![]() ТОР 5 статей: Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы КАТЕГОРИИ:
Stylistic Lexicology1. At the level of lexical description (lexical analysis) of interest a) The bookish/colloquial type of speech is marked by... b) The text is remarkable for the use of... vocabulary... c) The bookish/colloquial/slang word... stands for the neutral... 2. The use of specific vocabulary (archaisms, barbarisms, terms, dialectisms, etc.) serves to create a particular background (historical, local, professional, etc.) 3. The use of... serves for character drawing (indicates the social position, educational level; renders official / unofficial / familiar / humorous / sneering. etc. manner of speech. 4.... are used in close context a) to achieve comic / humorous effect; b) to create connotations of irony / mockery etc. 5. The specific (poetic, colloquial, etc.) vocabulary gives / renders a particular (solemn, grave, passionate, pompous, unofficial, familiar, etc.) tone to the text. 6. The hyperbole... is intended for emphasis. 7. …conveys the author's subjective evaluation of… 8.... is introduced / to describe (to characterize) by deliberate 9.... carries a sarcastic overtone / has a connotation of a) The text owes its vividness to the use of... b)... gives a vivid colourful description of... 10. The metaphor / metonymy / irony … replaces a traditional ... presents an abstract notion as a concrete thing with vigor and ... serves for an expressive characterization of... 11.... creates gradual intensification of meaning. 12. The stylistic effect of... is based on defeated expectancy. 13.... is used to bring forth a comic/humorous etc. effect. 14. is made up by deliberate combination of words incompatible in meaning. 15. The stylistic function of the oxymoron is to present... in complexity of contrasting features. 16. The antithesis a) is made up of lexical/contextual antonyms a) serves to show... b) is realized through the use of... Stylistic Syntax
1.... creates a certain rhythmic effect/ serves for rhythmic organization of the text/creates the inner rhythm of the author's discourse/of the narration. 2.... creates an atmosphere of tension/dynamic activities/ monotony etc. 3.... serves as an appending stylistic device, increasing the stylistic effect of... 4.... conveys the emotional state of the character/ the fragmentary character of his thoughts/introduces the elements of suspence. 5. The text, which is a specimen of colloquial speech, abounds in elliptical sentences, such as... 6.... is used to imply emotional tension to the text. 7. Implied question/request/negation etc. are disguised as... 8....serves for emphatic negation/assertion etc. 9.... convey emphasis and expressiveness to the text/description/narration by their condensed and laconic form. 10. The stylistic effect is created by deliberate deviation from the generally accepted arrangement of sentence elements. 11.... is detached from the head word and placed in a prominent position 12.... gives special prominence to 13.... /introduces some new information/a plane of secondary predication. 14. The sentences/clauses/phrases are built after (follow) the same syntactic pattern. 15. The stylistic effect of parallelism... etc. is increased by anaphora/epiphora/ etc. Не нашли, что искали? Воспользуйтесь поиском: