ТОР 5 статей: Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы КАТЕГОРИИ:
MOON'S GIFT, THE (poem) by Charles Baudelaire see - THREE LITTLE POEMS IN PROSE
MOONCHILD (Liber LXXXI - 81) Mandrake Press, London HB, 1929 Dove Press/Samuel Weiser Inc., NY HB, 1970 Samuel Weiser Inc., NY PB & HB, 1st printing, December 1970 Avon Books, NY PB, 1st Edition, 1971 Avon Books, NY PB, 1st Edition, 1971 Sphere Books Ltd., London PB, 1st printing, 1972 Gordon Press, New York, HB, June 1974 Sphere Books Ltd., London PB, 2nd printing, 1974 Sphere Books Ltd., London PB, 3rd printing, 1979 Samuel Weiser Inc., ME PB, 7th printing, 1985 Buccaneer Books, Inc., HB, January 1, 1995 see - GORDON PRESS
The Necromancers, The Best of Black Magic & Witchcraft Edited by Peter Haining Taplinger Pub.Co., NY HB, 1972
Chapter Three in this book is titled The Black Lodge (pg.33) and is incorrectly portrayed as short story written by Aleister Crowley. The name is false and the piece in question is actually Chapter XIX of Moonchild which was originally titled The Grand Bewitchment.
The Magicians, The Occult in Fact and Fiction Edited by Peter Haining Taplinger Pub. Co., NY HB, 1973
Chapter Four in this book is titled An Experiment in Necromancy (pg.61) and is incorrectly portrayed as a short story written by Aleister Crowley. The name is false and the piece in question is actually Chapter XV of Moonchild.
Note: Crowley, "An account of a magical operation, particularly concerning the planet Luna, written in the form of a novel." Also known as The Butterfly Net, or simply The Net. In the Index to The Confessions on pg.944 this is incorrectly listed as Liber 86.
MOORE, NORAH see - DUELLISTS, THE, (poem) Dedicated To
MORALIST, THE (poem) for Augustus Temperance, Neptune Press, pamphlet, 1971 In the Continuum Vol.IV:10 pg.8, 1991
MORIBUND, THE (poem) Gargoyles pg.91 PB, 1906 The Collected Works Vol.III pg.103 PB, 1907
MORNING OF DISILLUSIONMENT, THE (poem) from Mysteries. Jephthah pg.172 HB, 1899
Note: This poem only appears in the original Mysteries published in Jephthah in 1899. It is not found in Mysteries when it appears in The Collected Works.
MORPHIA (poem) by A Victim (Aleister Crowley) The English Review, July 1914 Selected Poems, Edited by M. Booth pg.188 PB, 1986 The Giant's Thumb pg.299 PB, 1992
Note: Crowley, "Another poem, 'Morphia'... the psychology of the 'addict' was indubitably conferred by my illumination."... The original manuscript in the Warburg is titled Morphinomane.
MORS JANUA AMORIS (poem) The Mother's Tragedy and Other Poems, pg.80, 1901 The Collected Works Vol.I pg.175 PB, 1905 see - TEMPLE OF THE HOLY GHOST, THE
MORTADELLO (dramatic work) Or the Angel of Venice, a Comedy by Aleister Crowley Weiland, London HB, 1912 Magick Theater, CA, pamphlet, 1988 First Impressions Series No.4, [Mandrake/Holmes] Eng., PB, July 1992
MORTADELLO, A SLICE OF (From the play so named) OLLA pg.68 HB, 1946
MORT D'ADONIS (poem) from Rodin in Rime. The Collected Works Vol.III pg.122 PB, 1907 Selected Poems, Edited by M. Booth pg.147 PB, 1986
MOSCOW NIGHT'S ENTERTAINMENT, A (poem) The Giant's Thumb pg.248 PB, 1992
MOSQUE BEWITCHED, THE (poem) Konx Om Pax pg.99 HB, 1907
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