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ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Enquiries and replies

Task 1

The content of a letter of enquiry will depend on how well you know the person or company you are writing to. If you are writing to a company for the first time - whether asking for a catalogue or requesting details about a particular product or service - you should start your letter by giving information about your own company. Then state your reason for writing and make your request.

Task 1, when completed, provides a model for a letter of enquiry. Task 2, when completed, provides a model for a reply to an enquiry.

Read the following letter. Fill in each gap with the letter corresponding to the appropriate word.


a send b together c forward

d Project e Madam f based

g attention h protecting i sell

j graphics k faithfully


Physiologic a

17 Princes Street London :U': EG17DQ

Telephone 071 982 7111 Telex 988153 Fax 071 982 7712

Ourref:AN/JS Your ref:

1 July.-19.

Discpro SA

251. rue des Ramonieres



For the 1

of the Sales Man.

Dear Si r or L

We are a software company currently developing a package for use in

___ in, London and are

Wiridows-based sci etiti fi c i___

the programs we

universities and research laboratories.

We are interested in

unauthorized copying and duplication.

Could you please Z__ us1 more technical information about

your RSP-11 software protection; system I___ with your

current brochure and price,1 ist?

We Took

to hearing -fi:om




1 78

Anne Newson
•!!!___ '■■■ Di rector

Complete this reply to the letter of enquiry in Task 1 using the prepositions given. You will have to use some prepositions more than once.

for from in to

on of with

251, rue des Ranionieres ^86256 poitiers c6dex

Discpro SA

Tel (33) 99681031 Telecopie (33) 102163


5 July 19___

Ms Anne Newson

Project Director;:


17 Princes Street

London EC1 7DQ


Dear Ms Newson

which you
1 July
Thank you

your letter

expressed an interest *___ the RSP 11 software protection

system. Please find enclosed our latest brochure and price list.


5__ the information in your letter, I can confirm that


the range of products we supply would be ideal

needs.In particular, I would like to draw your attention

I__ the RSP 11W • 8:•■- page 3 which is designed for

software protection- in both Windows and 0/S 2 environments.

As you will see, our protection systems are tailored 5___

individual programs. Please let me know whether you would

like to arrange, a-meeting 12____ our Technical Director, Mr

Michel Gerard,,to prepare a more detailed report 1J___

your program and particular requirements. He will be in London during the week beginning 15 July.

Yours sincerely

P Varenne Sales Manager


!' 1 i.y.._____

Task 3

In each of the following sentences, choose the correct word to fill the gap.

1 I would be___________ if you could send me details of your PS/2 range.

a thankful b please c content d grateful

2 You were___________ to us by our associates.

a advised b suggest c recommended d informed

3 We were given your_________ by The Chamber of Commerce.

a identity b company c name d placing

4 Thank you for your letter_________ 19 June.

a in b on c of d from

5 Please__________ enclosed our current catalogue and price list.

a find b look c receive d examine

6 We would appreciate_________ you could send us further information on

your range of non-impact printers.

a it that b this c when d it if

7 I would be grateful if you could arrange for your Technical Director
on me.

a will call b is calling c to call d calls

8 We look forward___________ from you.

a hear b to hear c hearing d to hearing

9 We would be grateful_________ an early reply.

a to b of c for d with

10 Should you require anything further at this time, please do not_________ to

contact me.

a void b hesitate c delay d prevent


Task 4

Match each section of the letter of enquiry on the following page with the appropriate gap on the blank below.






H i



a b


1 We are currently using 15 Procom 6 Mr J Barnard

211 Premier PCs in our mail-order Corporate Sales Department

department. We have been pleased Procom Ltd

with their performance, but now 58 Edison Street

require machines that will run faster. Robin's Lane Industrial Estate

2 MHJansen Canterbury
Publicity Manager Kent CT19 3TE

3 I look forward to hearing from you. 7 Yours sincerely

4 Could you please let me know 8 12 May 19-

whether it is possible to upgrade the 9 The Red Box

PCs to 486s and what the likely cost 54 Streamside Road

would be? Cardiff CF1 1JW

5 Dear Mr Barnard 10 Our ref: CUG/PL

Task 5


You are Mr Barnard. Reply to the letter of enquiry in Task 4.

Paragraph 1: Refer to the customer's letter. Say you are happy that the PCs have given satisfaction. ■

Paragraph 2: Explain that the Procom 211 Premiers cannot be upgraded because that particular model has been discontinued. Say that you are enclosing the latest catalogue and draw attention to the Procom 400 PC, which would be ideal for the customer's needs. Suggest that you call soon to arrange a time and date when a representative can visit to give a demonstration of the PC.

Paragraph 3: Conclude the letter appropriately.

Follow the instructions on the memo below. Write out the letter of enquiry in full, including names, addresses, etc.

Mark Walton is the Senior Programmer of Inlogic, Morley House, 18-22 Wolves Road, London SW1 7ND.


To Laura Hayward From Mark Walton

Date 27 March 19__



Please send a letter to ASD Computer Products who advertised in the March 23 edition of "Info Globe'. Say where you saw the advertisement and ask them for thefr catalogue.

■-*•".'■ ■ '■'■


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