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Grammatical Peculiarities of Idioms

The interesting fact about most of these idioms is that they can easily be identified with the familiar parts of speech. Thus some idioms are clearly verbal in nature, such as get away with, get up, work out, and turn in. It’s appropriate here to speak about phrasal verbs. The postposition they acquire makes them idiomatic. An equally large number are nominal in nature. Thus hot dog (бутерброд з гарячою сосискою, здорово!) and cool cat are nouns or noun groups. Many are “adjectives” (parts of speech in the function of adjective), as in pepper and salt meaning “black hair mixed with grey”. Many are adverbial, as the examples like the breeze “easily, without effort”, hammer and tongs “violently” (as in she ran after him hammer and tongs). These idioms which correlate with the familiar parts of speech can be called lexemic idioms.

The other most important group of idioms is of larger size. Often these idioms are an entire clause in length: fly off the handle, “lose control over oneselfрозгніватись, розлютитись”, and to blow one’s stack, “to become very angryрозгніватися”.

Here are some other idioms with the same key word:

blow high, blow low — що б там не трапилось, хоч би що там не було;

to blow cold and hotвагатися, постійно змінювати думку;

to blow one’s own trumpet [one’s own horn] — хвастати, вихвалятися; займатися саморекламою;

to blow the gaff [the gab] — проговоритися, видати секрет.

Some of the most famous ones are: to kick the bucket “to die”, to be up the creek “to be in a predicament or a dangerous position”, to be caught between the devil and deep blue sea “to have to choose between two equally unpleasant alternatives”, to seize the bull by the horns “to face the problem and deal with it squarely”. Idioms of this sort have been called tournures (from French), meaning “turns of phrases”, or simply phrasal idioms. What they have in common is that they do not readily correlate with a given grammatical part of speech and require a paraphrase longer than a word.

Their form is set and only a limited number of them can be said or written in any other way without destroying the meaning of the idiom. Many of them are completely rigid and cannot show up in any other form whatever. Consider the idiom kick the bucket, for example. In the Passive Voice, we get an unacceptable form such as the bucket has been kicked by the cowboy, which no longer means that the “cowboy died”. Rather it means that he struck a pail with his foot. Idioms of this type are regarded as completely frozen forms. Notice, however, that even this idiom can be inflected for tense, e.g., it is all right to say the cowboy kicked the bucket, the cowboy will kick the bucket, he has kicked the bucket, etc. Speakers disagree as much as do grammarians whether or not, for example, it is all right to use this idiom in the Gerund form in His kicking the bucket surprised us all. It is best to avoid this form.

There are a great number of grammatical restrictions for idioms. A large number of idioms contain a verb and a noun, but although verb may be placed in the past tense, the number of the noun can never be changed. We have spilled the beans, but not spill the bean and equally there is no fly off the handles, kick the buckets, put on good faces, blow one’s tops, etc. Similarly, with red herring the noun may be plural, but the adjective cannot be comparative (the –er form). Thus we find red herring but not redder herring.


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