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Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


Aims and objectives of discipline

The purpose of teaching: students to master professional and personal competencies that will enable the use of modern information technologies in various areas of professional activity, scientific and practical work, self-education and for other purposes. In addition to the practical purpose, the course provides academic and educational purposes, helping to expand the horizons of students, improve their general culture and education.

Teaching Problems of the discipline:

• give an idea of ​​the construction of algorithms and the use of software packages;

• give an idea of ​​the architecture of computer systems, operating systems and networks;

• familiarize yourself with the basic concepts of network development and Web applications with the basics of information security;

• explain the principles of information and communication technologies and e-learning;

• learn how to lead an independent creative search;

• explore the possibilities of modern information technology and its development trends.

Generated competence:

A. Instrumental competences. Computer literacy, knowledge of modern information and multimedia technologies in the field of ICT; skills and information management capacity: the ability to use rational methods of obtaining, converting, managing and storing information; ability, critical approach to the media; ability to analyze and synthesize; the ability to update the information in necessary situations intellectually-cognitive activity.

B. Interpersonal competence. The ability to validate and express its position on the valuable relation to the realities of social and interpersonal life. The use of telecommunications networks in the process of interpersonal relationships through e-mail, participate in newsgroups different scale and spatial distribution of the transfer and receipt of materials from various archives and databases. Ability to work in a virtual classroom with their peers from different cities and countries, participation in distance competitions and contests, which significantly increases the motivation to learn the ability to respectfully take care of the cultural traditions, tolerant perceived social and cultural differences. Ability to relate their interests with those of society. Receive special development of educational and informative, general cultural competence. Formation of information competence of students, which involves the mastery of methods and means of processing, storage and transmission of information via modern information technology, the ability to listen to empathize; develop positive communication skills, based on the principles of patriotism, citizenship and tolerance.

C. Systemic competences. Skills and ability systemic understanding of the phenomena and processes, and involves a combination of knowledge disciplines, basic knowledge in various fields. Naturally active can be organized independent activity to create its own product; ability to learn, the ability to apply this knowledge in practice; possession of the ability to overcome existing stereotypes; possession of general scientific methods of research; ability to innovate.

Understanding and ability to perceive the whole through its parts or elements; the ability to reproduce the knowledge of how the system is logically interrelated scientific concepts; the ability to analytical approach in the study of processes and phenomena: - mastery of creative skills and techniques in the field of cognitive activities: - The ability to combine theoretical knowledge with practical applications to solve specific professional problems with the use of computers: - the ability to adapt to new programs and innovations.

D. Competence discipline. ICT Classes are designed to influence the development of such subject informatsionnyh competencies as:

• Familiarity with the computer as a device to work with the information, the acquisition of technical skills to work with different devices and appliances.

• Possession of ways of working with information: search directories, search engines; the extraction of information from a variety of media; systematization, analysis and selection information; technical skills retention, deletion, copying the information; information transformation.

• Possession of skills to work with a variety of information devices (multimedia encyclopedias, textbooks elektronnye, Internet resources)

• Critical attitude towards received information, the ability to allocate the main thing, to assess the degree of certainty.

• The ability to use information and communication technologies to solve educational problems in other subjects.

Study of the main stages of development of computer technology and communication tools, concepts and structures of the information process, ways of presenting information in a computer, the composition of hardware and software, operating systems and software tools for modern computers.

As a result of the study "ICT" discipline the student will know:

- Presentation of data in computer systems;

- Based operating systems: DOS, Windows, Unix, Linux, Mac OS;

- The concept of spreadsheets and data visualization techniques with the aid of diagrams;

- Database management system;

- Database architecture, the SQL language basics, directions of development of the database;

- The basics of local area networks and wide area networks;

- The basics of social networks, their architecture and performance;

- The protection and security of information in the ICT framework, identifying concepts, authentication, access control, logging and auditing, encryption, integrity monitoring;

- Web-based, creating web pages;

- Instruments graphical presentation, the presentation of information processing, the concept of business process;

- The concept of human-computer interaction, the user interface;

- The basics of multimedia technology, audio and video tools;

- Foundations SMART-technology and cloud computing;

- The basic concepts of e-business and e-commerce, e-government and digital signature;

- The basics of distance learning and ICT development prospects.


Be able to:

- Use of information resources for finding and storing information;

- To work on any operating system;

- Handle text information;

- To work with spreadsheets, make the consolidation of data, build charts;

- Work with macros,

- Working with databases;

- Apply the methods and means of information protection;

- Create websites based on the CMS;

- To make processing of vector and bitmap images;

- To create multimedia presentations;

- Use different forms of e-learning to expand professional knowledge;

- To work with cloud services E-technologies.

have the skills to:

the use of modern information and communication technologies in professional activity.

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