ТОР 5 статей: Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы КАТЕГОРИИ:
MYSTICAE VIAE EXPLICANDAE FUNDAMENTUM HIEROGLYPHICUMSANCTISSIMORUM SCIENTIAE SUMMAE (Liber DCCLXXVII - 777) Walter Scott Publishing Co., London HB, 500 copies,1909 Neptune Press, Museum St., London HB revised, 1,100 copies, 1955 OTO, HB (red cvr, 777 horizontal on spine) revised,1956 OTO, HB (brwn cvr, 777 vert. on spine) 2nd revision, ND OTO, Brock Printing, Chico CA HB,1970 Level Press, spiral bound 6½ x 10 PB, ND Samuel Weiser Inc., NY HB revised, 1970 Level Press, SF, CA deluxe HB,1971 Level Press, SF, PB wht cvr, lettering horizontal,1971 Level Press, SF, PB blue cvr, lettering angled,1971 Level Press, SF, PB blue cvr. lettering angled, AC photo in corner,1971 Qabalah, Samuel Weiser Inc., NY pg.1 HB, 1973 Gordon Press, New York, HB, 1974 777 and Other Qabalistic Writings, S.Weiser, NY pg.1 HB, 1977 MRG-Metaphysical Research Group, England PB,1977 777 and Other Qabalistic Writings, S.Weiser, NY pg.1 HB,1979 OTO, Berkeley, CA, 5½ x 8 red cvr pamphlet, 1980 777 and Other Qabalistic Writings, S.Weiser, ME pg.1 HB,1982 777 and Other Qabalistic Writings, S.Weiser, ME pg.1 HB,1983 777 and Other Qabalistic Writings, S.Weiser, ME pg.1 PB,1986 see - FEW OF THE PRINCIPLE CORRESPONDENCES... see - GORDON PRESS
Note: Crowley writes that this piece is a "tentative table of correspondences between various religious symbols."... The pamphlet published by OTO Berkeley in 1980 is an exact facsimile of the first edition. It also reproduces handwritten annotations by the late Grady Louis McMurtry and Jack Parsons which are found in the margins. All other editions, termed Revised, include eight pieces not found in the original 1909 edition. They are as follows: (1. Editorial Preface, (2. A Brief Essay upon the Nature and Significance of the Magical Alphabet, (3. The Meaning of the Primes from 11 to 97, (4. Additional Tables, (5. Various Arrangements, (6. Explanation of the Attributions in the more important Columns of Table, (7. What is Qabalah and (8. What is a "number"? or a "Symbol"?... The 1955 Neptune Press, London HB edition was released along with two deluxe editions. The standard release had 1,100 copies. The first deluxe edition was bound in crimson vellum and had only twelve copies. The second deluxe edition was bound in blue morocco of only seven copies. What is unique about this edition is that although it was advertised as containing 'an unpublished Crowley poem' it failed to point out that each of the seven books contained a different poem. They are A Conjuration of the Elements, Hymn to Tahuti, The Insensitive, A Meditation upon Gayatri, The Hermit, Cradle Song and Elegy Written in a Country Farmyard.... The Gordon Press edition is a reprint of the earlier Level Press edition. It even contains the Level Press logo on the title page [hexagram in circle with design in centre and letters LVL repeated around hexagram].
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