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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


These are the only ways that you can lose your job at this company.



1. Translate in to Russian

to manage the books

to verify financial reports

administrative assistant

human resources

performance appraisal

to boost sales

to release a product



certificates of deposit

insurance annuities




clock in/ out


to work in shifts

to commute

bean counters

to perform audits

corporate executives


“grunt” work

personal issues

certification of employees

sales representative

open-plan offices



performance: keep an eye on, supervise, monitor, check.

problems: solve, clear up, sort out, deal with.

profits: increase, boost, stimulate, improve.

people: manage, lead, oversee, be in charge of.



3. Complete the following sentences

  1. Accountants are needed…
  2. Accountants should be…
  3. Administrative assistants are an important part of a company…
  4. Some administrative assistants can be relied upon…
  5. Human resources professionals have a wide variety of responsibilities…
  6. Market research analysts are called…
  7. Stock brokers act…
  8. Stock brokers deal with…


4 Answer the following questions

1. Who carries out the work of a company?

2. Who leads and organizes it?

3. Where do different employees work?

4. What are accountants(administrative assistants, etc) in charge of?

5. What sort of people should they be?

6. How can they contribute to the success of the company?

7. What are the old (new) ways of working?

8. What are their advantages and disadvantages?


5 Which person (1-5) is most likely to do each of the five things (a-e)? Explain your choice.


1 A software designer in an Internet company. Has to be in the office.

2 An office worker in a large, traditional manufacturing company.

3 A manager in a department store in a large city. Lives in the country.

4 A construction worker on a building site where work goes on 24 hours a day.

5 A technical writer for a city computer company. Lives in the country.


a work in shifts

b work under a flexitime system

с telecommute

d commute to work

e clock on and off at the same time every day


6. Fill in the blanks


Manuel Ortiz is the founder of a Spanish computer sales company. Use the words from the text to complete what he says about it.

I founded Computadoras Creativas 20 years ago. We started with a small(1)________in Madrid. Our (2)______ ______, our (3)_________________is still here, but now we have sites all over Spain, with about 500 employees. Manyof the offices are (4)_____-_____: everyone works together, from managers to(5)_______________ _______, as well as people selling over the phone, and people in technical (6)__________giving help to customers over the phone. Recruitment is taken care of in Madrid, by the (7)_________ _____________ ________or (8)____.



7. Translate the sentences

Работниками компании считаются все те, кто выполняет работу компании и включен в платежную ведомость. Различныеспециалисты работают на компанию. Услуги бухгалтера нужны в любой области, т.к.он не только распоряжатся финансами, но и помогает руководству принимать правильные деловые решения. Советы опытного бухгалтера всегда очень ценны.

Успех компании во многом зависит от работы отдела кадров. Отдел кадров отвечает за прием на работу и увольнение сотрудников, за подготовку работников и осуществление связи между ними и профсоюзом. Он также дает оценку выполняемой работы и разрабатывает систему поощерений. Работники отдела кадров должны быть хорошими психологами, т.к. им приходится разрешать производственные конфликты и помогать работникам с их личными проблемами.

Компания не может обойтись без услуг маркетолога, который отбирает и анализирует данные, необходимые для сбыта товаров. Он может определить, что поможет увеличить объем продажи, и даже как покупатель оценит новый товар еще до того, как его выпустят в продажу.

Руководители компании в своей работе опираются на помощь секретарей-референтов, которые берут на себя все больше обязанностей. Им доверяют не только работу с компьютером, но и прием на работу. На них также полагаются в решении финансовых вопросов.

Если вы хотите выгодно вложить деньги, вам следует обратиться к биржевому маклеру. Он занимается акциями, облигациями,вкладными, сертификатами, страховыми взносами и другими финансовыми операциями.

Обычно сотрудники работают с 8 до5 ч., иногда им приходится регистрироваться, когда они приходят и уходят с работы. Те, кто трудится в сфере производства, работают по сменам. Они могут работать в дневную, затем в ночную смену. В некототорых компаниях у сотрудников гибкий рабочий график, в других они выполняют работу дома и связываются с офисом через интернет. Эта форма работы становится все более популярной.





3. Fill in with:

report to answer to supervise liaise with manage


Your job is to …… the six people at the front desk -you make sure they all know what they're doing and that they don't make any mistakes. You …… Simon, who's the head of customer services. He …… you and four other supervisors. He also …… the heads of the other departments so that they all know what everyone else is doing. And, of course, as I'm the boss, they all …… me.


4. Fill in with:

promote appraise demote perform train pass over


Every year we …… you -in other words, we talk to you about your work over the past year. If you're having problems, we …… you to deal with them. If you've done well, we try to …… you, although competition for the top jobs is tough so you could be …… over for promotion even if you have done well. And, of course, if you haven't …… well enough, we'll probably …… you, because in this company only the best is good enough.


5. Fill in with:

sack make redundant retire dismiss resign fire lay off



These are the only ways that you can lose your job at this company.

Employees who steal will be …….

Anyone who contradicts the boss will be …….

Salespeople who don't meet their targets will be …….

When business is bad, the laziest workers will be …….

And if the company goes bankrupt, everyone will be …….

If you don't like any of these rules, you're free to …… and find

another job.

But if nothing goes wrong, you have a job for life and you can ……

happily at the age of sixty-five.

6. List the verbs in groups of similar meaning and speak about the manager’s responsibilities.


Oversee, improve, monitor, boost, sort out, lead, deal with, stimulate, increase, be in charge of, solve, clear up, keep an eye on check supervise, manage

7. Complete the sentences with the words and expressions.


Salesman, computer programmer, legal department, chief executive officer, self-employed, personnel manager


1 I'm а …… and work in the Export Sales department. I have to find new customers for our products.

2 I'm a lawyer and work in the …… I draw up contracts and advise the company on tax legislation.

3 I'm a …… and work in the information technology department. Basically, I design software applications and make sure our website is kept up-to-date.

4 I'm the …… and work in the human resources department. I handle both staff recruitment and training.

5 I'm a management consultant and I'm ……. I advise companies on their global strategy and investment policies.

6 I'm the …… and sit on the board of directors. I'm responsible for the company's strategic objectives and translating plans into action.


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