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ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Exercise 10 Put in the right tenses.

I had a really funny evening yesterday, Mary. I got talking to this boy in the pub, very nice-looking he was, and I could see he (fancy) me. He said he (never meet) anybody like me before, and he felt I (have) a very unusual kind of beauty. ‘Oh, yes?’ I said. Then he asked me if I (want) a lift home, so I said no. I (be) hungry, so we went out for a curry.

I asked him what he (do) for a living, and he said he (do) some undercover for the CIA at the moment. He said he (can not) give me his address because he (move) around all the time. So I asked him why he (think) I (want) his address. Then he asked if he (can) have my phone number. He said he (call) me today to fix for me to go to America with him. So I asked him why he (want) to take me to America, and he said he (think) he (fall) in love with me. I knew he (lie), but it was kind of fun. Anyway, I told him I (have) got a boyfriend already, but he said that (not matter). We (be) meant for each other, he said, and nobody (go) to stand in our way, because our lives (be) written in the stars. Then he borrowed $20 from me to pay the bill because he said he (leave) his wallet at home, and he went off to the toilet, and I never saw him again.


Питальні речення у непрямій мові

Direct Speech Reported Speech
‘Do you work hard enough?’ she said to him. He asked me, ‘Shall I phone her?’   He asked me, ‘What time is it?’ He asked me, ‘Where can I put it?’ She asked him if he worked hard enough. He asked me whether he should phone her. He asked me what time it was. He asked me where he could put it. або He asked me where to put it.

Примітка 1. У питанні з to be може залишитися непрямий порядок слів.

He asked, ‘What is the price of this car?’ - He asked me what was the price of that car. ( або ... what the price of that car was.)

Примітка 2. У відповідях на загальні питання слова yes та no опускаються.

I asked him whether he would go there. He answered that he would. (He answered that he wouldn’t.)

Примітка 3. Для одержання інформації, поради, тощо, ми ставимо непрямі запитання, що починаються словами Could you tell me...?, I wonder..., I want to know..., I doubt... та інші.

I wonder whether to phone her. ( or … whether I should phone her.)

Do you know what time it is?

I doubt whether I can finish this work in time.


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