ТОР 5 статей: Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы КАТЕГОРИИ:
The Collected Works Vol. II 1906
Introduction by the Editor Introduction by the Editor p.58 pp i-xii (1905 same).
The 1903 edition has (ppxiii-xx) A Brief Critical Essay on Alice an Adultery.
White Poppy p.3 White Poppy p.61 (which is not in the 1905 edition)
Messaline p.9 Messaline p. 62 (1905 p.3)
California p.13 California p.63 (1905 p.7)
Margaret pg.14 Margaret p.63 (1905 p.8)
Alice an Adultery Alice an Adultery p.64 title page p.19, starts p.21 (1905 title page p.13, starts p.15) Reincarnation p. 65 Red Poppy p. 69 ? Alice p.71 Love and Dear p.72 Under the Palms p.75 A day without Number p. 78 Lethe p.81 At Last p.82 After p.85
Fourteen of the poems in Alice: An Adultery have regular titles (mentioned above) while fifty are simply titled Day One through The Fiftieth Day.
White Poppy differs slightly from the CW version. Between the pre-penultimate verse and the penultimate verse, there is a note "The Editor regrets that he is unable to publish this verse" suggesting the exclusion of a verse. Also in the 1903 editon the penultimate verse starts "And in the desperate pang" whilst CW has what is presumably a typo "Ha! in the desperate..."
The 1903 edition has (ppxiii-xx) A Brief Critical Essay on Alice an Adultery. The opening line is - "Almost the first remark that we made on laying."
ALICE: AN ADULTERY (poetry) by Anonymous (Aleister Crowley) Privately published, London, only 100 copies printed,1903 S.P.R.T., Foyers, only 300 copies printed,1905 The Collected Works Vol.II pg.58 PB,1906 see - BRIEF CRITICAL ESSAY, A
Note: The 1905 edition has a publisher's note refering to it being "slightly abridged." The obvious abridgement being the removal of "A Brief Critical Essay" which appears in the 1903 edition. This essay is also not found in The Collected Works. Most of the footnotes in the CW are also not found in the 1903 or 1905 editions.
ALICE WESLEY TORR OR ALEISTER CROWLEY? (Part 6 of 12 of the Preface) The World's Tragedy, Falcon Press AZ pg.xxiii, PB,1985
ALL NIGHT (poem) White Stains, Earth Religion, NY pg.45 HB,1974 see - CANNIBALS, THE
ALL THE WORLD'S A BROTHEL (poem/parody) Snowdrops, Teitan Press pg.138 HB,1986 The King of the Shadow Realm by John Symonds Duckworth & Company, Ltd., London pg.76 HB,1989
ALMIRA (poem) To Bertha Almira Bruce (Detroit 1918) OLLA pg.69 HB, 1946
ALOSTRAEL (Leah Hirsig) see - LEAH see - THE DIARY OF A DRUG FIEND, (novel) dedicated to
ALPINE ANALOGY (poem) from The Sword of Song/After Agnosticism The Collected Works Vol.II pg.209 PB, 1906
ALPS, THE (poem) In Residence pg.47 PB, 1904
ALREADY (poem) by Charles Baudelaire see - THREE LITTLE POEMS IN PROSE
ALTAR OF ARTEMIS, THE (poem) The Collected Works Vol.I pg.169 PB,1905 Poetica Erotica, A Collection of Rare and Curious Amatory Verse Edited by T. R. Smith, Crown Publishers, NY, HB pg.642,1921 The Soul of Osiris pg.4 PB,1992 see - TEMPLE OF THE HOLY GHOST, THE
ALTERED CIRCUMSTANCE, AN, by Alexander Harvey The International, Vol.XI No.11, NY, November 1917, pgs.346-348
Note: This article opens with an introductory letter signed by Aleister Crowley. Some have suspected that Harvey may, in fact, be Aleister Crowley himself but there is no evidence to support this one way, or the other.
AMALANTRAH WORKING, THE (Liber DCCXXIX - 729) see - DIARIES 18/01/14 - 18/06/14
AMBERGRIS, A Selection from the Poems of Aleister Crowley Elkin Matthews, London HB,1910
AMBROSII MAGI HORTUS ROSARUM (1902) Translated into English by Christeos Luciftias (Aleister Crowley) The Collected Works Vol.II pg.212 PB,1906 The Oriflamme Vol.2 No.1, NY pg.91,1975 In the Continuum Vol.V:5 pg.3,1994
Note: In a typescript titled Catalogue of Crowleyana in the possession of G.J.Yorke dated January 1951 Yorke mentions this article but gives no indication of where it was published.
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