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ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Gudmanyan A.G., Sydoruk G.I.


National Aviation University

A.G. Gudmanyan, G.I. Sydoruk



Lecture Synopsis

Kyiv 2007

УДК 811.111'25 = 161.2 (042.4)

ББК Ш143.21-77 + Ш141.14-77

G 92


Reviewed by: B.I. Kuzmenko, Dc. of philological Science, Professor, pro-rector of scientific activity and distance learning, Kyiv Slavonic University; T.E. Nekryach, Candidate of philological Science, assistant professor of the chair of theory and practice of translation from English, T. Shevchenko Kyiv national University; G.V. Chesnokova, Candidate of philological Science, assistant professor, head of the English philology chair, Kyiv national Linguistic University.



Gudmanyan A.G., Sydoruk G.I.

G 92 Basics of Translation Theory. Part II: Lecture Synopsis. – K.: NAU, 2007. – 114 p.


Lecture synopsis is compiled according to the course program. Specific problems of the translation theory are briefly covered in it. It is intended for the second year students of speciality 6.030500 “Translation”.


Ґудманян А. Ґ., Сидорук Г.І.

Вступ до перекладознавства. Частина II: Конспект лекцій (англійською мовою). – К.: НАУ, 2007. – 114 с.


Конспект лекцій укладено відповідно до програми дисмципліни. У ньому стисло викладено окремі питання теорії перекладу. Для студентів II курсу спеціальності 6.030500 „Переклад“.



УДК 811.111'25 = 161.2 (042.4)

ББК Ш143.21-77 + Ш141.14-77



© А. Ґ. Ґудманян, Г.І. Сидорук, 2007



The lecture course “Basics of Translation Theory” Part II, is the logical continuation of the lecture course under the same title, Part I, which is studied by the students of the department of linguistics of the Institute of the Humanities of the National Aviation University, speciality “Translation”.

The main goal of the second part of the lecture course is to give students basic knowledge of phonemic, lexical, grammatical and syntactical difficulties of translation. Particular attention is paid to phrasal units like idioms, with their cultural background analyzed for better linguistic insight, phrasal verbs, slang and common English phrases. We could not help but dwelling upon extra-linguistic factor and “false friends of interpreter” once again, as they truly require thorough mastering.

The lectures unfold a versatile theoretical foundation of different lexical and syntactical replacements in translation like concretization, generalization, cause-effect and antonymic translation, compensation, addition and omission. We also found it expedient to single out the issues of pragmatics of translation, context-bound and equivalent-lacking words. Collocation aspects of translation also deserve special attention.

Theoretical material is backed up by numerous examples from fiction, poetry, scientific prose, etc., provided with linguistic analysis and translation.

The course “Basics of Translation Theory” will help students distinguish linguistic phenomena, analyse them from the view-point of their translation, unmistakably identify necessary and sufficient ways of translation and make adequate translation of the stylistically dissimilar texts, correctly apply proper translational transformations. The topics proposed are diverse and promote interest, desire to investigate and excel; they develop linguistic conscience, scientific thinking, creativity and practical skills.

The lectures help to systematize and extend the knowledge gained at other practical and theoretical classes, assimilate special linguistic and translational terminology, to coordinate theory with practice.

It is foreseen that the students make notes of the basic scientific sources proposed on the subject which add to the material presented at the lectures.

При перекладі слід дошукуватися неперекладного.
Тільки тоді можна по-справжньому пізнати
інший народ, іншу мову.



LECTURE 12: Problems of Translating Idioms


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