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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Proton witny engines 9 страница

Subsequent cockpit conversation:

Pilot: OK Danny, now we're up here it's time for someone else to do some work -turn on the autopilot will you? With a bit of luck, we won't be required until the West Coast is in sight.

Co-Pilot: No worries Kel.



at all times все время

be ahead of schedule [7Sedju:l] опережать расписание

cruising [7kru:ziN] altitude высота крейсерского полета

descent [di7sent] снижение

enjoy наслаждаться

enjoyable приятный

ensure гарантировать, убедиться

fasten [fA:s(E)n] seatbelts пристегнуть ремни безопасности

in sight в поле зрения

in-flight announcement [E7nausmEnt] объявление в полете

in-flight service обслуживание в полете

meantime тем временем

on arrival [E7raivl] по прибытию

precaution [prei7kO:Sn] предосторожность, предостережение

reach достигать

slight [slait] легкий

smooth [smu:9]спокойный, гладкий

subsequent [7sVbsikwEnt] последующий

tail wind попутный ветер

turn on autopilot включить автопилот



1. Who makes in-flight announcement?

2. What flight information does the captain provide?

3. What does he ask the passengers to do as a precaution?

4. What weather is expected to be an arrival?

5. Are they ahead of or behind the schedule?

6. Where and when should they arrive?

7. What can the passengers enjoy?

8. What are the last pilot's words in this announcement?

9. What is the subsequent cockpit conversation?

² T9.7

Part One

Pilotless Planes

In April 2001, an unusual white plane landed at an airbase in South Australia. The aircraft was a Northrop Grumman Global Hawk, with long, slender wings, a twin tail, but no windows or cockpit. Why? Quite simply, the Global Hawk has no pilot and is known in the military as an "unmanned aerial vehicle" (UAV). The journey from Edwards air force base in California had taken around a day - it was the first pilotless flight across the Pacific Ocean.

From start to finish, the flight only involved two human actions. The first was a mouse-click from its ground controller telling the plane to take off; the second was another click, after landing, telling it to turn off its engine. In between, the aircraft's on-board computers automatically handled taxiing, takeoff, the programmed flight path and landing.

The Global Hawk is, of course, a military aircraft, and has since been used in operations in Afghanistan. As a reconnaissance tool, UAVs can fly higher and longer than manned aircraft. If they are shot down in warfare, there is no risk of pilots being killed, injured or captured. However, the question remains whether or not this technology could be adapted to non-military use. The prospect of civilian aircraft flying without pilots is an interesting one, but the barriers are not just technical.


There are two basic issues to be addressed before any transition to commercial airliners is possible. Firstly, manufacturers would need to prove that a pilotless airliner would be as safe as a manned aircraft. Secondly, the flying public would need to be convinced that these aircraft are safe. Once this level of safety has been demonstrated and accepted, the advantage for airlines is obvious - cutting the cost of pilots would increase profits enormously.



accept принимать

advantage преимущество, польза

air force base военно-воздушная база

barrier [7bXriE] барьер, помеха

be adapted to sth приспосабливаться к чему-либо

be convinced быть уверенным, убежденным в ч.-л.

capture [7kXptSE] захватывать, брать в плен

civilian [sE7viliEn] гражданский

enormously [i7nO:mEsli] чрезвычайно, крайне

flight path траектория полета

handle управлять, регулировать

increase [in7kri:s] profits увеличивать прибыль,

involve вовлекать, включать

journey поездка, рейс

manufacturer [6mXnju7fXktSErE] производитель, изготовитель

obvious [7PbviEs] очевидный, явный

on-board computer бортовой компьютер

prospect перспектива

reconnaissance [ri7kPnisEns] tool разведывательный прибор

shoot down сбивать

slender тонкий

transition переход

turn off engine заглушить двигатель

twin двойной, сдвоенный, состоящий из двух однородных частей

unmanned aerial [7eEriEl] vehicle беспилотное, управляемое автоматически воздушное транспортное средство

warfare [7wO:feE] война



1. When and where did an unusual white plane land?

2. Why was it unusual?

3. What is the name of this aircraft?

4. How is the Global Hawk known in the military?

5. How long did the first pilotless flight across the Pacific Ocean last?

6. How many human actions did the flight involve? What were they?

7. What procedures did the aircraft's on-board computers automatically handle?

8. Where has the Global Hawk as a military aircraft been used?

9. What are the advantages of this type of aircraft in comparison with manned aircraft?


10. Could this technology be adapted to non-military use? Is there the prospect of civilian aircraft flying without pilots?

11. Are the barriers technical?

12. What are two basic issues for the prospect of automated passenger flight?


² T9.8

Part Two

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