ТОР 5 статей: Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы КАТЕГОРИИ:
Exercise 4. Comment on the meaning of modal verbs. Translate into Russian.1. I have brought back your man —not without risk or danger; but every one must do his duty. (Hardy) 2. "May I escort you home?" he said. (Hichens) 3. Blanche: I'm sorry. I must have lost my head for a moment. (Tennessee Williams) 4. "There must be something wrong somewhere," he said w-ith a solemn, dejected movement of his head. (Caldwell) 5. Gracing the centre table was a Bible and a yellow plush album, in which was not a single picture... It must have been the yellow plush that had fascinated them. (Dreiser) 6. "Something must have happened. He behaves quite differently to me, he's cold and he looks at me in such a terrifying way as if he were thinking about killing me... And honestly Martin, I'm frightened." "...Pull yourself together," I said. "You must be imagining all this." 7. Sir Robert: Gertrude, what you tell me may betrue, but it happened many years ago. It is best forgotten! Mrs. Cheveley may have changed since then. (Wilde) 8. She passed the girls' room, noticed that they were quiet and therefore must be doing as they had been told, and went on to the children's room. (Benson) 9. "May not the editor have been right in his revision of your Sea Lyrics...?" she questioned. "Remember, an editor must havej)roved qualifications or else he would not be an editor." (London) 10, Stanley: That must have been a pretty long time ago. (Tennessee Williams) 11. Both of you behaved very badly. You might have given me a little encouragement. (Maugham)
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