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Forming the Past Simple tense.

V – ed, (V2)


+ - ?
I He She played We (wrote). You They I He She did not We played (write). You They I He Did She play? We (write)? You They


I lived in Chicago last year.

I didn’t live in Chicago last year.

Did I live in Chicago last year?

В специальных вопросах вспомогательный глагол did ставится после вопросительного слова или местоимения:

Where did you live last year?

When did you live in Chicago?

Вопросы к подлежащему образуется без вспомогательного глагола did:

Who lived in Chicago last year?

Возможные указатели времени: last year (month, week, Sunday, Monday), last night - в прошлом году (месяце, неделе, воскресенье, понедельник), прошлой ночью; a week (month, year) ago - на прошлой неделе (месяце, году) или неделю (месяц, год) назад (тому назад); the other day – недавно; yesterday - вчера; a day before – позавчера; yesterday morning (afternoon, evening) – вчера утром (днем, вечером) и т.д.

Exercise 1. Give three forms of the following verbs:

to live – lived – lived

to become – became – become

Learn, live, work, begin, finish, love, discuss, decide, study, see, want, end, pass, come, go, help, take, last, have, prepare, understand, miss, do, be, get, write, speak, play, leave, swim.

Exercise 2. Put the sentences into the Past Simple tense:

0. We learn many new words. – We leant many new words.

1) We walk through the park every day. 2) He is a good student. 3) He drinks coffee with all his meals. 4) They come to school by bus. 5) He needs a new suit. 6) He talks to us in English. 7) We are good friends. 8) He has many friends here. 9) They have a new car. 10) She and I are students in the same class.

Exercise 3. Change the sentences into interrogative form:

0. They lived near us. – Did they live near us?

1) He spoke to me about it yesterday. 2) She waited for us on the corner. 3) They wrote him several letters. 4) The bus stopped on this corner. 5) They had dinner with us last night. 6) She wanted to go with us. 7) He preferred to stay at home. 8) Monica knew him very well. 9) You got up very early this morning. 10) They came to school by bus.

Exercise 4. Change the sentences into the negative form:

0. The bus stopped on this corner. - The bus didn’t stop on this corner.

1) He often came to see us. 2) They had many friends in our class. 3) I bought all my books in the school bookstore. 4) They usually spoke English with us. 5) We always ate lunch in the cafeteria. 6) They were good students. 7) She was my teacher. 8) I waited on the corner to them. 9) He asked us for directions. 10) I got up very early.

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