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ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


C) complex sentence

d) compound/complex sentence


3. Identify the sentence: Alaina wrote an original poem, and her mother corrected her spelling.

a) simple sentence

B) compound sentence

c) complex sentence

d) compound/complex sentence


4. Identify the adjective clause: Many monuments are found around the White House, and foreign leaders who come to Washington often visit them.

a) Many monuments are found around the White House

b) foreign leaders often visit them

C) who come to Washington

d) are found around


5. Identify the noun clause: Rulon steered the jeep down the muddy road to the camp site, and then he discovered that it was the wrong road.

a) Rulon steered the jeep down the muddy road to the camp site

b) then he discovered

C) that it was the wrong road

d) the jeep down the muddy



English Russian Kazakh
coexist сосуществовать қатар өмір сүру
rudimentary facilities элементарные (простые) средства қарапайым құралдар
low yields низкая урожайность төмен өнімділік
underutilization недостаточное использование жеткіліксіз пайдалану
traceability прослеживаемость бақылап шығу, қадағалау
residues остатки қалдықтар
reduction сокращение қысқарту, азайту
competitiveness конкурентоспособность бәсекеге жарамдылық; бәсекелесу қабілеті




Main literature:

  1. Луговая А.Л. Английский язык для строительных специальностей. – М: ВШ, 2006


Additional literature:

  1. Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig New English File Advanced. Oxford Workbook University Press 2010.
  2. Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig New English File Advanced. Student Book, Oxford University Press 2010.
  3. Полякова Е.Ю. Английский для инженеров. - М: ВШ, 2008.
  4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wood_preservation#American_Wood_Protection_Association
  5. http://www.dailygrammar.com/291to295.shtml
  6. http://grammar.about.com/od/c/g/complexsentence.htm
Hand out 27
English as a foreign language Lexical theme: “Chemical preservatives”.
Professional English Grammar: Introductory clauses
Credits: 2  
Assistant professor A.S. Karybayeva

1 Do you know these chemical wood preservatives?

Creosote oil Alkaline Copper Quaternary Boric Acid For Wood Preservatives Chemicals Copper Stearate

2. Are these wooden things preserved by any chemical substances? Say why?

Wooden house plank bridge wooden bathroom facilities
Fence doors and windows wooden craft


Read the text.

The last decades developments in the arena of wood modification have accelerated considerably. This acceleration is due to a number of circumstances of which the environmental awareness, the increasing demand for high and constant quality and the increasing prices and availability of tropical hardwood species. This has led to the up-scaling and the market introduction of a number of wood modification techniques. Modification can be done without added chemicals by heat treatment only, or with the aid of added chemicals. The main chemical modification systems are esterifications. Esters are formed by reaction of wood with carboxylic acids or acid anhydrides. Ester bonds can be liable to acid or base attack, which leads to hydrolysis. During the esterification of wood with anhydrides the acid within the anhydride is produced as the by-product if an alkylic anhydride is used. A new hydroxyl group is formed when esterification is performed with the use of a cyclic anhydride. This new hydroxyl group can cross link with another hydroxyl group of cell wall polymers in a possible acetylation reaction. An advantage of many acylations with anhydrides is that for most of them no catalyst is required.

Most laboratory-based experiments have involved the use of solvents (which is not really suitable for commercial processes), especially those containing heteroatoms, since they offer the benefits of both swelling the substrate, and catalysing the reactions. One way of avoiding the use of solvents is where the reagent acts also as a solvent.

In general in laboratories world-wide many chemical possibilities have been investigated, however most of them were never brought in the up scaling process. Some of them however (like acetylation and furfurylation) are becoming commercially available now. As for all modification processes the chemical structure of the lignin, cellulose and hemi-cellulose is altered and consequently, the strength properties are changed. Therefore, the chemical modified wood, which becomes commercially available now, may not be used structurally without further research.

More recently the first chemical modification processes have reached the market or are in the process of coming to the market. In general the diversity of properties that may be reached by chemical modification is much bigger compared to other modification processes. In the laboratory it has been proven that almost any desired property can be improved with chemical modification. This may lead to either wood with superior qualities or to tailor-made products, which potentially lead to the use of wood in areas where it has never been used before. It is expected that the market for chemically modified wood will increase dramatically in the coming 5 years.

Specific wood modification processes designed for the wood based panel sector and probably also for the production of wood plastic composites, will be developed based on the principles of timber modification. Inevitably new options will become commercial in future dealing with properties of the wood component in the composites, but also with improved interaction e.g. by means of grafting processes.

The fact that modified wood now has established its name and is becoming a commercial success is very promising. Firstly because it will enable environmental responsible use of wood, secondly because it helps to preserve our natural resources and thirdly because it promotes the use of one of the most important renewable resources.


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