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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

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Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Write a letter inviting ... to collaborate with your laboratory in carrying out joint research on....

Write a letter inviting... to submit an abstract for publication in the Journal of Abstracts.

Now read the samples of a favourable reply to an invitation letter and note the phrases that express acceptance of invitations.

Letter 1

Dear Prof....,

It is a pleasure for me to accept your invitation to participate in the symposium on Prehistoric Rock Art to be held in Boston, September 2–4, 2005. The title of my paper is "…". This is a review of the latest data obtained by my group.


I look forward to the meeting in Boston as an opportunity for an ex­change of information and ideas.

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Name

Letter 2

Dear Dr...,

It is a pleasure to receive your letter dated March 17,2005 from which I am happy to learn that you have established a new journal. From the numerous issues your journal intends to raise I can immediately see its importance and value in developing this branch of science.

It is very kind of you to suggest collaboration with your journal and submit papers for publication. I have also asked some researchers m his country to contribute papers for your journal, and I hope you will hear from them soon. Their names are: Prof.... Prof. Dr … and Dr…. They are interested in your journal and wish it much success.

I look forward to hearing from you again.

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Name

Letter 3

Dear Dr....,

I wish to inform you that I have received your letter of 10 February, 2003 in which you invited me to participate in the 3rd International Congress on... to be held in..., July 3–9, 2005.

It gives me great pleasure to accept your invitation. From the list of topics enclosed I have chosen... and will present a paper under the title....

Sincerely yours,


Here are some more samples how to accept an invitation:

I am delighted to accept an invitation of the American Physical Society to participate in the conference on European research.

I am pleased to accept an invitation to the Congress on Rock Art and would like to contribute to the session on the Bronze Age.

Thank you very much for your kind invitation to the symposium on European Studies…

I accept your invitation with great pleasure. I am pleased to receive your invitation to.... I appreciate very much your invitation to....


Write a letter in which you:

a. thank the Organizing Committee for inviting you to participate in the confer­ence;

b. give the title of your poster paper;

c. ask about the program and the deadline for submitting abstracts.

Write a letter in which you:

a. acknowledge the receipt of an invitation to submit a paper for publication in the Journal of...;

b. express gratitude for the invitation;

c. provide the title of your paper.

Read the samples of an unfavourable reply to an invitation letter and note the phrases that decline the invitation:

Letter 1

Dear Professor...,

I received your letter of August 3 inviting me to participate in the X Congress of Archeologists in Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, I will not be able to take part in it as I have a number of urgent matters to attend to in this country.

As far as my report is concerned, I have asked Dr.... of the Institute of Archeology to read my paper and to pass on to you the text for publica­tion m the Proceedings of Archeology.

With best wishes,

Sincerely yours,


Letter 2


I wish to express my deep gratitude to you for your invitation to parti­cipate in the XIX International Symposium on... to be held in … in early June 2005.

I very much regret to inform you, though, that I have to decline your invitation because our experiment is in full swing and cannot be de­layed. I am sure you can understand it.

With kind regards,



Letter 3

Dear Prof....,

I very much appreciate your kind invitation to participate in the VII Conference on... to be held in Oxford Unfortunately, I will be unable to attend.

Had your invitation reached me a little earlier, I would have been able to attend the Conference and meet my colleagues. But I am now com­mitted to giving a series of lectures to graduate students and cannot change the schedule.

All best wishes for a successful Conference.

Sincerely yours,


Letter 4

Dear Dr....,

I was very glad to receive your letter of March 17, 2005 and to know about your intention to establish a new journal. May I wish you good luck and great success with your journal. I am grateful to you for your kind suggestion to collaborate with your journal but I am afraid I will not be able to submit articles as my field of activity has nothing in com­mon with the issues being raised in it.

However, as you requested, I have contacted some researchers who deal with these problems. They informed me of their willingness to publish their papers in your journal. Attached you will find a list of their names and addresses.

If I can be of any further help to you, please contact me.

Yours sincerely,


Enclosure: list of names and addresses

Here are some more samples how to decline an invitation:

Thank you for your invitation to... but I regret that I am unable to accept it as....

I am sorry to decline your kind invitation....

It is with great regret that I have to decline your invitation to...

I regret to inform you that I am not in a position to accept your invitation to....

I regret that I will be unable to attend the conference because of my illness.

I regret to inform you that I will be unable to attend the conference due to personal circumstances.

