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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Семинар 2. Лексические трансформации.

Вопросы для самоконтроля.

1. Что изучают общая, частная и специальная теории перевода?

2. Каковы две основные классификации видов перевода?

3. В чём различаются адаптивное транскодирование и перевод?

4. По мнению учёных предшествующих периодов может ли перевод быть полностью тождественным / Сервантес, Тумбольдт /. Каково решение вопроса о возможности тождественного перевода?

5. В чём заключается проблема переводимости? Как соотносится целое и частное при переводе?

6. В чём разница между эквивалентностью и адекватностью? Возможен ли адекватный перевод с частичной эквивалентностью? На что ориентированы эквивалентность и адекватность?




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The problem I propose to discuss is rather a hard nut to crack. Why does homo sapiens, whose digestive track functions in precisely the same complicated ways the world over, whose biochemical fabric and genetic potential are essentially common in all peoples and at every stage of social evolution — why does this unified mammalian species not use one common language? It inhales, for its life processes, one chemical element and dies if deprived of it. It makes do with the same number of teeth and vertebrae. In the light of anatomical and neurophysiological universals, a unitary language solution would be readily understandable. But there is also another “natural” model. A deaf, non-literate observer approaching the planet from outside and reporting on crucial aspects of human appearance and behaviour, would conclude with some confidence that men speak a small number of different, though probably related, tongues. He would guess at a figure of the order of half a dozen with perhaps a cluster of dialects or pidgins. The number would be persuasively concordant with other major parameters of human diversity. Why, then this mystery of Babel?



1. Какое значение имеет глагол to propose в сочетании с инфинитивом?

2. Что такое homo sapiens? Что означает слово fabric в данном контексте? Кто автор книги «Origin of species»? Что такое mammalian? В каком смысле человек is unified?

3. Есть ли разница в значении глаголов to breathe и to inhale? Какой химический элемент подразумевается? Что означает эллиптическое сочетание if deprived?

4. Что означает словосочетание to make do with? Форма vertebrae единственного или множественного числа? Что общего между словами spine и vertebrae?

5. Как можно перефразировать смысл сочетания a unitary language solution, чтобы оно стало более понятно?

6. Почему слово natural взято в кавычки? Как можно точнее передать смысл этого предложения?

7. Почему наблюдатель должен быть глухим и неграмотным, чтобы придти к ошибочному выводу о количестве языков на Земле? В каком смысле употреблено слово outside? Что означает crucial? Есть ли разница между словами language и tongue в данном тексте?

8. Что такое pidgin? В чем он отличается от диалекта?

9. Что такое the Tower of Babel? Что в переносном смысле символизирует Babel? Почему о нём говорят как о загадке?



Типы эквивалентов

1. Найдите в тексте слова и словосочетания, имеющие постоянные эквиваленты в русском языке. К какой части словарного состава английского языка они принадлежат?

2. Какие эквиваленты вы можете предложить для перевода слова fabric?

3. Какие синтаксические преобразования следует произвести во втором предложении?

4. Какой эквивалент следует использовать для перевода выражения hard nut to crack?

5. Предложите Ваш вариант эквивалента слова unified и обоснуйте Ваш выбор.

6. Сделайте дословный перевод третьего предложения и затем сделайте его более приемлемым, изменив порядок слов.

7. Подходят ли эквиваленты слова solution к данному контексту? Какой контекстуальный эквивалент Вы предложите?

8. Подходит ли постоянный эквивалент слова deaf – глухой к контексту? Ваше отношение к окказиональному эквиваленту «не воспринимающий звуков»? Предложите свой вариант эквивалента для слова non-literate.


Семинар 2. Лексические трансформации.

1. Определение трансформации, её причины и сущность.

2. Приёмы конкретизации и генерализации.

3. Смысловое развитие при переводе.

4. Антонимический перевод.

5. Целостное преобразование.

6. Компенсация.


Вопросы для самоконтроля.

1. Каковы различия между грамматическими и лексическими трансформациями?

2. В чём заключается сущность лексической трансформации?

3. Что такое «семы» и какова их иерархия?

4. Дайте определение понятию конкретизации и перечислите наиболее распространённые случаи конкретизации.

5. Охарактеризуйте приём генерализации и раскройте в каких случаях этот приём применяется.

6. В чём суть понятия «смысловое развитие»?

7. Дайте определение метафоры и метонимии.

8. Охарактеризуйте «антонимический перевод» и укажите что является его показателями?

9. Дайте определение приёма целостного преобразования.

10. Что представляет собой «компенсация» как приём перевода? Укажите различие между стилистической и семантической компенсациями.



1. Переведите предложения, используя указанные приёмы лексических трансформаций.

ü конкретизация

1) Many readers are helping the Morning Star’s campaign for a bigger readership. 2) In Montenegro the mountains are an awe-inspiring rugged wilderness. 3) A spirited revolt by members of a Sheffield Youth Club is helping to highlight the whole problem of youth facilities in the city. 4) Rheumatism puts more people off work. 5) It seemed funny to her that a queer old thing like me should say such things. 6) There are those who argue that both are wrong and that the whole space effort is a waste of resources.



