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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Minister Unsympathetic Towards Teachers 4 страница


Exercise 67. Translate the following questions into English using the passive voice (Dictation-translation).


1) Кто сконструировал этот прибор? 2) Где сейчас конструируют этот прибор? 3) Как долго конструируется этот прибор? 4) Где конструируются такие приборы? 5) Когда будет сконструирован этот прибор? 6) Чей фортепьянный концерт сейчас исполняется? 7) Интересно, сколько раз уже исполнялся этот концерт. 8) Скажите, когда этот концерт исполнялся в первый раз? 9) В который раз уже обсуждается этот вопрос? 10) Часто у вас обсуждаются подобные вопросы? 11) Давно уже этот вопрос обсуждается? 12) Обсуждался ли когда-нибудь этот вопрос, до того как он был передан в комитет. 13) Его можно было видеть в саду в любую погоду. 14) Такие туфли нельзя носить в плохую погоду. 15) Над ним всегда смеялись, когда он был школьником. 16) Зимой свет зажигается очень рано. 17) За билеты было давно уплачено.


Exercise 68. Translate into English (Dictation-translation).


1) О ней очень хорошо отзываются. 2) Свет в квартире погас, и послали за электромонтером. 3) В магазине ему предложили целый ряд книг на интересующую его тему. 4) Можно положиться на эти цифры? 5) Будет ли ему предоставлена возможность пользоваться лабораторией? 6) Задавали ли вам дополнительные вопросы на экзамене? 7) Решение, к которому, наконец, пришли, было всеми одобрено. 8) Их тепло благодарили за помощь. 9) Надо положить конец этим бесполезным спорам. 10) В детском саду за детьми не только присматривают и не только играют с ними, но также учат их песням и танцам, читают им, водят в кино и детские театры.


Exercise 69. Translate into English.

1) Подписано ли это письмо? 2) Это письмо только что подписано директором. 3) Пароход зафрахтован. 4) Соглашение уже заключено. 5) Это соглашение недавно заключено. 6) Товары еще не доставлены. 7) Товары доставлены сегодня самолетом. 8) Этот вопрос еще не исследован. 9) Погружены ли товары? 10) Эта проблема разрешена российскими учеными. 11) Это здание полностью восстановлено. 12) Ящики пересчитаны. Их можно отвезти на склад. 13) Это здание было только что построено, когда мы приехали в Киев. 14) Когда мы получили их телеграмму, пароход был зафрахтован, но товары еще не были доставлены в порт. 15) Когда мы приехали в Киев, там было много домов, которые были разрушены немецкими фашистами. 16) Когда пришел директор, все было готово: документы были проверены и письма были напечатаны. 17) Дом был отремонтирован, забор был покрашен, и много новых фруктовых деревьев было посажено в саду к тому времени, когда он вернулся. 18) Когда вы позвонили по телефону, работа была только что закончена. 19) Вам не придется ждать. Документы будут проверены и письма напечатаны, когда вы придете. 20) Я уверен, что товары будут уже доставлены в порт, когда мы получим их телеграмму.


Exercise 70. Translate into English.


1) Мне еще ничего не говорили об этом. 2) Мне говорили вчера, что его пригласили работать в нашем институте. 3) Им обещали информацию по этому вопросу. 4) Мне предложили билет на концерт, но я отказался. 5) Мне дали этот каталог на заводе. 6) Студентам медицинских институтов преподают латинский язык. 7) Им показали лаборатории и библиотеку Университета. 8) Если мне предложат эту работу, я, конечно, соглашусь. 9) На днях мне рассказали очень интересный анекдот. 10) Нам сказали, что он уехал на завод и что его ожидают не раньше 8 часов. 11) Мне вчера показали очень хорошие снимки Гамбурга.

Indirect Speech


Exercise 71. Changes of person. Put in the pronouns (I, you etc.)


1. Susan (to you): ‘I feel really fed up with my job.’

You (to Wayne): Susan says ___________ feels really fed up with her job.

2. Laura (to you): ‘How is Louise?’

You (to Louise): Laura asked how ____________ are.

3. Phil (to you): ‘I haven’t got any money.’

You (to Gary): Phil says ______________ hasn’t got any money.

4. Joanna (to you): ‘Kevin never speaks to me.’

You (to Kevin): Joanna says ___________ never speaks to ____________.


Exercise 72. Changes of place and time. Put in: here, that day, the day before, the next day, the week before.


1. Angela (a week ago): ‘Terry and I are going to a concert tomorrow.’

You (today): Angela said she and Terry were going to a concert ________________________

2. Jan (two day ago): ‘I’ve only been in England since yesterday.’

You (today): Jan said he had only been in England since ______________________________

3. Neil (a week ago): ‘I’m meeting my friend at the airport today.’

You (today): Neil said he was meeting his friend at the airport later _____________________

4. Max (in the street): ‘I’ll see you at the coffee bar.’

You (at the coffee bar): Max said he would see me __________________________________

5. Paul (a month ago): ‘The festival was last week.’

You (today): Paul told me the festival had been _____________________________________



Exercise 73. The choice of tense. Put in is or was (Sometimes both are possible.) Is the statement still true (is) or out of date (was)?

