ТОР 5 статей: Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы КАТЕГОРИИ:
Plan 1. The nature of text. a) Text type or genre and style. b) Text type and function. 2. The nature of discourse. a) Textual and contextual meaning. b) The context and its components. The context of literary discourse. The communicative situation in literary discourse.
Questions and Tasks:
Контрольные вопросы и задания по курсу Вопросы и задания 1. What are the aims of the course of theory of grammar? 2. Accidence and morphology – where do these terms come from? 3. What are the units of linguistic analysis? 4. What is a minimal unit on the morphological level? Give several definitions of a morpheme. 5. How does a morpheme differ from an allomorph? 6. Name the distinctive features of a grammatical morpheme. 7. Name the basic notions concerned with the categorial structure of the word. 8. Give the definition of the grammatical meaning and name the grammatical means of its expression. 9. Give the definition of a grammatical category. 10. What is the oppositional reduction? 11. Name two kinds of grammatical forms. 12. Give the definition of the category of number in terms of the oppositional theory. 13. Speak about the morphemic structure of the singular and plural forms of the noun. 14. Comment on the peculiarities of the nouns weather, knowledge, information, linguistics, measles, on the one hand, and scissors, oats, clothes, police, cattle, on the other. 15. Account for the ability of the collective nouns such as family, crowd, army, government, crew to display a full paradigm of number. 16. What makes the category of case in English disputable? 17. What ensures a peculiar status of the inflexion ‘-s’? 18. What are the peculiarities of the gender distinction in Modern English? 19. Explain the difference between the category of gender in English and Russian. 20. What is the general categorial meaning of the verb? 21. What grammatical categories manifest themselves in the outward structure of the verb? 22. Comment on the combinability of the verb. 23. Name the grammatical categories of the verbals. 24. Give the definition of the category of tense. 25. Explain the difference between ‘time’ and ‘tense’. 26. Comment on the problem of the ‘future’ tense in English. 27. What is modality? 28. Give the definition of the category of mood. 29. Comment on the problem of the Subjunctive Mood. 30. Compare the categorial meanings of the two categories: that of aspect and that of time correlation. 31. Give the definition of the category of voice. 32. Explain why some English verbs can’t be passivized. 33. Comment on the problem of the so-called reciprocal, reflexive and medial voices. 34. What is the categorial meaning of the adjective? 35. Comment on the problem of statives. 36. What grammatical categories are discussed as phenomena of morphology and syntax? 37. What is the subject of syntax? 38. What is the difference between formal and functional approaches to the language? 39. Explain the terms ‘collocation’ and ‘colligation’. 40. What is meant by ‘minor syntax’? 41. Explain the difference between ‘word-combination’ and ‘collocation’. 42. Name the types of word-combinations in English. 43. What are the ultimate and consummate units of speech for syntax? 44. Speak about the major difference between functional styles as regards their construction. 45. Give the definitions of a simple and multiple sentences. 46. Illustrate different types of multiple sentences. 47. What are the communicative types of sentences? 48. What are the types of simple sentences in English? 49. What is the correlation between parts of speech and parts of sentences? 50. Name the kinds of syntactic bonds. 51. What is predication and its main units? 52. Why is discourse analysis so important for predication? 53. What is the subject of pragmatics? 54. Why is pragmatics so important for syntax? 55. What is the difference between functional and cognitive approach to the study of the language? 56. Why is discourse in the centre of cognitive studies? 57. Define the notion of discourse. 58. Explain the major difference between ‘text’ and discourse.
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