ü генерализация

1) Two riot police were reported shot in street clashes. 2) The dog sniffed every inch of the ground. 3) Just before the ten-minute graveside service ended, President Johnson and his wife stepped forward to say a few quiet words to the family. 4) Two people were killed by a passing train. 5) Abby was still watching the Lincoln. 6) It wasn’t until I was pouring Chianti that Marino finally took his chair.

ü смысловое развитие

1) He noticed with sour disfavour that June had left her wine glass full. 2) He noticed two young girls who smiled back at him with bold eyes. He had always been easy-going. It was in his nature to give rebuff. 3) A little water stood in her eyes. 4) It is time you were awake to the danger of your position. 5) I am neither a believer or non-believer. 6) She wasn’t depressed. I mean she wasn’t feeling suicidal or anything like that. 7) I go where I belong. 8) In addition to his widow, Pratt is survived by a young daughter. 9) A little cool breeze began to blow and it was as good as saying the night was about gone. 10) America has been spared the horrors of modern war on its own territory. 11) Women are kissproof nowadays. 12) Strickland was a player who despised the opponent he vanquished, his exaltation in victory made defeat more difficult to bear. But if he was beaten he took it with complete good humour. He was a bad winner but a good looser.

ü антонимический перевод

1) Did you remember to post the letter I gave you? 2) You’d better keep out of their quarrel. 3) Are you awake? — Yes, I am. I am not well today. 4) I never treat my teachers with disrespect. 5) He was not old enough. 6) She felt wakeful. 7) No boy should defy his parent. 8) He failed to reach it. 9) She never told me until afterwards how painful that duty was. 10) Confidential papers should not be released from the post office unless authorized by the Department.



2. Переведите предложения и укажите приём лексических трансформаций.

1) Already the reactionary offensive of Yankee imperialism was beginning to get the inevitable answer from the Latin America peoples. 2) At 7 o’clock a dull meal was served in the oak panelled dining-room. 3) I apologize for stepping on your toe. 4) Now, more than two hours later, the big jet was still stuck, its fuselage and tail blocking runway three zero. 5) He would cheer up somehow, begin to laugh again, and draw skeletons all over his slate, before his eyes were dry. 6) Unfortunately, the ground to the right which was normally grass covered, had a drainage problem, due to be worked on when winter ended. 7) He had an old mother whom he never disobeyed. 8) No person may be reinstated to a position in the post service without passing an appropriate examination. 9) When she reached the house she gave another proof of her identity. 10) In one of his whistle-stop speeches the Presidential nominee briefly outlined his attitude toward civil rights program.


3. Найдите эквиваленты к слову record в следующих предложениях.

1) The new candidate was known to have an excellent war record. 2) His father has a record of service with the company of 20 years. 3) It was clear that the general had carefully studied his aid’s service record. 4) Washington D.C., the US capital, is the city with the highest crime record. 5) By resorting to mass terror and armed violence against the black population of South Africa its rulers reached a new shameful record in their racial oppression. 6) The AF of L is absolute boss of the strike-breaking International Confederation of Free Trade Unions. Its imperialist record fits it for this task. 7) The data published by the Office of Statistics show that food prices in the country are the highest on record. 8) “Your Honor”, Arnold announced, “I move that the testimony of the witness be stricken out from the record”. 9) The State Secretary finds that the US government has an unbroken record of friendship for China dating back to 1844. However shamelessly the American politicians claim to be friends of Chinese people, the historic record which distinguishes friend from foe cannot be altered. 10) Had the Republican candidates discussed the record of the Congress they would have exposed the republican party as a big business party which led the attack on the vital rights of the people.


4. Укажите контекстуальное значение выделенных слов и переведите предложения.

1) The Union executive committee passed a resolution advising the workers to “ sit-out ” elections where neither party offers a candidate whom labour could support. 2) The grievance has still remained unsettled. It shows how long it takes to “ process ” a grievance and why a strike is often the only way to force a show-down. 3) People who think gangsters are only to be found in gambling dens and houses of prostitution are oldtimers. 4) After the strike many participants of the meeting were beaten up by the Ford plant vigilants. 5) The President of the Auto Workers Union was not at the rally; instead he redbaited the meeting and charged that it was a plot against him. 6) One of the planks in the Tory programme was to reduce personal consumption: this was to be done partly by rationing the purse. 7) The amendment received 3 622 000 votes, while the Executing resolution received 4 090 000. This close vote at the Trades Union Congress faced the right-wing leaders with a tremendous problem in relation to the future labour party Conference. 8) The Coal Board aimed to have — safety level stocks by the beginning of November but now they say they will be at least a million tons short. 9) Chicago. — A proposal that the problem of out-of-this world meat prices be put on the conference table for a working-over by, farmers, organized workers and consumers was made here by the President of the United Packinghouse Workers (AFL-CIO). 10) The bill was also opposed by such non-trust lobbies as the AFL lobby, the anti-saloon lobby and many others.


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