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ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы



Translate the following sentences and phrases using various types of translation transformations.


1) Additions.

Example: The flowers carpeted the hills and fields. Цветы ковром покрывали холмы и поля.

1. а) Шутишь? б) Слышишь? в) Врёшь! г) Отстань!

2. а) He stole a look at the girl. б) I've got to finish this deadline.

3. а) The crash killed 20 people. б) I was admiring the boundless waters of the sea. The water in the bay was as even as glass.

4. Он отпил шампанского и улыбнулся.

5. Two persons were reported attacked, neither was injured.

6. У нее двое друзей и три подруги.

7. Гости постучали и вошли. Сядь и замолчи!

8. I’ll see you in Starbucks in an hour.

9. Madame Tusseaud’s included. (tour adverstisement)

10. курилка, планшетник, цифровик, пульт, валторна, shelter

11. She had peeped into the book her sister was reading.

12. Он взял сумку в правую руку.

13. Мы веселились и дурачились.

14. Scary Movie, a nightmare, we’re exhausted

15. Taste life. Enjoy the party!


2) Omissions.

Example: He jumped to his feet and ran after them. – Он вскочил и побежал за ними.

1. Замираю и смотрю в одну точку.

2. We were sick and tired of waiting for hours and hours.

3. The invaders came to kill and murder the civil population.

4. Если я расскажу, что видела – ты вряд ли поверишь.

5. The treaty was declared null and void.

6. The car was badly damaged but, luckily, the driver appeared to be safe and sound.

7. Машина завернула за угол и скрылась из виду.

8. She was fed up with all those William Shakes(pear)’s dramas, so she left the job.

9. Finally, though, I got undressed and got in bed.

10. упасть в обморок, оказать влияние, произвести впечатление

3) Specifications.

Example: Things look promising. – Ситуация выглядит многообещающей.

1. Руко пожатие. 2. We haven't bought a Christmas tree yet.

3. She slammed the door into his face. 4. armrest

5. И достав из стола сигареты, предложил Кристине.

6. They say that when good Americans die they go to Paris.

7. В поезде мы только и делали, что читали одни и те же

женские глянцевые журналы. 8. The travel was rough. Too shaky.


4) Generalisations.

Example: I will come back in twenty-four hours. – Я приеду через сутки.

1. тёплая водолазка, a watchful eye

2. London saw a cold winter last year. The house has a cosy fireplace.

3. She does not have an enemy on earth.

4. She nestled up against my heart.

5. He can play the guitar, the drums, the saxophone, the bass, the keyboard – a whole orchestra in just one person!

5) The opposite translation.

Example: I don’t think I know you. Кажется, я Вас не знаю.

1. It was not until after dinner that I decided to call the doctor.

2. Я вам серьёзно говорю. Не стоит недооценивать силу заклинания.

3. They had little to say to each other.

4. Living in the country, we had few amusements.

5. Please, don’t come until 4 o’clock. It’ll be inconvenient for me.

6. Он сказал, что никогда не забудет этого лета.

7. Look into my eyes. Keep silent when I’m talking!

8. That was the only lighthouse he had ever seen.

9. The last thing I would like to do is to spoil our relationship.

10. The inferiority of the enemy.

11. No sooner were they out than it began to rain.


6) Compensation and modulation. Example: dead end – тупик.

1. Are you nuts?! What are you doing?

2. Угощайтесь.

3. Ночь на Иван Купала.

4. How do you do?

5. I’m terribly sorry! – Forget it. Never mind!


6. Уже ночь на дворе.

7. Она даже не прикоснулась к вину.

8. - Name your favourite movies, please!
- Alright! They are “The Village”, “Snatch”, "Sweet Home Alabama", “He is just not that into you”, “Limitless”, “Playing by Heart”, “The Last Airbender” and... "No Reservations"! (в России эти фильмы вышли под другими названиями)

9. Мне по барабану!

10. - How are things? - S.s.d.d. (same story – different day)!


7) Sentense division:

1. Also, on the table I found a scrap of paper whiсh had written on it…

2. Ну, так что же? - спрашиваю я ледяным голосом.

3. “I’m sorry, sir, but I’m not allowed to talk to strangers,” she told him as she wisely remembered her parents warning about strangers.


8) Explanation (descriptive translation).

Example: табор – a group of Gypsies living together

1. кокошник 2. Call me asap! 3. халтура
4. caseworker 5. snoozer 6. Brown Betty
7. freelancer 8. кипяток 9. именинник
10. погорелец 11. a challenging job 12. иероглиф 13. to volunteer 14. guidance counselor 15. авантюра

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