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ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы



  Подлежащее + сказуемое в действительном +инфинитив или страдательном залоге  


1. 100 elements are supposed to exist on the earth.

Полагают, что 100 элементов существует на Земле.

2. Electronic equipment is known to be in great demand.

Известно, что электронное оборудование пользуется большим спросом.

3. The development of project appears to be improving.

Оказывается, что разработка этого проекта улучшается.

Сказуемое субъективного оборота может быть выражено глаголами:

а) в страдательном залоге:


    This value is said известно, что…
is supposed предполагают…
is expected ожидают…
is assumed допускают…
is reported сообщают…
is considered считают…
is proved доказано…
is found найдено…


b) в действительном залоге:


  This value seems по-видимому…
happens оказывается…
appears по-видимому..
proves безусловно..
is sure непременно…
is certain вероятно…
is likely вероятно…
is unlikely маловероятно



I. Определите субъектный инфинитивный оборот, в сдедующих предложениях и переведите их на русский язык.


1. Light proves to travel in straight lines. 2. Light in tensity happens to be measurable. This property seems to refer to a restricted number of materials. 4. The property appears to have been mentioned frequently in the past. 5. They are likely to be familiar with this phenomenon. 6. This phenomenon does not appear to have been studied. 7. This reaction was not expected to start at lower temperatures.


1. Electronics equipment have been proved to save millions of man machine hours. 2. Electronics devices are known to control the stream of electrons. 3. Experiments with special constructions of semiconductor diodes are reported to have been carried out. 4.This equipment has been proved to do jobs better and more economically than other devices. 5.Vacuum tubes are considered to be indispensable in industrial control. 6. The word magnet comes from the name of the province of Magnesia in Asia, where the mineral seems to have been discovered.


II. Переведите предложения на русский язык с инфинитивом в различных функциях.


1. We use a thermometer to measure temperature. 2. The only way of getting knowledge is to learn. 3. To study geometry means to train logical thinking. 4. We want this method to be applied at their plant. 5. This method is reported to have been applied at their plant. 6. Lasers are known to have found an application in the printing industry. 7. This type of engine is said to have some advantages. 8. Science is known to have become the main source of the world’s progress. 9. Plastics are material to be widely used in industry. 10.The problem was to make a new plan.


1. He is known to have been working on this problem for many years. 2. The law to determine the ratio of stress to strain for elastic bodies is called Hooke’s law. 3. The energy to be produced by our atomic power stations will be millions kilowatts. 4. The problem to be discussed is connected with the laws of thermodynamics. 5. Cosmic rays have been found to belong to two energy groups, one much more penetrating than the other. 6. The fundamental functions of vacuum tubes are likely to be the cause of their numerous applications. 7. The future is expected to bring a great many uses for semiconductors. 8. The heat to melt the metal cannot be supplied instantaneously by the flame. 9. It is necessary for the two metals to have the same structure.




Вид залог
Active Passive
Indefinite Неопределенный reading being read
Perfect Перфектный Having read having been read



подлежащеечасть сказуемогодополнение определение обстоятельство

(всегда с предлогом)

переводится существительным или in,on,upon,before,after

неопределенной формой глагола by,without

переводится деепричастием

или предлог+существительное


I. Определите формы герундия:

being produced, producing, having been produced, having produced; building, having built, being built, having been built; developing, being developed, having developed, having been developed.


II. Образуйте формы герундия от следующих глаголов:

Образец: to ask - asking, being asked, having asked, having been asked.

to do, to leave, to move, to add, to apply.


III. Переведите предложения с герундием в функции:

а) подлежащего

Maintaining constant temperature and pressure during the test was absolutely necessary. Reading is useful.

b) часть сказуемого

The task of the factory was producing corrosion-resistant polymers in far larger quantities. Their aim is finding new ways of utilizing this first-class polymer in light industry.

с) дополнение

The experimenter suggested purifying the solution by a new method. The researcher took part in improving the properties of the rubber-like substances.

d) определение

At present scientists take great interest in the methods of turning the light and heat of the sun directly into electricity. A thermometer is an instrument for measuring temperature.

е) обстоятельство

By subjecting air to very great pressure and cooling it is possible to transform it to the liquid state. One cannot transform water into steam without heating it. Millions of young men and women join the reserve labour army on leaving school without having worked even a single day. Instead of finishing experiment you should write down the properties of the substances. After presenting the report at the conference the professor began answering the questions. Before increasing the prices the government should take care of the poorest people.


IV. Переведите предложения с герундием в различных функциях и формах:


1. Strengthening metals means reinforcing them with artificial fibres. 2. Our professor likes inviting specialists to take part in his researches. 3. He avoids being invited to take pert in their own researches. 4. Metallurgists are developing new processes by producing metals and alloys that meet the present-day requirements. 5. These pieces of metal can’t be used in the process without being hammered into thin sheets. 6. The young scientists began experimenting.


1. Heating the increases the speed of the molecules. 2. Without improving the properties of this alloy we can’t use it in the production process. 3. After having improved the properties of this alloy we could use it in the production process. 4. They began erecting this building two months ago. 5. Greeks knew the art of building with cut stones. 6. Visiting the USA colleges made impression on our dean.


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