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ТОР 5 статей:

Методические подходы к анализу финансового состояния предприятия

Проблема периодизации русской литературы ХХ века. Краткая характеристика второй половины ХХ века

Ценовые и неценовые факторы

Характеристика шлифовальных кругов и ее маркировка

Служебные части речи. Предлог. Союз. Частицы


IV. The content of labs

week Topics labs Number of academic hours Used visual aids, and others. The material and technical equipment Used Books, guidelines for laboratory work
  Laboratory work 1.Computation metrics productivity of computer system: speed, efficiency, energy expenses, Amdal's law, CPU time.   Interactive board, work with personal computers programs, a methodical instructions of laboratory, slides 1-2
  Lab 2Determination of properties of an operating system. Operation with files and directories.   Interactive board, work with personal computers programs, a methodical instructions of laboratory, slides 3-5
  Lab 3Components of the computer. System resources. Storage devices. Data storage. Installation of peripherals and test the operation. Work with tables, input of formulas. Creation of diagrams   Interactive board, work with personal computers programs, a methodical instructions of laboratory, slides 3-5
  Lab 4Processing of numerical information, editing formulas and creation of charts in plate editors   Interactive board, work with personal computers programs, a methodical instructions of laboratory, slides 3-5
  Lab 5.Representation of data in computer systems. Bits and bytes. Number Systems. The use of computer systems.   Interactive board, work with personal computers programs, a methodical instructions of laboratory, slides 1-5
  Lab 6 System database. Fundamentals of database management systems: concept, characteristics, architecture. Data Model. Normalization.   Interactive board, work with personal computers programs, a methodical instructions of laboratory, slides 6-7
  Lab7. Working in Microsoft Access   Interactive board, work with personal computers programs, a methodical instructions of laboratory, slides 6-7
  Laboratory work 8. Building a UTP networking cable & Connecting two computers     Interactive board, work with personal computers programs, a methodical instructions of laboratory, slides 1-2
  Laboratory work 9. Creation of a simple network configuration   Interactive board, work with personal computers programs, a methodical instructions of laboratory, slides 1-2
  Laboratory work 10. IP addressing   Interactive board, work with personal computers programs, a methodical instructions of laboratory, slides 8-10
  Laboratory work 11.Creation of video files with use of programs: HyperCam, Adobe Premiere Pro, Windows Movie Maker, etc.   Interactive board, work with personal computers programs, a methodical instructions of laboratory, slides 11-14
  Laboratory work 12.Design and creation of the presentations of lecture material, scientific reports, etc.   Interactive board, work with personal computers programs, a methodical instructions of laboratory, slides 15-17
  Laboratory work 13.Operation with services on the website of the electronic government http://egov.kz/cms/ru/government-services/for_citizen: registration of requests, obtaining counterparts of documents, etc.   Interactive board, work with personal computers programs, a methodical instructions of laboratory, slides 18-20
  Laboratory work 14.Smart Technology. Priorities for SMART Technologies.   Interactive board, work with personal computers programs, a methodical instructions of laboratory, slides 18-19
  Laboratory work 15. E-technology. E-business: basic models of e-business.   Interactive board, work with personal computers programs, a methodical instructions of laboratory, slides 11-12

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