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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


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1. Would you like to live longer?

2. Do you know what to do to live longer?

Read the article and follow its recommendations.

Do something now

Did you realize that once you've passsed the age of twenty, you start to die? Of course, it takes fifty years or so in most cases, but it's not something you want to hurry, is it? Once past twenty, your body begins to wear out, very slowly. Or not slowly, depending on the way you treat it.

But you can slow the march of time to stay young longer and enjoy an active and healthy life for as many of those years as possible. And you cannot begin too soon. Teenagers find it difficult – if not impossible – to imagine becoming middle-aged, let alone old. Young people are naturally fit, but unless you get into the habit of taking regular exercise and conditioning yourself to do so, you will find it more and nore difficult as you get older.

So what are you going to do about it? First, I must emphasize that anything I write from now on applies only to people in normal health and with no medical problems.

For a start, check your weight. Jump up and down in front of a mirrow. If everythinf wobbles, you are overweight; if some of it wobbles, you're still overweight. So watch your diet and burn off the excess with a fitness programme which will prolong youth and life.

The easiest way to reach and maintain fitness is through sport. It's fun and it has social and psychological advantages. But if sport holds no appeal, you'll have to do it hard way – and it will require will-power. Not at the start, but in order to keep going when the novelty wears off.

It is vital to progress slowly. First, jog as far as you can. Then do some simple form of exercise – sit ups or press ups will do – for so long as you can. Set no targets. Simply discover your starting point. If you repeat your exrcise daily, you will automatically make progress. What is unbearable the first few sessions will gradually become within your scope.

How can you tell you are fit? When you can run three miles without getting exhausted.

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