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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Exercise 1. Point out the particles and define the group each belongs to.

1. It is just because I want to save my soul that I am marrying for money. (Shaw) 2. Rosa feared this power, but she enjoyed it too. (Murdoch) 3. Oh, doctor, do you think there is any chance? Can she possibly survive this last terrible complication? (Shaw) 4, We merely want to see the girl and take her away. (Dreiser) 5. I shall also try to be there at ten. (Wells) 6. Don't come any nearer. You're at just the right distance. (Bennett) 7. He had taken up with it solely because he was starving. (London) 8. Soames was but following in the footsteps of his father. (Galsworthy) 9. I am interested only in man. Life I love and before death I am humble. (Saroyan) 10. Just then the telephone rang. (Snow) 11. Tom, you'll manage it and if you do I'll give you something ever so nice. (Twain) 12. He needed the peculiar sympathy that a woman alone can give. (Locke) 13. She ought to have written at once and told htm exactly what had happened. (Wells) 14. I think, he's been a simply perfect father, so long as I can remember. (Galsworthy) 15. They did not even look at him. (Faulkner) 16. Not a career for a man of his ability. (Galsworthy) 17. We followed him along the corridor... He never looked back, he never hesitated. (Collins)






Exercise 1. State whether the boldfaced word is an adverb, a modal word, or a particle.



Miss Whitmore was




taken by surprise. (Dreiser) 2....the time had come in which she must speak to him




. (Trollope) 3. The hall looked




as it did when he used to dine there with Jack Herring. (Galsworthy) 4. My mother knew so




how to dress. 5. You are coming




out into life — facing it all. (Wells) 6. She would never persuade them that she had done




. (Wells) 7. "You will be sure to come?" said Mr. Snodgrass. "Oh,




." (Dickens) 8. Soames smiled.




Uncle James had a way with him. (Galsworthy) 9. Lammlein rose. "We have fulfilled our obligations," he said pompously, and yet not quite




. (Heym) 10. Tom, you'll manage it and if you do I'll give you something




so nice. (Twain) 11. I don't think I shall ever be afraid of you again, Bessie. (Си. Bronte) 12. Fleur having declared that it was "




too wonderful to stay indoors," they all went out. (Galsworthy) 13.-She looked at him




, directly... (Dreiser) 14. They




came in. They are sitting in number 7 booth. (This is America) 15. I'll




tap and ask them to come out. (Dreiser) 16. I don't know




what to do. (Dreiser) 17. What are they that they should judge us?




they do unhesitatingly. (Shaw) 18. There was




another source of difference between us. (Dickens) 19. But the gentleman had not finished his requests




. (Priestley) 20. "I had another reason for suspecting the deceased woman," he said, "which appears to me to have been stronger




(Collins) 21. He had no purpose in going about the room, but he was not




a moment. (Dickens) 22....Charlie felt sure that she was




somewhere in London. (Priestley) 23. Old Mr. Ablewhite




made his appearance that night. (Collins) 24. Mrs. Reed was blind and deaf on the subject. She




saw him strike or heard him abuse me. (Ch. Bronte) 25. To be loved beautifully was




the crown and climax of her being. (Wells) 26. Slowly,




, with the secret inner process that works the destruction of an old tree, the poison of the wounds to his happiness, his will, his pride, had corroded the comely edifice of his philosophy. (Galsworthy) 27. In turn, each of these brothers was very different from the other, yet they,




, were alike. (Galsworthy) 28. They said of him that he was




serious. (This is America)


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