Example: I heard today that the block of flats where I live is for sale. I wonder who is going to buy it?

I saw Martin yesterday. He said he was on his way to visit his sister.


1. This wallet is made of plastic not leather. Why did you tell me it ________ leather?

2. We had to hurry yesterday morning. Just as we arrived at the station, we heard an announcement that the train __________ about to leave.

3. What did Barbara said just now? — She said her tooth __________ still aching.

4. I was going to get a cup of coffee, but Mike just told me the machine ___________ out of order. It’s going to be fixed tomorrow.

5. I’m surprised Emma lost her match against Sheila. I thought she __________ a much better player than Sheila.

6. It said on the radio that the Queen ____________ coming here next month. Isn’t that exciting?

7. When he spoke to reporters yesterday, the Chairman said that the company ___________ now in a much better financial position.

8. The advertisement said that the swimming-pool ___________ free, but when we got here, we found we had to pay.


Exercise 74. The tense change. Reply to the statements. The speakers are all saying something different to what they told you before.

Example: ‘I’m going out with Ingrid.’

But you said you weren’t going out with her.

‘I prefer pop music to classical music.’

You told me you preferred classical music.

1. ‘I haven’t finished my project.’

I thought you said ___________________________________________________________

2. ‘I’m better at tennis than golf.’

But you told me _____________________________________________________________

3. ‘I enjoy parties.’

I remember you saying ________________________________________________________

4. ‘I’ve got a video recorder.’

But you said yesterday ________________________________________________________

5. ‘I’m applying for the job.’

I thought you told me _________________________________________________________

6. ‘I like Indian food more than Chinese.’

But you said ________________________________________________________________


Exercise 75. The tense change. A comedy show called “Don’t Look Now!” has just closed after five years at the theatre in London’s West End. It was the most popular comedy for a long time. This is what the critics said when it opened five years ago.


* ‘It’s a marvelous show.’ The Daily Mail.

* ‘You’ll love it.’ The Guardian.


1. ‘The production is brilliant.’ The Sunday Times.

2. ‘I can’t remember a funnier show.’ Stephen Devine.

3. ‘It made me laugh.’ Ben Walsh.

4. ‘You must see it.’ The Evening News.

5. ‘It will be a great success.’ The Telegraph.

6. ‘You might die laughing.’ The Daily Express.

7. ‘It’s the funniest show I have ever seen.’ Joan Proctor.

8. ‘You shouldn’t miss it.’ Time Out.


Now report what critics said.

Example: The Daily Mail said it was a marvelous show.

The Guardian said people would love it.


1. The Sunday Times said ________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________________________________

6. ___________________________________________________________________________

7. ___________________________________________________________________________

8. ___________________________________________________________________________


Exercise 76. Read the interviews and then complete the newspaper report below. The first one has been done for you.


Interviewer: As Minister of Education, what do you think of the teachers’ demand for a ten per cent rise?

Minister: (1) Frankly, I have little sympathy for the teachers. (2) They are extremely lucky to have a short working day and long holidays. (3) The Government is not prepared to pay them more for doing nothing. (4) The Teachers’ Union must accept that fact. (5) If they go on strike, they will be acting totally irresponsibly.

Reporter: As leader of the Teachers’ Union (TU), what if your reaction to the Minister’s remarks?

Leader of TU: (6) I am extremely angry at the Minister’s remarks. (7) Teachers are hard-working, responsible people. (8) When they go home, they cannot relax because they have to mark books and prepare lessons. (9) I have been teaching for twenty years, and during that time the pay and conditions have gone down. (10) The Minister has no idea what he’s talking about and should resign!


Minister Unsympathetic Towards Teachers

In a television interview last night, the Minister of Education (1) said (that) he had little sympathy for the teachers.

(2) He said ______________________________________________________________________

(3) ____________________________________________________________________________

(4) ____________________________________________________________________________

(5) ____________________________________________________________________________

When asked to comment on the Minister’s remarks, Tom Bolland, leader of the

Teachers’ Union, said (6) __________________________________________________________

(7) ____________________________________________________________________________

(8) ____________________________________________________________________________

(9) ____________________________________________________________________________

(10) ___________________________________________________________________________


Exercise 77. Wh -questions and yes/no questions. What do these tourists want to know at the Tourist Information Centre?

Example: German student: What are the most interesting sights?

A German student wants to know what the most interesting sights are.

Young man: Have you got a town plan?

A young man wants to know if the Centre has got a town plan.


1. Young woman: How can I find out about the town?

A young woman wants to know _________________________________________________

2. Woman: Are there guided tours?

A woman wants to know ______________________________________________________

3. French couple: Where can we stay?

A French couple wants to know _________________________________________________

4. Tourist: Which way is the castle?

A tourist ____________________________________________________________________

5. Japanese man: What shows are there?

A Japanese man ______________________________________________________________

6. Two young men: When does the festival start?

Two young men _____________________________________________________________


Exercise 78. Asking for information. Ask for information using could you tell me …? or do you know…?