I regret that I cannot....

I regret I must....

I am sorry to inform you that....


Write a letter in which you:

A. express gratitude for the invitation to...;

B. express your regret for declining the invitation because of some circumstances.

Write a letter in which you:

A. inform the sender that you have received the letter of (the date)

B. express gratitude for the invitation to...;

C. express regret as you have to decline the 'invitation because

Letters of Request

A request usually consists of a request phrase, a reason for the re­quest and an expression of gratitude.


Read the samples and notice phrases and sentences that express a request.

Letter 1

Dear Professor...,

I would be pleased to accept a 200-word abstract of your article "West Siberian Bronze Age Rock Art" for publishing in "Archeological Abstracts."

We look forward to receiving this abstract as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely, Name


Letter 2

Dear Professor,

Dr.... has shown me your letter requesting reprints of papers on Pro-European Policy of the UK. This is within my area of active research, and I am keenly interested in the developments of British-German relations. I am eager to know what research has been done in your country in recent years.

It would be a great honour for me to correspond with you and other researchers in your country and to exchange reprints.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Yours sincerely,


Laboratory of European Studies, Chief

Letter 3

Dear Dr....,

Please find enclosed the galley-proof of your review... for final read­ing. Since we are eager to have the book published before the end of the year, we ask you to make the appropriate corrections and return the proofs without delay. The printers have set a December 10, 2014 deadline for printing the review. Please take that into account.


In compliance with your request I am sending you a copy of the History of Germany, V. 3, No. 4, 2002. Please acknowledge the receipt of the journal.

Yours sincerely,


Letter 4

Dear Prof....,

Would it be possible for you to help us collect samples of... We intend to elaborate an entirely new system of classification based on the prin­ciples of... Your assistance would be of great value to us.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,


Here are some more phrases used to make a request:

I would greatly appreciate receiving a reprint of your paper....

Please acknowledge the receipt of the following publication (reprint)....

Please let me know whether I may have the text of my paper distributed among the participants.

Could you inform me about the scientific program in more detail? I would appreciate further details of the symposium program. I would very much appreciate information about accommodation, travel and living expenses and the terms of financing them.

We would like your permission to translate your reprint and submit it to (publish it in) the Journal of Mathematics.

I would like to ask you to.... Could you please...?

I would appreciate it very much if you could.... Would it be possible for you to...?

I would be very grateful to you if you could....


Write a letter expressing a request for exchanging scientific information. Explain why you want to exchange information.

Write a letter requesting a reprint of the paper that was published in "European Studies," December 19, 2010 under the title....

Write a letter asking Dr.... to supply you with the recent experimental data on.... Explain why you need the experimental data.

Now read the following samples and note how to reply a request favourably.

Letter 1

Dear Dr....,

I acknowledge the receipt of your letter of May 15 in which you ask me to supply you with the samples of... I have already instructed some of my co-workers to collect the following samples for you:

1.... 2.... 3....

I am happy to be of assistance to you and wish you much success in your work.

Yours sincerely,


Letter 2

Dear Prof…,

I've received your letter of January 3, 2005 from which I learned that you are interested in my paper "….." It gives me great pleasure to send you the reprint, and I hope the information will be of help to you.

Thank you very much for the New Year wishes. My best regards to you and your wife.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Your sincerely,


Letter 3


I have recently received your reprint and want to thank you very much for your permission to translate and publish it in the Journal of History. As soon as the translation is ready, I will send it to you for consideration.

In March there will be a symposium in Vienna. Find the program enclosed in this letter. Perhaps it may be of interest to you.

Yours sincerely,


Enclosure: program


Here are some more samples how to reply to a request favourably:

I am happy to be of help/assistance to you. I am pleased that I can offer you this help.

If I can be of any further help please do not hesitate to contact me/to let me know at once.

If you require further information on..., I will be happy to help you.... The only help/advice that I can offer/give you is.... I am glad that I can help you in this matter. I hope this advice is of (great) help to you.

I wish to assure you that such an exchange of publications will be to the mutual benefit of natural science research.

As for your request, let me assure you that when the book comes off the press, I will be delighted to send you a copy.


Write a letter in which you:

a. acknowledge the receipt of the letter of (date)

b. respond to the request in a favourable way;

c. offer your help if it is needed in the future.

Write a letter in which you:

a. inform Prof.... about the receipt of a letter,

b. respond to the request, expressing your pleasure to be of help in....

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