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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Exercise 31 Compose sentences. Use each conjunction twice.

A 1. I’d buy a new house 2. I’ll tidy the house 3. I’ll call you 4. If you want a ticket, you should phone the theatre 5. What will he do 6. I’m watching TV right now, but I promise I’ll help you 7. You’ll recognize her 8. Do you have breakfast B when   if   before   as soon as C you go to work in the morning? you see her. he gets the job? my guests arrive. I won the lottery. dinner is ready. the ticket office opens. this programme finishes.
Якщо підрядне речення уточнює, що саме мається на увазі, і не може бути пропущене без втрати змісту, воно називається Identifying Clause. Перед таким реченням кома не ставиться: I like the course that I’m doing now. Who was that man who said hello to you? We’re looking for a pub that serves food. Якщо підрядне речення надає додаткову необов’язкову інформацію, що можна пропустити, то таке речення називається Non-Identifying Clause і кома у такому реченні ставиться. I’ll be away on 10 June, which is a Thursday. Aristotle was taught by Plato, who founded the Acamedy at Athens.

Exercise 32 Look at the following pairs of sentences. Which relative clauses are Identifying?

1. The woman who does my hair has just had a baby. Dorothy, who does my hair, has just had a baby. 2. She married a man whom she met on a bus. She married a nice architect from Belfast, Whom she met on a bus. 3. Have you got a book that’s really easy to read? I lent him The Old Man and the Sea, which is really easy to read. 4. What did you think of the wine that we drank last night? I poured him a glass of wine, which he drank at once.

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