ТОР 5 статей: Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы КАТЕГОРИИ:
Предложения для синтаксического анализа по членам предложения (к экзамену)Вариант 1 1. Whoever wanted to take pictures of the exhibits had to pay a fee. 2. My first impression was that I had seen the man before. 3. Walking home last night, I reflected on who the men were and why 4. I'm afraid that whoever runs across you will be shocked at your appearance. 5. My parents believe in the old proverb that a man is known by the company he keeps. 6. She liked the fact that his hair, which had always been crinkly, was beginning 7. You describe this policy as rigid and inflexible, when in fact it has been 8. Sometimes a teacher will be listened to, where a parent might not. 9. They don’t know when they are being fooled by a metaphor, an analogy, a parable. 10. They don't know how to judge an editorial when they see one. Вариант 2 1. Little that was noteworthy escaped her attentions and she was quick to establish personal relations with any young writer who showed promise. 2. A genial look came over his face, which his enthusiasm had reddened and the heat of tin. day caused to perspire, and the eyes that had held me with a dominating brilliance softened and smiled. 3. What followed showed that Mrs. Strickland was a woman of character. 4. I know this is what you came to find out. 5. The truth is, one tries to believe that dreams are nonsense, and up to a certain extent one may succeed in believing. 6. Nowhere is the power of words more obvious arid more familiar than in advertising, where the success of a product may depend on the feelings that certain words produce in the prospective buyer. 7. How do we defend ourselves against the charge that we are old fogeys who cannot adjust to the new directions an everliving and changing language must inevitably take? 8. What soberness conceals, drunkenness revels. 9. Kate allowed it to be understood that she was indisposed. 10. How you manage on your income is a puzzle to me.
Вариант 3 1. His parents pleaded that he should be given one more chance; however, the principal remained adamant. 2. Make sure the circuit is dead and then disconnect the switch. 3. Why should I apologize, when you come to think of it? 4. He thinks he is brilliant, but when all is said and done, he's only an 5. Whether he will gain fame during his lifetime or whether he will remain in obscurity, only time can show. 6. It was natural that good grammar schools should want him as a pupil, that he 7. People who are different from the rest of society are often held up to ridicule by others who are afraid of them. 8. Arthur's car, which is only six months old, broke down on the way to Leeds, where he was going to visit his grandmother. 9. There are two or three places where we could cat. 10. Back in the days when I was still considering getting a "normal" job, there was always one thing that held me back.
Вариант 4 1. Most of the mountains we have in life are ones we build ourselves. 2. It's terrible, the way people are herded together in rush hour trains. 3. The point is, the electricity bills are long overdue. 4. The driver who exceeded the speed limit was asked to produce his license, at which he became very angry. 5. Angus, who had no ear for music, was forced by his parents to practice the piano 6. General N., who agreed to contribute an article to a major newspaper, arrived at an unexpected and disturbing conclusion that armed conflicts were inevitable. 7. The President will visit the town in May, when he will open a new hospital. 8. Neutrality does not come easily, even where it may be desirable, as in news stories or reports of historical events. 9. A well-known car manufacturer often said that one secret of his success in business was that he always remained one step ahead of public demand. 10. I don't mind what sex the baby is, but I have to admit we're hoping for a girl.
Вариант 5 1. What I like about Clive is that he is no longer alive. 2. What astonished me most was that he knew no nursery rhymes or fairy stories. 3. It is important that trainees should see just how the instructor evaluates their progress. 4. He said he owed it to his wife that he had been able to finish that book. 5. I realised that what he had to tell me was very hard to say. 6. I found my books where I had left them. 7. That's where you are wrong. 8. One of the differences between an optimist and a pessimist is that a pessimist is better informed. 9. See if you can reason the members into agreeing, with each other. 10. It remains to be seen, whether a better opportunity will present itself in the near future.
Вариант 6 1. It is impossible to move about any great city today without noticing the number of 2. If a humorous piece of writing brings a person to the point where his emotional responses are untrustworthy, it is because humor, like poetry, has an extra content. 3. I must confess that what you say is quite a revelation to me. 4. It is an axiom for students of the language that some words lose their meaning 5. Unfortunately Brewster, who looks after old Dr. Denman, was away for the night. 6. The prisoner, who behaved in rather an arrogant manner, refused to accept the judge's decision that he was guilty. 7. Why have so many people managed to convince themselves that Shakespeare did not write Shakespeare's plays when there is not an atom of evidence that anybody else did? 8. The canvas is where the work of art is. 9. That their house is for sale is a well-known fact.
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