ТОР 5 статей: Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы КАТЕГОРИИ:
Ahab The Collected Works Vol.II 1906
Dedicace (unnumbered) Dedicace p. 121 Rondel p.1 Rondel p.121 Ahab Part I - p.3 Ahab Part I - p.121 Part II - p.13 Part II - p.124 Balzac p.25 New Year, 1903 p.127 Melusine p.27 Melusine p.127 The Dream p.31 The Dream p.128 Epilogue p.35
Note: The Epilogue starts: "Sonnet... To A.M.B." The first line is "Sleep, O deep splendour of disastrous years" and then goes on for another 13 lines. The Epilogue is followed by the initials V.S. (Vladimir Svareff)
AL MALIK - A Ghazal of Al Qahar. (poem) Gargoyles pg.16 PB,1906 The Collected Works Vol.III pg.86 PB,1907
AL VEL LEGIS, LIBER (Liber CCXX - 220) - The Book of the Law. The Holy Books Vol. III, privately printed, London,1909 The Equinox Vol.I:7 pg.386 PB,1912 The Equinox Vol.I:10 pg.9 PB,1913 Tunis, privately published, only 11 copies printed.,1926 AC/Warburg, proofs only, never released,1927 The Equinox of the Gods, OTO, London pg.13 HB,1936 The Equinox of the Gods, OTO, London pg.13 HB,1937 OTO, London PB/HB,1938 OTO, Church of Thelema, Pasadena, CA HB,1942 Xeno Press-Jerry Kay, Hollywood, CA,1st Edition,1967 The Complete Magick Curriculum of the Secret Order G.B.G. by Louis T. Culling, Chapter I only/commentary by AC & L.Culling Llewellyn Publications, MN pg.53 HB,1969 Thelema-West Production, Dublin PB,1970 Booklegger-Albion,1970 Xeno Press, Hollywood, CA, 2nd Edition,1970 OTO, Thelema Publication, CA HB,1st Printing,1973 The Magical Record of the Beast pg.301 HB,1973 Booklegger-Albion,1973 Level Press, SF, CA, pamphlet,1973 OTO, Dublin, California, April 9 1974 Level Press, SF, CA, PB,1974 Mag.& Phil.Commentaries to AL, 93 Press pg.79 HB,1974 93 Press, Canada PB, December 22,1975 93 Press Edition, typed corrections to,1975 The Law is for ALL, ed.Regardie, Llewellyn pg.43 PB,1975 Commentaries of AL/Motta, Weiser, NY pg.3 HB,1975 Commentaries of AL/Motta, Routledge, London HB,1976 Samuel Weiser Inc., NY PB, October 1,1976 Tanith & Kenneth Grant, NY, pamphlet,1976 OTO, Thelema Publication, CA HB, 2nd Printing,1976 OTO, Berkeley, CA, blue cover pamphlet,1978 The Equinox Vol.I:17 pg.386 HB,1978 The Equinox Vol.I:10 pg.9 HB,1978 OTO, Frater Belarion Chapter PB,1980 Troll Publication Co., TN HB (Motta),1980 Brocken Mountain Lodge, OTO, 8 ½ x 11 booklet,1981 OTO, Thelema Publication, CA HB,1981 OTO, Berkeley, CA, white cover pamphlet,1982 The English Cabalah Vol.II, The Mysteries of Phi by William Eisen DeVorss & Co., CA pg.565 HB.1982 The Holy Books of Thelema, S.Weiser Inc., ME pg.129 HB,1983 OTO, Knijiga zakona, Yugoslavia Lg.PB,1983 Morningstar Press, WA, pamphlet,1983 Samuel Weiser, Inc. ME, PB,1984 Japanese HB,1987 see - NOTE TO ANTHEM
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