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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Bauman University today

Main Building of the Bauman University. View from the Yauza Riverside

BMSTU has 19 departments providing full-time education. University provides postgraduate and doctorate programs and has two affiliated secondary schools. More than 19,000 students study in BMSTU, and specialties cover all range of modern machine and instrument building. More than 320 doctors of science (Russian degree higher than PhD) and 2000 candidates of science (similar to PhD) teach and do research in BMSTU. Main parts of the University are eight scientific and educational divisions. Each of them consists of scientific and educational branch. Several branch departments also exist, they deal with particular fields of industry. They are based on big factories and organizations, situated in Moscow, Moscow suburbs (Reutov, Krasnogorsk and Korolev) and in Kaluga. BMSTU has unique experience of teaching hearing-impaired students since 1934. Bauman University annually grants 800 to 3,000 students free room and board in one of 13 university residences.

The Bauman University is commonly regarded as one of Russia's most prestigious universities and has high entry requirements for its prospective students. The Bauman University is regularly ranked on the first place in official government and business press rating. The Bauman University also regularly occupies top 3 places in rating of alumni hunted by biggest Russian companies. In 2011/2012 QS World University rankings BMSTU occupied the 379th position in overall ranking and the 229th in Engineering&IT section.

The Bauman University has a National Research Center status, the financing of Bauman University is provided by a separate expense asset of Russian National Budget independently of Ministry of Education. Bauman University — National Technological University – carries research in cutting-edge areas of science and technology, basing on eight technological platforms. 32 companies included BMSTU in their innovational programs. Today the University conducts 90 considerable scientific programs in different fields. BMSTU is Skolkovo innovation center founder.

Now strategy of the University is to provide human resources for cutting-edge areas of Russian science and technology, in prior economic development directions of the country, such as: information and communication systems; nanosystems and materials industry; power supply and conservation; biosystems; security and counterterrorism; transportation and aerospace systems; promising military equipment.

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