь регулярно доставляют на вертолете провизию и почту. 7) Книги, которые хорошо читаются, редко найдешь на полках библиотеки. 8) Объяснили ли вам, почему вам не разрешили принимать участие в этих соревнованиях? 9) Жаль, что на конференции таких вопросов не касались. 10) Когда мы приехали в Киев, это здание было только что восстановлено. 11) В прошлом месяце, наконец, вышла книга, которую с таким нетерпением ожидали. Сейчас ее широко обсуждают в прессе. О ней написано уже много статей, из которых видно, что мнения критиков разделились. 12) Не говори таких вещей, а то над тобой будут смеяться. 13) Мне еще ничего об этом не
говорили. 14) Ваш проект уже принят? ~ Нет, он все еще рассматривается. ~ Сколько же времени его уже рассматривают? 15) Ничего удивительного, что цветы погибли: их не поливали целую неделю. 16) Вас уведомят по телеграфу, как только чертежи будут посланы. 17) Почему так прохладно в зале? ~ Его как раз проветривают. Читальный зал, как вы знаете, проветривается несколько раз в день. 18) Булочная закрыта на обед; она закрывается с часу до двух. ~ А сколько времени осталось, до того как она снова откроется? 19) Когда делегатам переводили выступление представителя профсоюза, оно их так заинтересовало, что они захотели записать некоторые факты, и им их специально повторили. 20) Я боюсь, что наш запас бензина будет истрачен, прежде чем мы доберемся до ближайшей бензоколонки.


Exercise 66. Translate into English.


1) Первая часть этой книги печатается в Москве, а вторая будет печататься в С.- Петербурге. 2) Когда был построен этот вокзал? 3) В нашем городе сейчас строится новый театр. 4) Наш завод оборудован современными машинами. 5) Его скоро пошлют в С.- Петербург. 6) Его спросили, где он работает. 7) Я думаю, что этот завод будет построен к маю. 8) Он уедет из Москвы, когда договор будет подписан. 9) Договор был уже подписан, прежде чем он приехал. 10) Где будет построена новая библиотека? 11) Что производится на этой фабрике? 12) Эти книги продаются во всех книжных магазинах Москвы. 13) Он сможет прочесть эту статью, если она будет переведена на русских язык. 14) Этот завод только что переоборудован. 15) Новый мост строится около вокзала. 16) Библиотека была закрыта, так как было уже восемь часов. 17) Письмо не может быть отправлено сегодня, так как оно еще не подписано директором. 18) Московский Государственный Университет основан в 1755 году. 19) Самый молодой университет нашей страны находится в городе N. Он открыт осенью 1951 года. 20) Книги и учебники печатаются на 119 языках. 21) После того как ящики были распакованы, мы обнаружили, что некоторые части машины были сломаны во время перевозки. 22) Мы не пошлем им телеграммы до тех пор, пока не будет зафрахтован пароход. 23) Какие товары грузили, когда вы приехали в порт? 24) Товары отгрузили. Пошлите покупателю телеграмму.

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