ТОР 5 статей: Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы КАТЕГОРИИ:
Exercise 28. Translate into English.
) 1. Она отложила в сторону письмо, которое писала, и задумалась. 2. Она пошла на почту отправить письмо, которое написала накануне. 3. Все еще спали, когда зазвонил телефон. 4. В саду никого не было. Пахло свежескошенной травой. По-видимому, садовники косили. 5. Сад потерял свою прелесть: садовники скосили всю траву. 6. К счастью, он не заметил ее воспаленных глаз и не догадался, что она плакала. 7. Сью внимательно наблюдала за Джонси, когда та открыла глаза. 8. Сью, которая некоторое время наблюдала за своей больной подругой, подошла к ее кровати. 9. Она отложила в сторону книгу, которую читала. 10. Она написала письмо и читала книгу. 11. Пеготти уронила чулок, который она штопала. 12. Пеготти отложила чулок, который уже заштопала.
) 1. Нежданов до того удивился, что даже не поднялся с пня, на котором сидел. (Тургенев) 2. Одинцова опустилась на то же самое кресло, на котором сидела накануне. (Тургенев) 3. В это время один офицер, сидевший в углу комнаты, встал. (Лермонтов) 4. Она [Елена] быстро захлопнула книгу, которую читала, и отошла от стола. (Достоевский). 5. Лена выпустила его руку, которую минуту тому назад так крепко сжимала. (Чаковский) 6. Глаза у Сергея покраснели и чуть припухли. Неужели он плакал?.. (Слепухин)
Exercise 29. Comment on the use ot the Present Indefinite, Present Continuous, Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous. 1. Women
Are constantly
Trying to commit suicide for love, but generally they take care not to succeed. (Maugham) 2. You probably
haven't seen her since those summer holidays when Mum and Dad were abroad. (Christie) 3. Gerald, if you
Are going away with Lord Illingworth, go at once. Go before it
Kills me: but don't ask me to meet him. (Wilde) 4. There's the car. Arnold's
Come back . I must go and bathe my eyes. I don't want them to see
I've been crying . (Maugham) 5.
I am seeing the other nurse, Nurse O'Brien, to-day. (Christie) 6. As she turns to go, she finds that Bella
Has entered and
Is staring at her and her father with impassive hatred. (Gow and D’Usseau) 7, Bella is a Negro woman of fifty who
Has been in the Langdon home for twenty-four years and thus
Occupies a favored position. (Gow and D’Usseau) 8. "You
Are being very absurd, Laura," she said coldly. (Mansfield) 9. When
I've taken off my things we shall go into the next room and have tea. (Mansfield) 10.
I'm always
Doing things on the spur of the moment to ray own inconvenience and other people's. (Maugham) 11. He has all the virtues. Dr. Ramsay, Miss Glover, even Mrs. Branderton
Have been drumming his praise into my ears. (Maugham) 12. Fatty came over to Lanny's table. A fat, cheerful Greek with laughing wrinkles at the sides of his eyes. "You're alone to-day," Fatty said. Lanny nodded and lit a cigarette. "
I'm leaving to-night." "Leaving?" "Yes, Fatty.
I'm going home to the Karroo." (Abrahams) 13. D'you know that Robert Qldham and Caroline
Have been madly in love with one another for the last ten years? They'
Ve waited all this time, and now at last Caroline is free. (Maugham) 14. This will be the death of her when she
Hears it. (Dreiser) 15. You
Have told my learned friend that you
Have known Mr. Pickwick a long time. (Dickens) 16. He is always
Breaking the law. (Shaw) 17. "It is Mrs. Sedley's coach, sister," said Miss Jemima. "Sambo, the black servant,
Has just
Rung the bell." (Thackeray) 18. She
doesn't like me... She's always
Saying sharp things to me. (Christie) 19. "I think you
Are being very wise. A complete holiday, a complete rest, that is what you need.
Have you
Decided where you
Are going ?" "
I've changed my mind," I said. "
I don't think I'm doind away after all." (Murdoch) 20. Ah, Miss Marple. Good morning. Glad you'
Ve come . My wife's
Been ringing you
Up like a lunatic. (Christie) 21. A woman never acknowledges such a nondescript age as forty-eight unless she
Is going to marry a widower with seventeen children. (Maugham) 22. "By the way, you'
Ve been talking about me. I see it written in your faces. Your silence tells me all. I could even guess what you've
Been saying ..." "You'
Ve been listening ," Gladys cried, making a face at him. (Priestley) 23. You
Are being far too romantic about it. (Hilton) 24. "Do you like me at all, Bertha?" he asked. "
I've been wanting to ask you ever since you came home." (Maugham) 25. Years
Have passed since we began this life. (Dickens) 26. I'
Ve been making some sandwiches. Won't you come up and have some? (Christie) 27. I cannot imagine why I'
Ve lived thirty years with a man I dislike so much. (Maugham) 28. "Antonia
Has been telling me about your flat," said Rosemary. "It sounds ideal. And there's a heavenly view over to Westminster Cathedral." (Murdoch) 29. We'
Ve been going to pictures about twice a week ever since. (Maugham) 30. I'
Ve flown a kite every Saturday afternoon ever since I was a kid and I'
M going to fly a kite as long as ever I
Want to. (Maugham) 31. I
Know this is an old story, I
don't understand it myself and if I set it
Down in black and white it is only with a faint hope that when
I have written it I may get a clearer view of if. (Maugham) 32. Who
Is coming to tea? (Wilde) 33. "I don't know what's been the matter with me. I'
Ve been so miserable, Eddie..." "You've
Been crying ." (Maugham)
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