Example: ‘Where are the toilets?’ (tell) Could you tell me where the toilets are?


1. Can I park here? (know) _______________________________________________________

2. How long does the film last? (tell) _______________________________________________

3. How often do the buses go? (know) ______________________________________________

4. Are we allowed to smoke? (know) _______________________________________________

5. What time is the flight? (tell) ___________________________________________________

6. How much does a ticket cost? (tell) ______________________________________________


Exercise 79. is - was etc. Gavin has worked for Brisco Supermarkets for thirty years. He can still remember his job interview after leaving school, and he can remember the questions that the interviewer asked him.

Example: ‘Where do you live?’ She asked him where he lived.

‘Have you worked before?’ She asked him if he had worked before.


1. “Why do you want the job?” She asked him _______________________________________

2. “How did you hear about it?” She asked him ______________________________________

3. “Are you fit?” She asked him __________________________________________________

4. “Can you work on Saturdays?” She asked him _____________________________________

5. “How will you travel to work?” She asked him _____________________________________

6. “Have you got a bicycle?” She asked him _________________________________________

7. “How much do you expect to earn?” She asked him _________________________________

8. “When can you start?” She asked him ____________________________________________



Exercise 80. Put the following into indirect (reported) speech.


1. ‘Where did you live in Wales?’ she enquired.


2. ‘Who is your favourite film star?’ I asked her.


3. ‘Have you ever seen the Phantom of the Opera?’ she asked me.


4. ‘Did she like living here?’ he wondered.


5. ‘Would he support our claim for higher wages?’ I asked them.


6. ‘Are you going to the IBS Gala on Thursday week?’ he asked me.


7. ‘Had she visited Singapore before?’ I asked him.


8. ‘Am I on time?’ my colleague asked me.


9. ‘Do you know who is meeting our Hungarian agent at the airport?’ asked our Sales Manager.



Exercise 81. Tim is very unhappy with his landlady. Read what the landlady says and then complete the dialogue below.


1. Stay in your room after dinner!

2. Eat your meals in the kitchen, not the dining-room!

3. Don’t bring your friends to the house!

4. Don’t use telephone!

5. Take your shoes off when you come indoors!

6. Don’t make noise after nine o’clock!

7. Don’t use the bathroom after 8.00 p.m.!

8. Smoke in the garden, not the house!


Example: ‘Take your washing to the launderette!’

She told me to take my washing to the launderette.

or She told me (that) I should/must take my washing to the launderette.


‘Don’t use my washing machine!’

She told me not to use her washing machine.

or She told me (that) I shouldn’t/couldn’t use her washing machine.

Tim: I must find somewhere else to live. My landlady’s impossible!

Bob: Why?

Tim: She’s so unfriendly. You know, she told me (1) __________________________________

Bob: Really?

Tim: Yes, and she (2) ___________________________________________________________

Bob: You mean, by yourself?

Tim: Yes. But that’s not all. (3) ___________________________________________________

Bob: She sounds awful!

Tim: She is. The day I arrived, (4) _________________________________________________

Bob: Oh, dear!

Tim: And (5) __________________________________________________________________

Bob: Your shoes!

Tim: Yes! Then (6) _____________________________________________________________

Bob: Incredible!

Tim: But listen to this! (7) ________________________________________________________

Bob: I don’t believe it!

Tim: It’s true! And, finally, (8) ____________________________________________________

Bob: Well, I’m not surprised you want to move!


Exercise 81. Read the following extract from a board meeting of Discoverer Lines, a shipping company. Then complete the minutes of the meeting below. The first one has been done for you.


Director: Right. (1) There are two ship we have to discuss this morning: the Magellan and the Columbus. (2) Mr McManus, is there any more news about the Columbus?

Mr McManus: (3) I had another telex from the captain yesterday. (4) The ship’s still in Sydney Harbor and can’t be unloaded because of the docker’s strike.

Mr Wates: (5) Could the crew on the Columbus unload the ship themselves?

Mr McManus: No, (6) it’s out if the question. (7) The Union would stop every ship in the company!

Director: Well, (8) let me know as soon as you have any news, Mr McManus. Now, (9) I understand there is a problem with the Magellan. (10) What do you know about it, Mr Greaves?

Mr Greaves: (11) The Magellan broke down in the Mediterranean two days ago. (12) We’re going to take the ship into Malta for repairs.

Director: (13) How long will the repairs take?

Mr Greaves: (14) They shouldn’t take longer than two or three days, but we may have to wait for spare parts.

Director: (15) How much will the repairs cost, Mr Wates?

Mr Wates: (16) I’ve got an estimate for $20,000, but that doesn’t include the port charges.

Director: (17) Are you going to supervise the repairs yourself, Mr Greaves?

Mr Greaves: (18) Yes. My flight to Malta leaves tomorrow morning.


Discoverer Lines

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